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  • Thread Starter dewijones67


    That is brilliant – worked a treat – easy really I guesss.!!

    Thank you for the advice on class and ID it makes a bit more sense now.

    Once again on behalf of both schools, thank you for your help..!

    Thread Starter dewijones67


    Hi Stvwlf,

    Thanks again for the response – I’ll look into the upgrade (hopefully its straightforward.

    I hadn’t noticed the poor position of the thanks for that, its now moved.

    I use the firefox add on your correct its really useful. My issue is I’m not an expert on the code.

    In the style.css on the Millbrook site there is already a routine called #menu. So when I added the code:

    #menu li {
    display: inline;
    align: center;

    It through the whole page below out!!

    Can you see a way round this?

    Thanks again for your help…!

    Thread Starter dewijones67


    Hi Stvwlf,

    Thanks for the response:

    It looks good – although a little (lot) daunting, were using wordpress 2.8.5. These articles suggest this funtionality is only available in wordpress 3.0 – is that correct if so – its the old school explanation I need?

    Could you give me an example of where I would add the “display: inline” to my styles sheet?

    For example:
    If I place the div id Menu code (above) within the <div id=”hd”> tag in the header.php file. I would need a #Menu tag in my style sheet (I think?). This is the code I’m struggling with, I’ve tried:

    #menu1 li {
    display: inline;
    align: center;

    Which simply threw out the rest of the page altogther – any ideas?

    Many Thanks – in advance – I think I’m really close to it just missing some vital bits…?

    Thank you – please tell me if I’ve got it all backwards – I’m no expert as you can see…!


    Thread Starter dewijones67


    Man / Woman of few words you may be but they were wise ones none the less…! found it – changed it – done…!

    Easy when you know how I guess…

    Thank you…..

    Thread Starter dewijones67


    Hello – sorry I’ve been thru the source files the only intance of content() is in the page.php file and is set up as follows:

    <div id=”content”>
    <?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
    <div class=”post” id=”post-<?php the_ID(); ?>”>
    <h1 class=”title”><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
    <div class=”entry”>
    <?php the_content(‘<p class=”serif”>Read the rest of this page »</p>’); ?>
    <?php wp_link_pages(array(‘before’ => ‘<p>Pages: ‘, ‘after’ => ‘</p>’, ‘next_or_number’ => ‘number’)); ?>
    <?php endwhile; endif; ?>
    <?php edit_post_link(‘Edit this entry.’, ‘<p>’, ‘</p>’); ?>
    <!– end content –>

    <?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/_sidebar2.php’); ?>

    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    I can’t find any reference to Excerpt in the source? The only ref to it I can find is on the Edit Post page from the dashboard but I’ve left it blank?


    Thread Starter dewijones67


    Linked fixed – again…!

    I understand the <!–more–> tag – not to sure I understand what you mean by “the_content()” and “the_excerpt()” although I can see and excerpt section there – I haven’t added to it.


    Thread Starter dewijones67


    On the front page – if you click on any of the post headings you will be taken to the post itself where you’ll see an image and some text.

    I’ve been loading them using: “Upload/Insert” or the “Insert / Edit Embedded Media” button all have the same result. I’m probably missing something obvious?


    Thread Starter dewijones67


    Thank you – with your help it certainly is – I’m very pleased – I’m sure the school will be too…!

    Running the risk of outstaying my welcome here – I’m trying to add images to posts but want to view them on the pages themselves – not have to open the post’s to view them – is there a way of doing that?

    Thread Starter dewijones67


    Nice one – I see where I’m going wrong now…! Once again thank you for your help – you really know your stuff…!


    Thread Starter dewijones67


    Hello and sorry for yet another question…..

    The above has worked perfectly….

    I have a whole knew issue now though – when I post content to the site the images / video does not show I am given a warning:

    Server Error – 404 – File or directory not found.The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

    But when I click on edit I can see the text / image / video?

    Any ideas why its not showing?

    thank you..

    Thread Starter dewijones67


    That is brilliant and a lot easier to use.

    The 2nd part allows me to be selective with the links I want on the Menu Bar and in the Side Bars…!

    Thanks again – I may well come back with more questions later…!


    Thread Starter dewijones67


    Hello – I’m really hoping this is still being watched…?

    The issue this time is the Menu Bar has a number of links on it – how do I make these links external (other than my site) rather than internal?
    Wordpress only seems to allow them to be subdirectories of the above address (Permalinks??).

    Is there a way of altering the code to make them external?

    Many Thanks Experts….


    Just fixed it – I deactivated a plugin:

    Ozh & ?COLOURlovers Admin CSS Designer

    and it reappeared – all the advice say to check the plug ins and as usual they are spot on – well it worked for me anyhow..!

    Not sure if its the same issue as your having but my dashboard was working just fine – now every time I type in “/wp-admin” after the url I get the error message “500 – Internal server error.”

    Occasionaly I get presented with the login page once I log in as admin I get the same error message.

    I too am using 2.8 – not sure why the sudden failure – any ideas?

    Thanks in advance…..

    Thread Starter dewijones67


    That’s excellent – easy when you know how I guess – Thanks very much for all your help, hard work and patience. You have been very helpful, I have learned much.

    The same to you Alchymyth this has been invaluable. The school would be grateful too.

    All the best,

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