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  • Thread Starter dhoch14


    Self awarenesswolf here. The solution is to make the sub-category the “primary” and boom.

    Thread Starter dhoch14


    I was trying to use your plugin to create a gallery. Unfortunately, the gallery shows vertical and not horizontal. I disable the plugin temporarily to debug.

    Do you have any CSS that makes the gallery responsive and horizontal?

    Thread Starter dhoch14


    I’m an idiot.

    Thanks. ??

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Media from FTP] 0% loading
    Thread Starter dhoch14


    Fixed it. Deleted plugin and reinstalled.

    Thread Starter dhoch14


    No. I was in Chrome. It seems like other people may be experiencing this issue as well.

    Thread Starter dhoch14


    Akismet Anti-Spam (akismet) – Version 4.1.2 Active
    Bloom (bloom) – Version 1.3.10 Active
    Contact Form by BestWebSoft (contact-form-plugin) – Version 4.1.5 Active
    Envato Market (envato-market) – Version 2.0.1 Active
    Featured Images in RSS for Mailchimp & Other Email (featured-images-for-rss-feeds) – Version 1.5.2 Active
    Health Check & Troubleshooting (health-check) – Version 1.3.2 Active
    Insert Headers and Footers (insert-headers-and-footers) – Version 1.4.4 Active
    Mediavine Control Panel (mediavine-control-panel) – Version 2.1.2 Active
    Meks Easy Ads Widget (meks-easy-ads-widget) – Version 2.0.4 Active
    Meks Easy Instagram Widget (meks-easy-instagram-widget) – Version 1.0.5 Active
    Meks Easy Social Share (meks-easy-social-share) – Version 1.2.1 Active
    Meks Flexible Shortcodes (meks-flexible-shortcodes) – Version 1.3.1 Active
    Meks Smart Author Widget (meks-smart-author-widget) – Version 1.1.1 Active
    Meks Time Ago (meks-time-ago) – Version 1.1.5 Active
    Optimum Gravatar Cache (optimum-gravatar-cache) – Version 1.4.5 Active
    Redux Framework (redux-framework) – Version 3.6.15 Active
    Revive Old Posts (tweet-old-post) – Version 8.3.4 Active
    Schema & Structured Data for WP (schema-and-structured-data-for-wp) – Version Inactive
    SEMrush SEO Writing Assistant (semrush-seo-writing-assistant) – Version 1.0.4 Active
    Smush (wp-smushit) – Version Active
    The GDPR Framework (gdpr-framework) – Version 1.0.31 Active
    Trawell Buddy (trawell-buddy) – Version 1.0 Active
    UpdraftPlus – Backup/Restore (updraftplus) – Version 1.16.16 Active
    Wordfence Security (wordfence) – Version 7.3.5 Active
    WP Product Review Lite (wp-product-review) – Version 3.7.0 Active
    WP Recipe Maker (wp-recipe-maker) – Version 5.3.3 Active
    WP Rocket (wp-rocket) – Version 3.3.6 Active
    WP Rollback (wp-rollback) – Version 1.6 Active
    Yoast SEO (wordpress-seo) – Version 11.7 Active

    Thread Starter dhoch14


    1. Can you tell me which version of the plugin you are using? Issue occurs even if rolling back to 1.8.5.

    2. Is it Yoast free or pro?


    3. Can you export the yoast settings and share? so that I can try to create it on my end?

    ; These are settings for the Yoast SEO plugin by

    ms_defaults_set =
    version = “11.7”
    disableadvanced_meta = 1
    onpage_indexability = 1
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    first_activated_on = 1562663346
    myyoast-oauth =
    website_name = “”
    alternate_website_name = “”
    company_logo = “”
    company_name = “Long Haul Trekkers”
    company_or_person = “company”
    person_name = “”

    title_test = 0
    forcerewritetitle =
    separator = “sc-dash”
    title-home-wpseo = “%%sitename%% %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitedesc%%”
    title-author-wpseo = “%%name%%, Author at %%sitename%% %%page%%”
    title-archive-wpseo = “%%date%% %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitename%%”
    title-search-wpseo = “You searched for %%searchphrase%% %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitename%%”
    title-404-wpseo = “Page not found %%sep%% %%sitename%%”
    metadesc-home-wpseo = “”
    metadesc-author-wpseo = “Adventure and Traveling with a Dog. %%name%%, Author at %%sitename%% %%page%%”
    metadesc-archive-wpseo = “Adventure Travel with a Dog. %%date%% %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitename%%”
    rssbefore = “”
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    noindex-author-wpseo =
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    noindex-archive-wpseo = 1
    disable-author =
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    disable-post_format =
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    is-media-purge-relevant =
    breadcrumbs-404crumb = “Error 404: Page not found”
    breadcrumbs-display-blog-page =
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    breadcrumbs-archiveprefix = “Archives for”
    breadcrumbs-enable = 1
    breadcrumbs-home = “Home”
    breadcrumbs-prefix = “”
    breadcrumbs-searchprefix = “You searched for”
    breadcrumbs-sep = “?”
    website_name = “”
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    company_logo_id = 4984
    company_name = “Long Haul Trekkers”
    company_or_person = “company”
    company_or_person_user_id =
    stripcategorybase =
    title-post = “%%title%% %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitename%%”
    metadesc-post = “”
    noindex-post =
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    post_types-post-maintax = “category”
    title-page = “%%title%% %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitename%%”
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    title-tax-category = “%%term_title%% Archives %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitename%%”
    metadesc-tax-category = “Adventure and Traveling with a Dog. Category %%term_title%% Archives %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitename%%”
    display-metabox-tax-category = 1
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    metadesc-tax-post_tag = “Adventure Travel with a Dog. Tag %%term_title%% Archives %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitename%%”
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    metadesc-tax-post_format = “Adventure Travel with a Dog. %%term_title%% Archives %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitename%%”
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    facebook_site = “”
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    fbadminapp = “273728123063367”

    Thread Starter dhoch14


    Hi there,

    I’ve deactivated your plugin and it fixed the problem. I’ve worked with Yoast on this as well and they’ve confirmed it’s not them. It appears to be something in your code that’s calling a Yoast hook.

    At this point, I’m actively looking for alternatives to your plugin as I submitted this ticket 3 days ago and you’re pushing the issue off to Yoast.

    Thread Starter dhoch14


    Can you please make sure you’re running the latest version of WordPress v5.2.2 and the plugins Yoast SEO v11.6 and Schema & Structured Data for WP v1.8.9.1?


    Can you please confirm that the error still occurs when Yoast SEO and Schema & Structured Data for WP are the only plugins active on your website and your theme is on Twenty Nineteen?


    If you get the error in the above scenario, can you please describe the exact steps needed to reproduce the error? Is there any setting in the Schema & Structured Data for WP that triggers the error?

    If I go to this page: the page never loads. Eventually a time out 500 error occurs.

    Following. Similar error.

    11.6 took down some of my pages with 500 errors. I temporarily disabled the directory “…/wp-content/plugins/WordPress-seo” by appending an “X” to the directly name, then enabled it. I can confirm that 11.6 sucks.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by dhoch14.

    Debug report:

    Fatal error: Uncaught ReflectionException: Class Codelight\GDPR\Modules\WooCommerce\WooCommerce does not exist in wp-content/plugins/gdpr-framework/vendor/illuminate/container/Container.php:729 Stack trace: #0 /wp-content/plugins/gdpr-framework/vendor/illuminate/container/Container.php(729): ReflectionClass->__construct(‘Codelight\\GDPR\\…’) #1 wp-content/plugins/gdpr-framework/vendor/illuminate/container/Container.php(608): Illuminate\Container\Container->build(‘Codelight\\GDPR\\…’) #2 /wp-content/plugins/gdpr-framework/vendor/illuminate/container/Container.php(575): Illuminate\Container\Container->resolve(‘Codelight\\GDPR\\…’) #3 wp-content/plugins/gdpr-framework/src/Setup.php(109): Illuminate\Container\Container->make(‘Codelight\\GDPR\\…’) #4 /plugins/gdpr-framework/src/Setup.php(40): Codeli in plugins/gdpr-framework/vendor/illuminate/container/Container.php on line 729

    I’m in the club. Can we get an update Adhmed on the situation? Should we roll back?

    Same with me. I’m guessing there are plenty of support tickets coming in for this one. I’d like to imagine a quick update will be out to fix things, otherwise, I’m rolling back.

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