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Viewing 15 replies - 46 through 60 (of 77 total)
  • Thread Starter dinigi


    This is what I ‘ve found on line 3892 in my functions.php:

    $class, $parent_class, $version, '<pre>__construct()</pre>' ) );

    Thread Starter dinigi


    Sure, here it is:

    [06-Apr-2017 15:01:53 UTC] PHP Notice: The called constructor method for WP_Widget in Widget_WPCC is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 4.3.0! Use <pre>__construct()</pre> instead. in /home/www/web63/html/mycoffeestar/eu/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3892

    Newest WPML-debug info:

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by dinigi.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by dinigi.
    Thread Starter dinigi


    Hi George,

    Thanks for your answer.

    As this is an urgent matter I already raised the memory limit (sorry the debug log was from before raising the memory limit).

    I also already deactivated and reinstalled all Plugins that could be related to this issue.

    The problem is clear: When working with WooCommerce Multilingual 4.1.0 and newer, the whole website turns blank. If I install WooCommerce Multilingual 4.0.4, everything works fine.

    I’ve had this Problem for a while now and that’s why I asked you in another Thread for the links to previous Versions.

    Now I would really like to upgrade, also because I would like to have the newest Version of WooCommerce and Theme.

    Thread Starter dinigi


    @claudiosanches ok, vou excluir a notification_url do redireccionamento para https

    mais uma vez obrigado pela ajuda

    Thread Starter dinigi


    @claudiosanches Isso foi o caso até recentemente. Agora por algum motivo a notifica??o de confirma??o do boleto pago n?o chega.

    Ativei o debug e vou postar quando tiver o próximo caso assim.

    Thread Starter dinigi


    @claudiosanches hmm tem raz?o, provavelmente isto aqui na minha .htaccess causando o problema:

    # BEGIN rlrssslReallySimpleSSL rsssl_version[2.2.19]
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]
    # END rlrssslReallySimpleSSL

    Thread Starter dinigi


    Entro no site e estou tentando de configurar como IPN, estou recebendo esta mensajem de erro:

    O URL digitado n?o responde a um status HTTP correto. Você deve responder 200 ou 201.

    Configuracao de funciona sem erro, mas no debug log do plugin o IPN continua sendo

    Thread Starter dinigi


    bem dificil entrar em contato com o suporte mercadopago.. e o forum de desenvolvidores nao registra quase nenhuma atividade de usuarios.

    Thread Starter dinigi


    @dinigi Esse workaround já faz parte do plugin, entretanto acessando o seu servidor vai for?ar para HTTPS e n?o vai funcionar com o MercadoPago assim.
    Entra em contato com o suporte do seu servidor para tornar isso possível.

    Estou falando de esse link que você colocou na resposta anterior.

    Ok vou entrar em contato com MercadoPago. So n?o entendo porque n?o é possível alterar a notification_url para https…

    11-21-2016 @ 18:17:36 - Getting client credentials...
    11-21-2016 @ 18:17:37 - Received valid response from MercadoPago
    11-21-2016 @ 18:17:38 - Payment link generated with success from MercadoPago
    11-21-2016 @ 18:17:44 - Payment arguments for order 54261: Array
        [back_urls] => Array
                [success] =>
                [failure] =>
                [pending] =>
        [payer] => Array
                [name] => Aloisio Shigueru
                [surname] => Tada
                [email] => [email protected]
        [external_reference] => ER-54261
        [items] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [quantity] => 1
                        [unit_price] => 191.29
                        [currency_id] => BRL
                        [title] => Pedido 54261 - Conjunto Inicial x 1, Entrega via 
        [notification_url] =>

    Para o PagSeguro n?o importa se tem SSL ou n?o.

    Foi um dos requerimentos para a ativa??o do checkout-transparente. Nao acho boa ideia come?ar a transmitir dados de pagamento sem SSL.

    Thread Starter dinigi


    @wagnerjaccoud obrigado pela indica??o. Liberaram o IP-range a mas infelizmente n?o teve efeito.

    @claudiosanches Opa Claudio, é possível que colocou um link errado ai?

    Deixa ver se eu entendi correto: A comunica??o deve ser feita através de HTTP, se a conex?o é forcada através de https n?o vai dar certo, é isso?

    Vou entrar em contato com meu webhost e perguntar que possibilidades tenho. Estou um pouco confuso porque como eu uso o check-out transparente no outro plugin do PagSeguro, deveria assegurar que todo processo de pagamento é realizado usando https…

    Thread Starter dinigi


    wow.. voltou a funcionar

    Thread Starter dinigi


    Achei o Log Claudio:

    10-31-2016 @ 18:00:06 - Payment arguments for order 53350: Array
        [back_urls] => Array
                [success] =>
                [failure] =>
                [pending] =>
        [payer] => Array
                [name] => Test
                [surname] => Test
                [email] => [email protected]
        [external_reference] => ER-53350
        [items] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [quantity] => 1
                        [unit_price] => 747.14
                        [currency_id] => BRL
                        [title] => Pedido 53350 - Anéis de veda??o (10x) x 1, Conjunto Barista x 1, Conjunto Inicial x 2, Entrega via 
        [notification_url] =>
    10-31-2016 @ 18:00:06 - Getting client credentials...
    10-31-2016 @ 18:00:07 - Received valid response from MercadoPago
    10-31-2016 @ 18:00:08 - Payment link generated with success from MercadoPago
    10-31-2016 @ 18:00:14 - Payment arguments for order 53350: Array
        [back_urls] => Array
                [success] =>
                [failure] =>
                [pending] =>
        [payer] => Array
                [name] => Test
                [surname] => Test
                [email] => [email protected]
        [external_reference] => ER-53350
        [items] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [quantity] => 1
                        [unit_price] => 747.14
                        [currency_id] => BRL
                        [title] => Pedido 53350 - Anéis de veda??o (10x) x 1, Conjunto Barista x 1, Conjunto Inicial x 2, Entrega via 
        [notification_url] =>
    10-31-2016 @ 18:00:14 - Getting client credentials...
    10-31-2016 @ 18:00:15 - Received valid response from MercadoPago
    10-31-2016 @ 18:00:16 - Payment link generated with success from MercadoPago
    10-31-2016 @ 18:01:24 - Payment arguments for order 53350: Array
        [back_urls] => Array
                [success] =>
                [failure] =>
                [pending] =>
        [payer] => Array
                [name] => Test
                [surname] => Test
                [email] => [email protected]
        [external_reference] => ER-53350
        [items] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [quantity] => 1
                        [unit_price] => 747.14
                        [currency_id] => BRL
                        [title] => Pedido 53350 - Anéis de veda??o (10x) x 1, Conjunto Barista x 1, Conjunto Inicial x 2, Entrega via 
        [notification_url] =>
    10-31-2016 @ 18:01:24 - Getting client credentials...
    10-31-2016 @ 18:01:25 - Received valid response from MercadoPago
    10-31-2016 @ 18:01:26 - Payment link generated with success from MercadoPago
    10-31-2016 @ 18:03:03 - Payment arguments for order 53352: Array
        [back_urls] => Array
                [success] =>
                [failure] =>
                [pending] =>
        [payer] => Array
                [name] => Test
                [surname] => Test
                [email] => [email protected]
        [external_reference] => ER-53352
        [items] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [quantity] => 1
                        [unit_price] => 30.48
                        [currency_id] => BRL
                        [title] => Pedido 53352 - Anéis de veda??o (10x) x 1, Entrega via 
        [notification_url] =>
    10-31-2016 @ 18:03:03 - Getting client credentials...
    10-31-2016 @ 18:03:04 - Received valid response from MercadoPago
    10-31-2016 @ 18:03:05 - Payment link generated with success from MercadoPago
    10-31-2016 @ 18:03:09 - Payment arguments for order 53352: Array
        [back_urls] => Array
                [success] =>
                [failure] =>
                [pending] =>
        [payer] => Array
                [name] => Test
                [surname] => Test
                [email] => [email protected]
        [external_reference] => ER-53352
        [items] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [quantity] => 1
                        [unit_price] => 30.48
                        [currency_id] => BRL
                        [title] => Pedido 53352 - Anéis de veda??o (10x) x 1, Entrega via 
        [notification_url] =>
    10-31-2016 @ 18:03:09 - Getting client credentials...
    10-31-2016 @ 18:03:10 - Received valid response from MercadoPago
    10-31-2016 @ 18:03:11 - Payment link generated with success from MercadoPago
    Thread Starter dinigi


    Acho que nao tem relevancia os dados informados no post anterior.

    IPN configurado no mercadopago:

    (tentei ‘ sem sucesso’..)

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by dinigi.
    Thread Starter dinigi


    Segue configuracao no AppData no mercadolivre:

    Application Data
    Basic Information
    App ID:3648159672744378
    Secret Key:dMQwy2i18gYg4y9UX7llRSjhdqDVI6CT
    Name:201575994 - MercadoPago application
    Short Name:mp-app-201575994
    Description:Application for MercadoPago
    Authentication and Security
    Redirect URI:
    Authorized Javascript Origins:
    Scopes: read offline_access write
    Notifications Settings
    Notifications Callback URL:
    Topics: items payments pictures questions orders created_orders

    Tentei como https:// & https:// no notification_url… nada funciona

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by dinigi.
    Thread Starter dinigi


    Achei o Log Claudio……

    10-31-2016 @ 18:03:03 - Getting client credentials...
    10-31-2016 @ 18:03:04 - Received valid response from MercadoPago
    10-31-2016 @ 18:03:05 - Payment link generated with success from MercadoPago
    10-31-2016 @ 18:03:09 - Payment arguments for order 53352: Array
        [back_urls] => Array
                [success] =>
                [failure] =>
                [pending] =>
        [payer] => Array
                [name] => Test
                [surname] => Test
                [email] => [email protected]
        [external_reference] => ER-53352
        [items] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [quantity] => 1
                        [unit_price] => 30.48
                        [currency_id] => BRL
                        [title] => Pedido 53352 - Anéis de veda??o (10x) x 1, Entrega via 
        [notification_url] =>

    Porque a [notification_url] esta em HTTP e nao HTTPS? como posso alterar?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by dinigi.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by dinigi.
Viewing 15 replies - 46 through 60 (of 77 total)