Dima Stefantsov
Forum Replies Created
@lebaux I know how routing works, of course if I have a static file “robots.txt” wp will not get this request. As I said, I’m using another wp robots.txt plugin, that just creates a text field where I can edit my robots.txt from wp admin.
“hope you understand we need to budget”
replace your// Overwrite the robots.txt file \add_filter( 'robots_txt', [ $this, 'robots_txt' ], 10, 2 );
if ( \apply_filters('the_seo_framework_overwrite_robots_txt', true ) ) { // Overwrite the robots.txt file \add_filter( 'robots_txt', [ $this, 'robots_txt' ], 10, 2 ); }
Your budget saved!
I am just asking you to create a filter for me to be able to disable your robots. Here is the code, styled like you style it. Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V please.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Multisite Cloner] Can not copy user rolesIt may be an issue on my side, maybe execution time is too short on my server. I have been getting 503 timeout white error page once I press “Clone” since the very beginning. It used to still copy everything allright.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Cerber Security, Anti-spam & Malware Scan] Error on uploading imageI am using PHP 7.0.8 on Windows.
(because remote server is Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS, php 7.0.x as well)Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Lightbox with PhotoSwipe] Warnings, please fixStill getting a lot of
PHP Warning filemtime(): stat failed for https://static.example.org/s2.example.org/docs/certificate_vincent.jpg [internal] filemtime /var/www/example.com/releases/20191028124610/www/wp-content/plugins/lightbox-photoswipe/lightbox-photoswipe.php:441 LightboxPhotoSwipe::outputCallback [internal] preg_replace_callback /var/www/example.com/releases/20191028124610/www/wp-content/plugins/lightbox-photoswipe/lightbox-photoswipe.php:543 LightboxPhotoSwipe::output [internal] ob_end_flush /var/www/example.com/releases/20191028124610/www/wp-content/plugins/smart-slider-3/nextend/wordpress/assetInjector.php:124 N2WordpressAssetInjector::closeOutputBuffers /var/www/example.com/releases/20191028124610/www/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php:286 WP_Hook::apply_filters /var/www/example.com/releases/20191028124610/www/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php:310 WP_Hook::do_action /var/www/example.com/releases/20191028124610/www/wp-includes/plugin.php:465 do_action /var/www/example.com/releases/20191028124610/www/wp-includes/load.php:954 shutdown_action_hook [internal] [main]
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Lightbox with PhotoSwipe] Warnings, please fixIt looks much better for now. Thank you!
Got a single
WordPress database error Duplicate entry 'b1ec5715a6a0ed34c9d491afa064a032-0' for key 'PRIMARY' for query INSERT INTO wp_lightbox_photoswipe_img (imgkey, created, width, height, exif_camera, exif_focal, exif_fstop, exif_shutter, exif_iso) VALUES ("b1ec5715a6a0ed34c9d491afa064a032-0", "2019-10-28 08:49:32", "2500", "3366", "", "", "", "", "") made by shutdown_action_hook, do_action('shutdown'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, N2WordpressAssetInjector::closeOutputBuffers, ob_end_flush, LightboxPhotoSwipe->output, preg_replace_callback, LightboxPhotoSwipe->outputCallback
error so far. I’ll keep you informed ??Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Lightbox with PhotoSwipe] Warnings, please fixHowever – that filemtime() creates warnings is unexpected, as it is called as @filemtime(), so warnings should never occur, even if the file does not exist.
I have set a custom error handler, this behaviour is expected. @ doesn’t break execution, have low priority, but still fires a handler.Thank you, Arno! Will try it today.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Auto SEO Links] List in backend incomplete (online 10 entries)Hi schnipsel13.
Limit in number of posts comes from an error in code, they spelled keyword wrong.https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/fix-the-code-please/
It’s as easy to fix as pressing ‘s’ few times.
I’m looking forward for them to fix plugin, it looks really nice and promising, I hope it will work! (if you find any, even paid, real alternative, let me know as well please)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HUSKY - Products Filter Professional for WooCommerce] PHP Errors“That is notices” nope, that is errors, stopping my backend from using AJAX, everything-ajax fails, server-side error 500.
Nope, your fix didn’t help, still getting same error.
Even if this fix worked, it is obviously wrong. WOOF should not enumerate anything in admin panel. Nor in any pages that is not related to Products.
https://4.stefantsov.com/s/2018.06.30_10.53.14_3trgbdpb.png it fails in ajax of SimpleHistory plugin, your code is working for something like that.
It should not, at all.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YITH WooCommerce Wishlist] Cache for guests and cookiesAvoiding setting cookie is not what I need.
There is a thread https://stackoverflow.com/questions/686155/remove-a-cookie describing how to remove a cookie in php. Are you saying it doesn’t work?
I’ve seen your code, you are not trying to pass empty value, it’s just empty serialized array (resulting in ‘[]’ string) and date in past, which might be not enough.
Could you please actually remove your cookie on removing all products from wishlist, not just set empty array there?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YITH WooCommerce Wishlist] Cache for guests and cookiesHaving “add to wishlist” contents rendered with JS from cookie instead of cachable flat php->html would be a good thing too, but I’m not sure my theme (shopkeeper) would support it, it has your wishlist embedded with custom code in archives page too.
Only 100% working solution I see right now is disabling cache if user has certain cookie. I’d just like to re-enable cache for a user that emptied his wishlist, no need to slow him down anymore.
3. It is an opinion, but since you are good at coding, you might consider automate trimming whitespaces. Working with your code, and this is what I see in git: https://4.stefantsov.com/s/2018.04.28_5.50.02_kmx6614a.png
Text editors should have an option to do it. For example Sublime Text has it
"trim_trailing_white_space_on_save": true, "translate_tabs_to_spaces": true, // ;) "ensure_newline_at_eof_on_save": true,
(Or maybe I should consider disabling it x_x)
$width = $player['width'] . 'px';
should be$width = 'width: '.$player['width'].'px;';
, it’s rendered asstyle="<?php echo $width;?>"
, a bug.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Hash Link Scroll Offset] Page jumps before scrolling smoothlyI have implemented it on my own, based on your solution, but with smaller and simpler code, also hardcoded values, no plugin interface.
I’m still not happy with needing to jquery.ready (settimeout), it doesn’t seem right. If you could make it fundamentally better, I would be great. Otherwise, I’m staying where I am now.
You could also implement it in your code if you want. window.location.hash = hash; moves the window. If you want to have smooth scrolling, probably a fix to flash would be
startpos = remember_pos();
window.location.hash = hash;
window.scroll(0, startpos);
default_animate_scroll();Thanks for being responsive, Michael!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Hash Link Scroll Offset] Page jumps before scrolling smoothlyshift is happening on window.location.hash = hash;
I currently hack it with
1. scroll as I want it
2. window.location.hash = hash;
3. window.scroll(0, same_offset_as_[1])This way [2] is not noticeable. Still, it’s some weird hacks. As weird as having to use setTimeout in jquery.ready.
- This reply was modified 7 years ago by Dima Stefantsov.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Hash Link Scroll Offset] Page jumps before scrolling smoothlyHave tried to hardcode 0 instead of 900, it stops working if 0. 1 works but still not instant.