Donald Gilbert
Forum Replies Created
Thanks – I’ll get this updated in the next version.
Also, as a note to everyone, the next version – 3.3.5 – is getting ready to be released. I’m throwing some finishing touches on there, and would like some testers before I release. Any volunteers? Email me at don at and I’ll send you a pre-release in the next few days.
Also, it should be noted, there were API changes for the admin bar in 3.3, and thus the next release of the plugin
WordPress 3.3 or higher. I will not be supporting previous versions (except for critical bugfixes), as you should keep your WordPress up to date anyways.There is not an admin panel for controlling the colors of the admin bar, although that would be awesome, I ain’t gonna lie. Maybe in an upcoming version.
The ajax search is for the search in the admin bar, not your theme. It only applies to the admin bar.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Facebook Fan Box Cache] [Plugin: Facebook Fan Box Cache] BrokenWhat doesn’t work about it? Just saying it doesn’t work doesn’t help me help you. Obviously, this works in the majority of cases, otherwise I would not have released it to the public.
More info will help me to help you.
Seems you don’t have curl enabled on your server. The next version of the plugin is going to revamped to use the native WordPress WP_Http class to handle remote requests, and should resolve your issue.
The hide option can/should be persistent – it utilizes jQuery cookie to do it.
In regards to your first question, no – there is not a way to remove it or shut it off completely in WP 3.3. You can completely remove it from the frontend of the site, but it was decided by WP core team to make it an integral part of the 3.3 backend, and therefor can’t be shut off. I don’t like it either. I’ll be looking into the final version of 3.3 to see if there is a way. There is a problem though – the logout function is now located ONLY in the admin bar, so it would be a challenge to remove the bar entirely.
Version 3.3.4 has been released and addresses an issue with users not being able to see the Theme Locations panel on the Appearance->Menus admin page. If you were experiencing this problem (most likely you were if you were using a theme that did not support custom menu’s out of the box) then please update as soon as you can.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Facebook Fan Box Cache] "Official" Help Forum for Facebook Fan Box Cache@tonydbaker – Thanks! It would be possible to truncate the user names before we cache the file – I’ll consider that for the next release. I wouldn’t want to make it default though – would probably add that as an option.
@christos312 – thanks for this. The WP Dev team made some changes to the way the admin bar is rendered in the beta versions of WP, and I updated my code to work with that, unknowingly breaking it in version 3.2.1 and prior. Version 3.3.3 of WPABI fixes this, and it now works in the beta versions as well as all previous supported version of WP.
@kalman Labovitz – I will send you the next version the implements new features that require beta testing. I am still working on things for multisite – hopefully I can get it working.
Also, can you send me your translation?
hmm, not sure why it wouldn’t update for you, unless you placed that file in the lang directory for a version prior to 3.3.1. What version are you running?
You can get help via the topic titled ‘”Official” Help Forum for WordPress Admin Bar Improved’ or by starting a new topic, but I prefer the first option.
As far as coming up with big negatives from closed topics, those are all for versions of this plugin that are well over 6 months old. The plugin has been updated significantly since then, and there are no such issues now, mostly just tweaks/feature requests.
What exactly is it that you need help with? Finding the administrative screen for the plugin? Most plugins place an administrative screen in the WordPress Admin under the “Settings” menu. In the case of this plugin, it is under the Settings -> Admin Bar Improved menu item (if you are using the most recent version. Otherwise, it is located under Settings -> WPABI). Does that answer your question? If not, let me know and I’ll try to help some more.
@srgn03 – I just added the lang directory and the pot file for translations as well as adding gettext calls to all the static text in the plugin. If you want to add a translation, start with the pot file in the lang directory, and then when you save it out as the po and mo files, name them (change en_US to whatever your mo and po locale is).
Also, I added javascript alerts for to notify if there is an error with the login, like wrong username or password.
Well, I’ve never heard of gee(whiz)-mail, sorry. I tried emailing you but got this,
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently: [email protected]
Why don’t you check out my site,, and send me a contact form.
Would anyone here like to test out a beta version of the plugin? The new version makes it easier to find the settings menu (changed the name from
toAdmin Bar Improved
) and also added the ability to disable the default menu items. I also nixed the radio buttons in favor of select lists, as well as added some jQuery to the admin page to hide options if they don’t apply to you (like, disabling the “ajax login” option if you have the “login form in admin bar” option disabled).If you’re interested, let me know by emailing me at don at dongilbert dot net.