OK, I’m sorry and embarrased to say I’ve worked almost all day getting the exhibit 1.1d plugin working and I still have three problems:
1. When I try to upload a file I get zero errors and no file in my wordpress/images/ directory. On the first try the process did create a t/ subdirectory though. This isn’t a huge deal because I can scp the files to the appropriate directory. It’s just an annoyance.
2. I can’t generate thumbnails. I get an error that imagecreatetruecolor(): requires GD 2.0. I am running Linux 7.3 and PHP 4.1.2. Running phpinfo says I’ve got GD 1.6.2 or higher with all image formats enabled. Can anyone point me to a good resource, tutorial on UPGRADING PHP or upgrading GD? Everything I find is about installing a fresh PHP install.
3. The biggest problem: When I click on the posting I get the following error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: array_chunk() in /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/exhibitimg/exhibit10p.php on line 475
Thanks in advance for any help you could provide!