Forum Replies Created
This is what I ‘ve found on line 3892 in my functions.php:
$class, $parent_class, $version, '<pre>__construct()</pre>' ) );
Sure, here it is:
[06-Apr-2017 15:01:53 UTC] PHP Notice: The called constructor method for WP_Widget in Widget_WPCC is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 4.3.0! Use <pre>__construct()</pre> instead. in /home/www/web63/html/mycoffeestar/eu/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3892
Newest WPML-debug info: https://pastebin.com/da60ke5P
Hi George,
Thanks for your answer.
As this is an urgent matter I already raised the memory limit (sorry the debug log was from before raising the memory limit).
I also already deactivated and reinstalled all Plugins that could be related to this issue.
The problem is clear: When working with WooCommerce Multilingual 4.1.0 and newer, the whole website turns blank. If I install WooCommerce Multilingual 4.0.4, everything works fine.
I’ve had this Problem for a while now and that’s why I asked you in another Thread for the links to previous Versions.
Now I would really like to upgrade, also because I would like to have the newest Version of WooCommerce and Theme.
@claudiosanches ok, vou excluir a notification_url do redireccionamento para https
mais uma vez obrigado pela ajuda
@claudiosanches Isso foi o caso até recentemente. Agora por algum motivo a notifica??o de confirma??o do boleto pago n?o chega.
Ativei o debug e vou postar quando tiver o próximo caso assim.
@claudiosanches hmm tem raz?o, provavelmente isto aqui na minha .htaccess causando o problema:
# BEGIN rlrssslReallySimpleSSL rsssl_version[2.2.19]
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]
# END rlrssslReallySimpleSSLEntro no site https://www.mercadopago.com.br/ipn-notifications/save e estou tentando de configurar https://www.ecoreciclos.com/wc-api/WC_MercadoPago_Gateway/ como IPN, estou recebendo esta mensajem de erro:
O URL digitado n?o responde a um status HTTP correto. Você deve responder 200 ou 201.
Configuracao de https://www.ecoreciclos.com/wc-api/WC_MercadoPago_Gateway/ funciona sem erro, mas no debug log do plugin o IPN continua sendo https://www.ecoreciclos.com/wc-api/WC_MercadoPago_Gateway/..
bem dificil entrar em contato com o suporte mercadopago.. e o forum de desenvolvidores nao registra quase nenhuma atividade de usuarios.
@dinigi Esse workaround já faz parte do plugin, entretanto acessando https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/woocommerce-correios/installation/ o seu servidor vai for?ar para HTTPS e n?o vai funcionar com o MercadoPago assim.
Entra em contato com o suporte do seu servidor para tornar isso possível.Estou falando de esse link que você colocou na resposta anterior.
Ok vou entrar em contato com MercadoPago. So n?o entendo porque n?o é possível alterar a notification_url para https…
11-21-2016 @ 18:17:36 - Getting client credentials... 11-21-2016 @ 18:17:37 - Received valid response from MercadoPago 11-21-2016 @ 18:17:38 - Payment link generated with success from MercadoPago 11-21-2016 @ 18:17:44 - Payment arguments for order 54261: Array ( [back_urls] => Array ( [success] => https://www.ecoreciclos.com/checkout/order-received/54261?key=wc_order_5833565ac10c7&utm_nooverride=1 [failure] => https://www.ecoreciclos.com/carrinho/?cancel_order=true&order=wc_order_5833565ac10c7&order_id=54261&redirect [pending] => https://www.ecoreciclos.com/checkout/order-received/54261?key=wc_order_5833565ac10c7&utm_nooverride=1 ) [payer] => Array ( [name] => Aloisio Shigueru [surname] => Tada [email] => [email protected] ) [external_reference] => ER-54261 [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [quantity] => 1 [unit_price] => 191.29 [currency_id] => BRL [title] => Pedido 54261 - Conjunto Inicial x 1, Entrega via ) ) [notification_url] => https://www.ecoreciclos.com/wc-api/WC_MercadoPago_Gateway/ )
Para o PagSeguro n?o importa se tem SSL ou n?o.
Foi um dos requerimentos para a ativa??o do checkout-transparente. Nao acho boa ideia come?ar a transmitir dados de pagamento sem SSL.
@wagnerjaccoud obrigado pela indica??o. Liberaram o IP-range a mas infelizmente n?o teve efeito.
@claudiosanches Opa Claudio, é possível que colocou um link errado ai?
Deixa ver se eu entendi correto: A comunica??o deve ser feita através de HTTP, se a conex?o é forcada através de https n?o vai dar certo, é isso?
Vou entrar em contato com meu webhost e perguntar que possibilidades tenho. Estou um pouco confuso porque como eu uso o check-out transparente no outro plugin do PagSeguro, deveria assegurar que todo processo de pagamento é realizado usando https…
wow.. voltou a funcionar
Achei o Log Claudio:
10-31-2016 @ 18:00:06 - Payment arguments for order 53350: Array ( [back_urls] => Array ( [success] => https://www.ecoreciclos.com/checkout/order-received/53350?key=wc_order_5817a288d0426 [failure] => https://www.ecoreciclos.com/loja-virtual-capsulas/?cancel_order=true&order=wc_order_5817a288d0426&order_id=53350&redirect [pending] => https://www.ecoreciclos.com/checkout/order-received/53350?key=wc_order_5817a288d0426 ) [payer] => Array ( [name] => Test [surname] => Test [email] => [email protected] ) [external_reference] => ER-53350 [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [quantity] => 1 [unit_price] => 747.14 [currency_id] => BRL [title] => Pedido 53350 - Anéis de veda??o (10x) x 1, Conjunto Barista x 1, Conjunto Inicial x 2, Entrega via ) ) [notification_url] => https://www.ecoreciclos.com/wc-api/WC_MercadoPago_Gateway/ ) 10-31-2016 @ 18:00:06 - Getting client credentials... 10-31-2016 @ 18:00:07 - Received valid response from MercadoPago 10-31-2016 @ 18:00:08 - Payment link generated with success from MercadoPago 10-31-2016 @ 18:00:14 - Payment arguments for order 53350: Array ( [back_urls] => Array ( [success] => https://www.ecoreciclos.com/checkout/order-received/53350?key=wc_order_5817a288d0426 [failure] => https://www.ecoreciclos.com/loja-virtual-capsulas/?cancel_order=true&order=wc_order_5817a288d0426&order_id=53350&redirect [pending] => https://www.ecoreciclos.com/checkout/order-received/53350?key=wc_order_5817a288d0426 ) [payer] => Array ( [name] => Test [surname] => Test [email] => [email protected] ) [external_reference] => ER-53350 [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [quantity] => 1 [unit_price] => 747.14 [currency_id] => BRL [title] => Pedido 53350 - Anéis de veda??o (10x) x 1, Conjunto Barista x 1, Conjunto Inicial x 2, Entrega via ) ) [notification_url] => https://www.ecoreciclos.com/wc-api/WC_MercadoPago_Gateway/ ) 10-31-2016 @ 18:00:14 - Getting client credentials... 10-31-2016 @ 18:00:15 - Received valid response from MercadoPago 10-31-2016 @ 18:00:16 - Payment link generated with success from MercadoPago 10-31-2016 @ 18:01:24 - Payment arguments for order 53350: Array ( [back_urls] => Array ( [success] => https://www.ecoreciclos.com/checkout/order-received/53350?key=wc_order_5817a288d0426 [failure] => https://www.ecoreciclos.com/loja-virtual-capsulas/?cancel_order=true&order=wc_order_5817a288d0426&order_id=53350&redirect [pending] => https://www.ecoreciclos.com/checkout/order-received/53350?key=wc_order_5817a288d0426 ) [payer] => Array ( [name] => Test [surname] => Test [email] => [email protected] ) [external_reference] => ER-53350 [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [quantity] => 1 [unit_price] => 747.14 [currency_id] => BRL [title] => Pedido 53350 - Anéis de veda??o (10x) x 1, Conjunto Barista x 1, Conjunto Inicial x 2, Entrega via ) ) [notification_url] => https://www.ecoreciclos.com/wc-api/WC_MercadoPago_Gateway/ ) 10-31-2016 @ 18:01:24 - Getting client credentials... 10-31-2016 @ 18:01:25 - Received valid response from MercadoPago 10-31-2016 @ 18:01:26 - Payment link generated with success from MercadoPago 10-31-2016 @ 18:03:03 - Payment arguments for order 53352: Array ( [back_urls] => Array ( [success] => https://www.ecoreciclos.com/checkout/order-received/53352?key=wc_order_5817a37245952 [failure] => https://www.ecoreciclos.com/loja-virtual-capsulas/?cancel_order=true&order=wc_order_5817a37245952&order_id=53352&redirect [pending] => https://www.ecoreciclos.com/checkout/order-received/53352?key=wc_order_5817a37245952 ) [payer] => Array ( [name] => Test [surname] => Test [email] => [email protected] ) [external_reference] => ER-53352 [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [quantity] => 1 [unit_price] => 30.48 [currency_id] => BRL [title] => Pedido 53352 - Anéis de veda??o (10x) x 1, Entrega via ) ) [notification_url] => https://www.ecoreciclos.com/wc-api/WC_MercadoPago_Gateway/ ) 10-31-2016 @ 18:03:03 - Getting client credentials... 10-31-2016 @ 18:03:04 - Received valid response from MercadoPago 10-31-2016 @ 18:03:05 - Payment link generated with success from MercadoPago 10-31-2016 @ 18:03:09 - Payment arguments for order 53352: Array ( [back_urls] => Array ( [success] => https://www.ecoreciclos.com/checkout/order-received/53352?key=wc_order_5817a37245952 [failure] => https://www.ecoreciclos.com/loja-virtual-capsulas/?cancel_order=true&order=wc_order_5817a37245952&order_id=53352&redirect [pending] => https://www.ecoreciclos.com/checkout/order-received/53352?key=wc_order_5817a37245952 ) [payer] => Array ( [name] => Test [surname] => Test [email] => [email protected] ) [external_reference] => ER-53352 [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [quantity] => 1 [unit_price] => 30.48 [currency_id] => BRL [title] => Pedido 53352 - Anéis de veda??o (10x) x 1, Entrega via ) ) [notification_url] => https://www.ecoreciclos.com/wc-api/WC_MercadoPago_Gateway/ ) 10-31-2016 @ 18:03:09 - Getting client credentials... 10-31-2016 @ 18:03:10 - Received valid response from MercadoPago 10-31-2016 @ 18:03:11 - Payment link generated with success from MercadoPago
Acho que nao tem relevancia os dados informados no post anterior.
IPN configurado no mercadopago: https://www.ecoreciclos.com/wc-api/WC_MercadoPago_Gateway/
(tentei ‘https://www.ecoreciclos.com/?wc-api=WC_MercadoPago_Gateway sem sucesso’..)
- This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by dinigi.
Segue configuracao no AppData no mercadolivre:
Application Data Basic Information App ID:3648159672744378 Secret Key:dMQwy2i18gYg4y9UX7llRSjhdqDVI6CT Name:201575994 - MercadoPago application Short Name:mp-app-201575994 Description:Application for MercadoPago Authentication and Security Redirect URI:https://www.ecoreciclos.com Authorized Javascript Origins: Scopes: read offline_access write Notifications Settings Notifications Callback URL:https://www.ecoreciclos.com/wc-api/WC_MercadoPago_Gateway/ Topics: items payments pictures questions orders created_orders
Tentei como https:// & https:// no notification_url… nada funciona
- This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by dinigi.
Achei o Log Claudio……
10-31-2016 @ 18:03:03 - Getting client credentials... 10-31-2016 @ 18:03:04 - Received valid response from MercadoPago 10-31-2016 @ 18:03:05 - Payment link generated with success from MercadoPago 10-31-2016 @ 18:03:09 - Payment arguments for order 53352: Array ( [back_urls] => Array ( [success] => https://www.ecoreciclos.com/checkout/order-received/53352?key=wc_order_5817a37245952 [failure] => https://www.ecoreciclos.com/loja-virtual-capsulas/?cancel_order=true&order=wc_order_5817a37245952&order_id=53352&redirect [pending] => https://www.ecoreciclos.com/checkout/order-received/53352?key=wc_order_5817a37245952 ) [payer] => Array ( [name] => Test [surname] => Test [email] => [email protected] ) [external_reference] => ER-53352 [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [quantity] => 1 [unit_price] => 30.48 [currency_id] => BRL [title] => Pedido 53352 - Anéis de veda??o (10x) x 1, Entrega via ) ) [notification_url] => https://www.ecoreciclos.com/wc-api/WC_MercadoPago_Gateway/ )
Porque a [notification_url] esta em HTTP e nao HTTPS? como posso alterar?