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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Customer Reviews for WooCommerce] Many ErrorsTried another browser with a VPN new IP. The same issues persist, no ability to submit reviews.
Someone needs to come into the dashboard and see.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Customer Reviews for WooCommerce] Many ErrorsAdd review doesn’t work for myself or any of my partners testing it, I also havnt had anything from customers, they only submit through the email review requests.
Examples of weird formatting.
Screenshots, and pair them with the example urls posted at the top of this thread to inspect them yourself.
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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Customer Reviews for WooCommerce] Many ErrorsHow are you getting these reviews to go through? When I test them, nothing happens, nothing submits. I’m only getting reviews from the email reminders, no customers can review items directly from the product page.
Also the button formatting and review submission forms are different from product to product.
Please advise.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Customer Reviews for WooCommerce] Many ErrorsDid you read or look at any of the example pictures/url I posted. What you suggested is not the problem.
The submit a review button is bugged, it will not submit a review when you press it, its visual representation is bugged as well.
Checking the box you suggested didnt solve any of the issues.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] WooCommerce tax not being applied at checkoutClose the ticket, issues is fixed. There was a bug within standard tax rates.
The goal here was to get my stores taxes working again without the use of Jetpack and Woo auto taxes & shipping plugin. Taxes worked (barely) with Jetpack and Woo auto taxes & shipping plugin but I didn’t want the extra load of Jetpack on my site, I was using it simply because its the only way I could get taxes to work at all. And it was charging my customers double tax on shipping.
The solution below is without any tax plugins and base Woo tax with “charge tax based on customers shipping address setting”.
How to fix: WooCommerce > Status > Tools > Delete WooCommerce tax rates > Clear Transients
Then re-upload your tax sheet or manually implement a new one.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] WooCommerce tax not being applied at checkoutHi thanks for the reply.
Unfortunately testing things on your site isn’t going to solve issues on my site.
“In your tax rate settings under?WooCommerce > Settings > Tax, there is a checkbox to?apply the tax?to calculate on shipping fees (I can see that in your case it is checked):” I have unchecked all the boxes and it does nothing, tax is still applied to shipping.
I have a staging site. And yes I agree disabling all my plugins and switching to default theme would probably fix my issue. But what’s the point, my site would be destroyed, it would not function, and I would have to rebuild the entire thing?
I have now enabled Jetpack & Woo auto tax, taxes work… they’re double charging on shipping though. Canada Post plugin already includes tax on the shipping it charges my customers, and then WooCommerce adds its tax on top of that…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] WooCommerce tax not being applied at checkoutGo ahead and close this ticket. The issue is not fixed, but this thread isn’t going anywhere. I’ve talked to other support as well and they have no answer. I see a lot of tax error tickets go un-fixed in the forums.
Another issue is that there is no option to exclude charging tax on the price of shipping.
WooCommerce please improve your tax system.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] WooCommerce tax not being applied at checkoutI saw no fatal error logs. Under “System Status” > WooCommerce pages I found this:
I tried switching to ?default Storefront theme and its not possible to test because the cart and checkout page do not function properly.
I’m using Elementor’s hello theme which is bare bones.
I can solve this problem by installing Jetpack + Woo automated tax.
But why should I need too? I dont want Jetpack, why cant the tax work as its supposed to.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] WooCommerce tax not being applied at checkoutThere is only 2 tabs, “tax options” and “standard rates.”
The screenshots of all the other settings are above, I have played with all of them. None of them have any effect on my issue.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] WooCommerce tax not being applied at checkoutHi there,
All of my tax settings are already in the screenshots above.
Here it is again:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] WooCommerce tax not being applied at checkout“As I understand, tax is not being calculated as expected at your store, and this started after deleting the?WooCommerce Tax?plugin. Correct?” Yes Correct
Thank you for your help!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Remove “view cart” text after adding a product to cartOn the home page, take a look at any of the carousel product sliders I have built titled:
“shop spore syringes”Add some stuff to cart, you will see the an ugly “view cart” text that pops up beside the add to cart button within the product box.