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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Community Tags] any documentation available?There’s a bit of instructions there,
https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/community-tags/installation/I don’t know if it works tho. I am looking for this functionality, to let users submit tags. Anyone using this?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Tag This] [TagThis!] Does not work in WP 2.7?Anyone come to a better solution?
Still trying to get this to work – the community tagging idea. Doesn’t seem that crazy really, a lot of sites have it now (not WordPress sites, but like YouTube etc)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Add custom field to each posthttps://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/custom-field-template/
it has the checkbox list feature now
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Add custom field to each postThe shortcode method, I believe, is for displaying the value inside the post (in the post content).
The more traditional way is to use WordPress codes – such as
– to call in your custom fields within your theme’s templates, but outside the body of the post. Doing this, no one does anything special to “display” the fields when you write a post. Just fill in the custom fields (fill in the email box of Custom Fields Templates), and it will appear where-ever you have placedthe_meta
Note that the_meta displays all Key-Value combinations.
Email –
Phone –
Thumbnail image –
etc.If you just want to display a particular one, then consult the specific codes in the links MichaelH gave, or try another plugin: Get Custom Fields plugin.
Replace the function that calls this plugin, with this updated version:
<!-- Start AWSOM News Announcement Block --> <div id="announcement"> <?php if (function_exists('display_my_news_announcement')) { display_my_news_announcement(0); } ?> </div> <!-- End AWSOM News Announcement Block -->
The thing added in the latest version is the (0)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Custom Field QueryTry the answer Otto42 gives in this thread,
https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/161154?replies=10Or try searching google for custom fields query two keys
I am trying to get the results for entries in the table that have a meta_key of state, a meta_key of city, a meta_value of washington, and a meta_value of Seattle….
The problem is that a meta_key can’t have a value of both “state” and “city”…the same problem exists for meta_value.
That part of your question is confusing. I would think you don’t have anything with a value of “city” or a value of “state”, those sound like keys not values.
I think what you’re trying to get is a list of posts with (KEY=State & VALUE=Washington), plus, (KEY=City & VALUE=Seattle). That is do-able.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Flutter and Flash 10@krazyken “Totally frustrating and embarrassing to my client.”
Flutter plugin does not seem production-ready for critical projects like clients. I have used it for testing only and experienced extreme bugs so I decided not to use it in live projects. You find it is your only option to achieve what you need to do?
On the other hand, if the frequency of fatal errors declines then I would like to retest the promised functionality, so I’m pulling for the makers to eventually finish this massive undertaking of a plugin concept. To their credit they seem to release a lot of updates, and evidently continue to work on the bugs.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: AccessibilityThey did fairly major backend-user-interface testing, polling, and managed improvements for WP 2.7. I’m pretty sure accessibility was one of their criteria but didn’t seem to be the #1 guiding principle. See
https://www.ads-software.com/development/category/ui/Do you find the Dashboard to be less than accessible? What flavors of accessibility are you looking for?
Some things can be accomplished with plugins, or Admin color schemes. For example if you need higher contrast or larger fonts.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Stripping WordPress link and theme link from a siteIn terms of WP, it’s no problem. WordPress is meant to be used for putting what you want on the web & does not (should not) force you to display any particular content whatsoever.
That’s why it is very weird that recent versions of WP have hidden the “Generated By WordPress Version #” deep in the code where it is harder to remove it from your header. That line used to be simply in the header.php of the Default template. Now it’s called in from the wp_header core code. They’ve mechanically made it so most people don’t (don’t know how to) remove it, but there is no licensing requirement for you to leave it there. It can be removed, and other threads on this forum and elsewhere tell you how, if you wish to do it. There are plenty of legit reasons to remove it, including security and privacy.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: How Can I Include A Site Glossary?WP-Snap plugin can be helpful
Especially if you have made each Glossary word as an individual Post in the Glossary category, and the title of each post there is the “word” or term from your glossary. Then WP-Snap can make a nice index and show them all in alphabetical order, linking to each post / definition.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do I add an AD to my blog?Use this code, and replace the URL for the advertiser’s site, and the URL for the JPG graphic of the ad graphic.
<a href="https://link-to-advertisers-site"><img alt="This is an Ad for the Company" src="https://yoursite.com/images/your-ad-graphic.jpg"></a>
You could put it in your theme’s template sidebar.php for example.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Removing comment-field from specific pagesOr, I think another way that also could work, get something like the RunPHP plugin
https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/runphp/Then you should be able to put the template tag function code
<?php comments_template(); ?>
right into the body content of your Page (for example probably the last line of your page).Instead of putting it in the template
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Exec-PHP] Be Careful !Sounds sketchy.
I have used Run PHP plugin in the past, it worked for me then, I think it does a similar thing as Exec PHP.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Very new…Where can I get content?If the video on YouTube allows embedding, you can embed in your blog. It is as simple as copy-paste the “Embed This Video” link that YouTube gives you. The video owner / uploader has the choice to disable embedding if they don’t want you to be able to do this.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Some advice on design and question about categories.You got it. That’s what WP is for. Sounds like a perfect match.