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  • Thread Starter digiroutes


    thank you for getting back to me .. fantastic support! I’ve managed to fix it myself by trawling through the support for a previous thread similar to the issue I’ve had. I changed this
    authors_list only_author=”yes”
    to this authors_list roles=”author”
    And it worked!
    Great plugin .. thank you!

    Thread Starter digiroutes


    Thanks you for your support .. it really is very much appreciated. The issue I have now is that it is showing ALL users .. not just authors now.
    [authors_list only_authors=”yes” skip_empty=”no” style=”3″ columns=”4″ amount=”90″ avatar_size=”200″ show_bio=”no” show_count=”no” show_link=”no”]

    Any advice again is very appreciated
    thank you

    Thread Starter digiroutes


    Ah thank you for your feedback … yes I sent it to a developer I had been working with who had installed SearchWP plugin and addons for authors so they were searchable and seemingly once he deactivated them they came back ?? However, I wonder if you know how we can fix the fact that only authors with posts display and we would like all authors to display irrespective if they have any posts or not. It’s to encourage those authors that have not yet added posts to do so.
    many thanks in advance .. it’s a great little plugin!

    Thread Starter digiroutes


    Thank you Garret – I confirm I have updated wordpress, am running the latest version of the Business Directory Plugin and using 2020 theme and the error messages are the same.

    So I updated the Business Directory Plugin today and a message came up to say that it needed a manual upgrade as per this page

    When I click on the manual upgrade it automatically comes up with this error message
    Notice: Undefined property: WPBDP::$admin in /home/lossiemouth/ on line 460

    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_menu() on null in /home/lossiemouth/ Stack trace: #0 /home/lossiemouth/ WPBDP_Admin_Pages::get_content_tabs() #1 /home/lossiemouth/ WPBDP_Admin_Pages::show_tabs(Array) #2 /home/lossiemouth/ wpbdp_admin_header(Array) #3 /home/lossiemouth/ WPBDP__Manual_Upgrade_Helper->upgrade_page(”) #4 /home/lossiemouth/ WP_Hook->apply_filters(”, Array) #5 /home/lossiemouth/ WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #6 / in /home/lossiemouth/ on line 460

    There has been a critical error on this website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions.`

    The rest of the website is working fine .. just the Business Directory Plugin that is not working because of this critical error.

    Any help appreciated

    Thread Starter digiroutes


    Yes would like the small panromamic images to span 2 columns instead of one .. is that possible?

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