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  • Plugin Author Devtard


    Are you 100% sure that my plugin is causing this? Have you tried deactivating all other plugins?

    I have no clue where the problem might be because APT doesn’t mess with post content or any settings, it just adds tags based on the analyzed text.

    I don’t use FW, so I would need you to record a video of your screen (or create screenshots) showing the behavior you described.

    Plugin Author Devtard


    This code will do the job:

    function apt_new_comment_tagging($post_id){
    	$article_id = get_comment($post_id);
    add_action('comment_post', 'apt_new_comment_tagging');

    The whole thing should look similar to this:

    function apt_new_comment_tagging($post_id){
    	$article_id = get_comment($post_id);
    if($apt_settings['apt_tagging_hook_type'] == 1){
    	add_action('comment_post', 'apt_new_comment_tagging');
    //	add_action('publish_post','apt_single_post_tagging'); //executes the tagging script after publishing a post
    else{ //trigger tagging when saving the post
    	add_action('save_post','apt_single_post_tagging'); //executes the tagging script after saving a post

    In this case, the post won’t be tagged when published, only when a new comment is made. (Every time someone adds a comment, the tagging function will process the post. You may want to a avoid that by adding a condition that executes the code only if no comment has been added yet.)

    Plugin Author Devtard


    It may be possible. Here is the code responsible for tagging posts when publishing or saving posts (beginning with line 343 in v1.5):

    if($apt_settings['apt_tagging_hook_type'] == 1){
    	add_action('publish_post','apt_single_post_tagging'); //executes the tagging script after publishing a post
    else{ //trigger tagging when saving the post
    	add_action('save_post','apt_single_post_tagging'); //executes the tagging script after saving a post

    Try adding a new action with the hook “comment_post” instead of “publish_post” or “save_post”. I haven’t tested it, but all you need is to pass the post ID to the function “apt_single_post_tagging” when a new comment has been added. If that hook doesn’t work, ask for help on the forums (there are people who know hooks better than me and who can find the right one).

    Plugin Author Devtard


    Hello, I’ll try to make it easier to manually change the default taxonomy in the next version 1.6.

    If you want to do it yourself, try following these steps: Although these instructions were not written for the current version, the changes should be basically the same.

    Thread Starter Devtard


    Yes, you are right again. The priority of the other plugin’s hook responsible for adding tags was 11, mine hook had the default priority (10). Now it finally works the way I want, thanks.

    Thread Starter Devtard


    You are right, deactivating all plugins should have been the first step, sorry for wasting your time.

    If anyone else encounters this issue and happens to have the plugin “Crayon Syntax Highlighter” installed, that’s where you’ll find the problem.

    But there still should be a way to remove the tags by emptying all array elements in the variable $allowedtags. It doesn’t work for the externally added tags which use the same variable, and that is strange.

    Thread Starter Devtard


    These possibilities haven’t even occured to me. Thanks!

    Thread Starter Devtard


    Well, I’ll probably have to hide the text as you suggested (which is an ugly workaround), because there doesn’t seem to be any feature that would disable the functionality of these remaining tags.

    But I’ll post a new suggestion in the Ideas section, hopefully it will be fixed in the future.

    Thread Starter Devtard


    I know about the redirection thingy, but I am not sure how it would help if I redirected the user to another page and then to the original one.

    I could pass variables in the URL that would indicate that a comment has been submitted, but what if I don’t want to alter the URL (e.g. show no parameters)? How would you solve this with redirection?

    Thread Starter Devtard


    Right, but these approaches just remove the text, but not the functionality of the tags.

    Any idea how to really get rid of the tags I mentioned in the first post?

    Thread Starter Devtard



    Plugin Author Devtard



    have you tried tagging posts written in English only? If this bug won’t affect them, then the problem is the not yet implemented support of non-latin alphabets (which is mentioned on the main page).

    Please test it and let me know the results (there is also the possibility that there might be a completely different problem). This issue should be fixed in one of the next versions.


    Plugin Author Devtard


    Readme.txt contains all information that you can see here in the plugin repository. You don’t need to look for it, because if you read everything that you can find here, you wouldn’t learn anything new (readme.txt is in the downloadable .zip file by the way).

    Here are step by step instructions (I’ll put them them on the Installation page in the next version 1.6):

    1. Install and activate the plugin.
    2. Configure the plugin (Settings -> Automatic Post Tagger).
    3. Create or import tags. (You can also add related words – when they are found in a post, the tag they are assigned to will be added.)
    4. Publish/update a post (or use the bulk tagging tool to make the script to process all posts). If tags or related words defined on the options page are found, new tags will be added.

    That’s all. You can also tweak General settings to increase the number of tags that a post can have etc.

    Are you able to make the plugin work with the instructions above or do you still need help?

    Plugin Author Devtard


    What exactly do you need to help with?

    I thought that the plugin is self-explanatory – you just have to create/import tags which will be added to your posts if they (or their related keywords) are found in the analyzed content.

    Writing a manual isn’t my thing, but I tried to explain all the features in the file readme.txt (which is being rendered here in the plugin repository) and on the options page itself – there are tooltips with descriptions of each functionality.

    Where did you get stuck?

    Plugin Author Devtard


    The latter. This plugin analyzes only post data saved in the database, nothing else.

    What exactly doesn’t work?

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