If I’ve got alot of flutter custom fields on a page I tend to use the get_post_custom() function, and then take the data where needed in the page.
* Template Name: Project Page
$maxImagesInRow = 5;
$meta = get_post_custom($post->ID);
$imageCount = (isset($meta['thumbnail-image'])) ? sizeof($meta['thumbnail-image']) : 0;
if($imageCount > 0)
<div class="project-images">
for($i=0;$i < $imageCount; $i++)
$do_split = (($i % $maxImagesInRow) == 0);
<a title="<?php echo $meta['label-image'][$i] ?>" rel="lightbox" class="group<?php echo ($do_split) ? ' first' : ''; ?>" href="/wp-content/files_flutter/<?php echo $meta['large-image'][$i] ?>"><img alt="" width="82" height="82" src="/wp-content/files_flutter/<?php echo $meta['thumbnail-image'][$i] ?>" /></a>
<?php get_footer(); ?>