Forum Replies Created
Hello @duisterdenhaag, I’m sorry for the trouble!
We have this fixed in EDD 3.0 but since it’s not released yet we are going to apply the fix to 2.11.5.
Hi @trisham ! While we do not normally provide assistance with custom code, this should point you in the right direction.
You should be able to run his existing function on the edd_downloads_excerpt filter, which just has the $excerpt (text) as its only parameter. For example:
add_filter( 'edd_downloads_excerpt', 'improved_trim_excerpt' );
You may also want to remove the core EDD filter that’s run on that same filter:
remove_filter( 'edd_downloads_excerpt', 'edd_downloads_default_excerpt' );
Hope that helps!
Hello @siven111, the Auto Register extension contains files to translate the extension specific text. See this document on how to translate: https://docs.easydigitaldownloads.com/article/1009-easy-digital-downloads-in-your-own-language#translating-ext
Hi @juliepokorna. You can either have the daughter purchase the product. Once purchased, you change the customer in the order details (Downloads > Payment History > View Order Details) from the daughter to the mom.
Or, you could request payment outside of EDD and use a free Discount Code to either give to the mom or use on behalf of the mom.
Hope that helps!
Hi @crispaor, WordPress strips out the HTML from the excerpt field, so HTML will not work.
Hi @eneyen, since you are using Astra, I would suggest reviewing this Astra doc which helps with configuring a product page: https://wpastra.com/docs/edd-integration-overview-astra-theme/
Hello @b2olakeh55 I followed up via your support ticket. If you are still having issues with subscriptions, please respond so we can resolve this as quickly as possible.
Because this issue is related to a paid extension and a support ticket was opened, we’ll be changing the status to resolved.
If anyone has further questions you can head over to our support page to submit your request if it is related to one of our available extensions
Hi @bilgi25
You can limit the number of downloads and the link expiration under Downloads > Settings > Misc > File Downloads.
You can lock downloads to IP using this extension: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/easy-digital-downloads-lock-downloads-to-ip/
Hope that helps!
Hello @aglig !
Thanks for your questions.
1. Yes, you can create a customer account area which provides a purchase history, access to files and purchase receipts/invoices: https://docs.easydigitaldownloads.com/article/234-creating-a-customer-account-page
2. Downloads are available via the account page and email receipt. You can provide custom documents to customers via the same places with the Custom Deliverables extension: https://easydigitaldownloads.com/downloads/custom-deliverables/
3. Customers can only upload files via the checkout page upon purchase with Checkout Fields Manager or Upload File extensions:
https://easydigitaldownloads.com/downloads/edd-upload-file/Please let us know if you have any other questions!
Hey @dannycooper, it’s possible an account already exists. Please review this doc to confirm you haven’t hit one of these scenarios: https://docs.easydigitaldownloads.com/article/1926-login-to-complete-payment
Hello @scottbekke ! This forum is specific to EDD core. Please head over to our support page to submit your request and we’ll be happy to help.
Note: Support is limited to paying customers.
Hello @qph9697! We do have some updates to schema in EDD 3.0 (currently under development) which should address what you are seeing.
To disable the EDD schema, please try the code in this document and see if that works: https://docs.easydigitaldownloads.com/article/2108-schema-support-in-easy-digital-downloads
Hello @samanp ! Thanks for making us aware of this. Out developers are investigating but could you also open a support ticket with us, along with a system info file (go to Downloads → Tools → System Info)?
Hi @erfanmhd! The EDD plugin author and development team no longer provide support here. Please head over to our support page to submit your request. Note: Support is limited to paying customers.
The EDD plugin author and development team no longer provide support here. The members of the EDD community are encouraged to continue utilizing this area to ask questions and support one another.
You’re also welcome to review our comprehensive documentation for answers to common issues and setup instructions.