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  • Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Another comp

    To prevent problems, I first deactivated all plugins on the 1.2.2 site, removed the files, copied the new ones and ran upgrade.

    I wish I were always that careful!

    Oh, and hey, NuclearMoose…


    Any speculation on whether we’ll see deltas? Or are you all close to “rho kappas”? It’s looking so rock solid and honestly has been since just before the switch from 1.3 to 1.5 versioning.

    The developers rock….

    I downloaded the 2005-02-06 1.5 gamma and have it installed in my test blog. It’s running fine, but


    still reports 1.5-alpha-6 so I’m thinking there must be something borked in my set up again.

    The wp-includes/version.php file shows:

    1.5-gamma 2005-02-06

    Which to trust… ? ??

    Are you using 1.2.x or one of the 1.5 betas?

    In 1.2.x, open the index.php file with your favorite text editor and search for

    <div id="menu">

    This is where your sidebar menu code begins. Looking through the subsequent code, you’ll find:

    <li id="categories"><?php _e('Categories:'); ?>
    <?php wp_list_cats(); ?>

    as well as:

    <?php get_links_list(); ?>

    Move the one above the other (or into whatever order you want) and that should do it.

    If you’re using one of the betas of 1.5, then make a similar change in the sidebar.php file

    In 1.2.x, how do I change the password of a user who’s forgotten his/her password? I can do it directly in mysql, and that’s what I’ve done for this one case, but in 1.3betas there is UI to do this and on the one machine I run that’s still running 1.2.x, I’m having a hard time believing there is no UI for it so I must have borked something…

    I tend to grab the nightlies, well, late at night, and I often don’t remember which nightly I’m running in which location (ie., I’m a dumb shit). Is there a way to discover the build date somewhere in the files themselves?

    Thread Starter dherren


    Also, since we are being pedantic, "priviledges" is spelled "privileges"; trivial I know, but it grates on my ears. :)

    Thread Starter dherren


    Thanks Minna!
    Just a clarification for those who may read this later. The id to edit is in fact:
    #categorydiv div
    and you want to change the default height of 23 em to something larger. In my case 35 was sufficient to display all the categories without generating the scroller.

    The above is actually my post–my bad–forgot to log in before posting…

    You can do this just by manipulation the query string if you know the author ID. It shouldn’t be too hard to generate a pop-up menu with all authors listed that generates the appropriate query string in the URL.
    The index.php query string should be in this format:
    where ‘x’ is the author ID.
    This will show ALL the posts by that author.
    Take a look at:

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Moderation of news

    Any speculation on how long until 1.3 hits the streets? The user level 1 moderation feature is one I’ll need for a new server we just got funded for.

    Forum: Requests and Feedback
    In reply to: User levels

    Is there any chance that someone with more knowledge of the source than I could post a list (or update the wiki) of the places where user_level is tested and permissions granted for various things?
    I’ve looked at the wiki on user levels, and not only is it partially incorrect (mentioning something like ‘teams’ which I’ve never seen on my 1.2 system), but it doesn’t mention where these permissions are set.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Multi Users?

    If I uncheck Any registered member can publish articles what happens then? Can they write and article which goes into a moderation queue?
    I’d love to be able to allow some students to post articles about school events, but always have their posts moderated.
    While we’re on the subject, is there a way to toss articles into a moderation queue if any of the spam words in the comments area are found in the article?

    Thread Starter dherren


    OK, so the code above is working and my CSS now styles it in a way I’m at least temporarily happy with. However,
    <?php posts_nav_link() ?>
    generates only a ‘next page’ / ‘previous page’. Is there a tweak for adding “first page” / “last page” as well?

    Thread Starter dherren


    Thanks Cypher.
    > You’ve probably set the Paging option correctly in the Options section. You just need to find the right place for the posts_nav_link code in your index.php. Try to do it out “The Loop” and you’ll get it in the right place.
    After some trial and effort, putting it outside of any number of loops, it would appear to finally be working!
    Now to make it look better instead of the default typeface, alignment, etc…

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