Hi, I found the solution myself.
I’ve downloaded the database and found out that TheCartPress stores the sku as a custom field in postmeta table.
I’ve came across how to add custom fields to search results and I did.
You need to modify fuctions.php with the following code:
add_filter('posts_where', 'advanced_search_query' );
function advanced_search_query( $where )
if( is_search() ) {
global $wpdb;
$query = get_search_query();
$query = like_escape( $query );
// include postmeta in search
$where .=" OR {$wpdb->posts}.ID IN (SELECT {$wpdb->postmeta}.post_id FROM {$wpdb->posts}, {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE {$wpdb->postmeta}.meta_key = 'tcp_sku' AND {$wpdb->postmeta}.meta_value LIKE '%$query%' AND {$wpdb->posts}.ID = {$wpdb->postmeta}.post_id)";
return $where;
Hope that will help somebody else