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  • Thread Starter dgroos


    Hi @maxaud! I just updated the plugin and there were no issues in network activation! Thanks! This is really cool and am looking forward to exploring. The implementation of togetherjs is smoothly done. I’ll rate the plugin now. BTW, you may want to know, the first time I clicked on the “Collaborate” button in the upper right hand corner, I got this message:

    Your friend has asked you to join their Collaborate browser session to collaborate in real-time!

    Would you like to join their session?

    and that threw me for a moment as that isn’t what happened–I asked myself! Not sure if this is a generic togetherjs message or not but thought you would want to know. Thanks for your work!

    Thread Starter dgroos


    Hi Andrea_r

    This last tip is a good one to know.

    I’ve worked so many hours on problem solving I just wanted to get my site up and running. Since I have a new site and new database and they are WORKING I decided to bite the bullet and just reset the whole multi-site thing up and leave the above messed up site to the side.

    My new sites work beautifully, I’ve got 140 student users added and divided up between 5 sub-sites, I’ve got the incredible ‘knowledge building’ plugin installed and working, I can’t wait to let my students on this setup. Again, thanks for your help and I hope I won’t need it again for months! Good luck in your efforts!


    Thread Starter dgroos


    I’d hoped there was a way to just import it.
    Will give this a try.
    Again, thanks.

    Thread Starter dgroos


    As described on: I created a new wp 3.0.1 install with a new database and multisites enabled.

    Since there is some unknown issue with the wp install and/or database as described in the posts above on this current page, I’m not sure exactly how I want to do the import of the old database into the new site. Both this old database from the above, mis-functioning site and the database from the new wp 3.0.1 install are managed via phpmyadmin on the same server.

    So, my question is, which instructions on this page: related to what I want to do?


    Thread Starter dgroos


    I threw salt over my left shoulder, deleted the old database, and instead of copying and pasting what you wrote I dragged and dropped it directly into the ssh/nano window of the file and… it worked!:D

    Not sure what all did it so, songdogtech, Andrea_r and ipstenu, Thanks much for your help! I’ve got a functioning site which I’m about to back up. After which, I’m going to try to import in my old site as per Andrea_r recommendation here.


    Just kidding about the salt over the left shoulder. It was the right one ??

    Thread Starter dgroos


    Hi Andrea,

    I assume mod_rewrite is enabled on the server since I had a multi-site wp 3.0.1 functioning on it before…

    I have to ‘sudo’ to do any work on the server. I changed chmod to 666 and chown to (33:33) to obtain what appear to be proper owner/group, at least that’s the ownership on basically everything in the wp install.

    Thread Starter dgroos


    I’m accessing the webpage via most recent firefox on my mac. The server is the districts redhat linux, I’m doing all text editing via ssh with nano. This same install has been running a wordpress 3.0.1 site.

    So, I copied the code that was generated for me in firefox web page and pasted that directly (not using TextEdit) into the terminal running nano.

    Thanks for engaging this issue songdogtech!

    Thread Starter dgroos


    Perhaps I should add my .htaccess file content:

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /blog/
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
    # uploaded files
    RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?files/(.+)
    wp-includes/ms-files.php?file=$2 [L]
    # add a trailing slash to /wp-admin
    RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?wp-admin$ $1wp-admin/ [R=301,L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
    RewriteRule ^ - [L]
    RewriteRule  ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?(wp-(content|admin|includes).*) $2 [L]
    RewriteRule  ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?(.*\.php)$ $2 [L]
    RewriteRule . index.php [L]


    Thread Starter dgroos


    I ‘checked the database’ with phpmyadmin and nothing stood out–not sure what to check…

    Andrea, when you say,
    … just reinstall it. Do you mean simply doing a reinstall of wordpress 3.0.1 from the reinstall page (I did this and didn’t help). or are you saying create a new database and a new install and importing in the data? Technology–great when it works…

    Thanks again

    Thread Starter dgroos


    Did you check the db like ron suggested?

    Check database? I think that means check one of the following files, right? Which one? Do I just open it with a text editor?
    I’ve located wp_site:
    and likewise my wp_blog:
    Please link me to a page that explains what you mean about ‘checking the db’.

    Did you disable all your plugins, including any in the mu-plugins folder?

    I don’t know how to disable a plugin if it isn’t on my plugins page at the root level of my site.

    Also, go look at the Edit page for any other sub site. Is it correct?

    —I’ve got 1 root site and 9 sub sites.
    —When I click on the ‘edit’ button to get to each of those 10 sites, the all properly say at the very top: “Edit Site –” for whatever site it is. This example is at the sub-site called /teachers.
    —Looking at the Siteurl on each of the 9 sub-site edit pages, I see that on 7 of them it lists the root site, and on 2 of them it lists the proper site!!! But even when I try to add a new post on one of these 2 sub-sites, the post always goes to the root level blog. Thanks for your continued help!

    Thread Starter dgroos


    Any other ideas or links? I really need students to use the sites but they can’t…

    Thread Starter dgroos



    Thread Starter dgroos


    Thanks for explaining how the siteurl works. I’m using the 2010 theme. I did try to upload a new picture last year but didn’t succeed. Wonder if I should try another theme – which might be a standard one?

    I don’t have a DOMAIN_CURRENT_PATH in my wp-config.php file.

    This is what I have:
    $base = ‘/wpblogs/’;
    define(‘DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘’ );
    define(‘PATH_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘/wpblogs/’ );
    define(‘SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE’, 1);
    define(‘BLOGID_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘1’ );

    In case this is useful, here’s my wp-config file:

    I’ve located wp_site:
    and likewise my wp_blog:

    I’m not sure which of these to check or exactly how I would check them?

    THANKS Andrea and Ron for your help.

    Thread Starter dgroos


    The results described in the first post are with all plugins deactivated and cache/cookies emptied. Unless there is a separate page I don’t know about for mu-plugins?

    The mu and the wp3 folders are installed in the same folder on the server: /var/www/html/:
    drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Aug 22 13:43 .
    drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 Apr 19 2010 ..
    -rw-r–r– 1 root root 79 Jun 23 07:12 index.html
    drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Mar 3 2010 wordpress-mu
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Aug 22 13:43 wp09
    drwxr-xr-x 5 apache wpgroup 4096 Nov 16 22:03 wpblogs

    Our district senior web engineer installed mu first last year–I don’t think I ever used that. When wp 3 came out he created a new install for that. He had been experimenting with various AD authentication schemes but was never able to get them to work and I needed to get going using this great software with my students. As mentioned, I have deactivated all plugins, including those LDAP/AD plugins.

    Thanks for your help,

    Thread Starter dgroos


    My /var/www/html/wpblogs/wp-config.php says:
    $base = ‘/wpblogs/’;

    Thanks for such a quick reply!

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