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  • Yup, include them in a DIV so that they clear everything.

    If this is the same as the problems I have had it’s because the content block is defined to float:left; for the sidebar. However which this it inline, not block, and subsequent stuff doesn’t clear. As a result anything that is posted afterwards tries to move into the space that is available.

    You can overcome this by adding a clearing-element afterwards. It’s a stupid hack, but try:

    <br style=”clear: both; font: 1px/1px sans-serif;” />

    It simply clears the whole line before continuing.

    Thread Starter diretribe


    Sorry, think it wasn’t clear enough. I’m trying to do this on pages – i.e. Write -> Page.

    I guess could do this using posts, however I have arranged the site to include posts as “additions” to the development of answers. Q/A pages consist of this structure…

    – excerpt

    – main page text

    Blog posts
    – list of relevant blog info/posts, updating with new relevant information

    I **can** use the_excerpt(); to output it but it simply generates the top-bit of the page. I know there is space in the DB for this – as pages are stored as posts, I suspect it may just be the case that there is no form space to enter it in.

    I have looked & can’t offer obvious answers, but I would suggest that you look at the source that is showing up when editing via wordpress. It’s likely that there is simply a “newline” in there somewhere which is being transformed into a

    Would it be possible to simply edit the post once uploaded?

    Check the template you’re posting from the mobile with – it seems pretty funky if it can create that sort of layout directly. Look in there for a newline – easy to miss near the border of automatic wraps.

    Give more info & see what can do.

    Another way to look at it is “is it worth it?” I would say no. While you may be able to have a successful site – and indeed generate income – by doing this, what exactly would you be adding to the information available on the internet? Not a lot.

    I’m not a fan of sites that simply group previously-existing information on another page. That’s what search engines are for.

    Dare to have your own opinions (even if they’re wrong).

    Can’t comment much on the Spam front, but I am using lr2Spam which adds a dynamic form field to prevent blind posting. Ok, it probably wont stop everything, but it seems to be keeping my site clear pretty successfully.

    As for the sidebar, depends on two things.. 1) your browser, 2) dynamic elements in your site.

    The first one could be due to none-standard code, or mistakes. Which browser are you using? Firefox feels fine, but IE may differ.

    The second one is the images and other stuff that take time to load. If they’re slow on your site, anything that depends on them may load slowly (esp. on older browsers) as it waits to know the dimensions before it carries on laying things out. Define things such as size of images explicitly where possible & your site should load quicker (not just the sidebar).

    I’d agree along the lines that every way you manage to link yourself into information directories the better. It is -in effect- syndication of your content. Which is good.

    The downside is that there are so many things out there that you can end up cluttering your website – for which the answer is using clever html/css/etc.

    I’m not 100% sure, but you can probably include technorati tags in a hidden div under your post – i.e. prevent them displaying on your site, but allowing others to find you.

    Of course, this may be evil practise!?

    Have you tried viewing the admin interface through Internet Explorer – this will identify if it is just a browser issue.

    Had you added a new post before this happened?
    Do the posts show up on your front page?

    It could just be a dodgy character/what-have-you in the post title/body that is messing things up. I don’t know if there is a limit on max pages, but I doubt it.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: is 1.5 worth it?

    Oh go for it, backup your db & what have you got to lose?

    I first installed the “current” version, then switched about 5 mins later. Been using the new version for a month, no probs yet – and at least, if there are, you know the fix is coming along soon(ish).*

    * this comment is sponsored by Stella Artois.

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: div id=rap

    Heres a good way to see it hillj:

    #RRGGBB …becomes… #RGB

    As in red, green, blue and that. So you lose out a little bit of specifity in your colours, but for things like white (#fff) and websafe colours it doesn’t matter all that much. Just saves your fingers (and of course downloads).

    As for changing colours – remember you can always create your own div’s around things you want to style also, give it an id/class and away you go. Best way’s to just experiment. ??

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: Ahh, go on.
    Thread Starter diretribe


    Hey all. Yeh dissurion, they don’t make much sense, but I’d rather leave them that way – slightly confusing/odd. I’ll look into floating a description bar underneath there to put the section description into (or just add it as a title popup). Maybe some iconry, ah, you don’t need to hear all this.

    Ta about the domain trendsurfer, I’ve been through quite a few to get to it – quite suprised it was still available when I got to it. Nice to know you have an original thought once in a while!

    sonneveld, I have something similar working on my site, up on the aboot section. I’m running version 1.5, and this does all the mod_rewriting stuff for you – as long as you set the .htaccess file to world-writeable (chmod 666) so WordPress can update it correctly.

    This was causing me problems at first as my static pages didn’t seem to be working (particularly nested pages), but after setting that writeable it’s worked like a dream.

    Ive not used earlier versions of WordPress but from what macmanx says you may need to copy & paste then upload the .htaccess code yourself. If that’s the case maybe you just need to do it again after you’ve added each page? As I say, I don’t know – but try it!

    Here’s the permalink mod_rewrite rule used for my page. Looks pretty straightforward…

    RewriteRule ^aboot/?$ /index.php?pagename=aboot [QSA,L]

    Correct. You can now post a comment ??

    Hmm, how about something like this. I think we may be onto something here ?? …hm, writing a plugin/hack for this will keep me occupied for a while…. I only got WordPress about 2 weeks ago.

    Interesting to hear that bots can now read those images. Perhaps something similar to displaying sums to add up would be an extra step in complexity to keep them at bay for a while?

    Try this on a bot…

    “Anne has 15 apples,
    Jenny has 12, but gave 3 to Sam
    Sam had 4 to start with, then gave 2 to Anne.
    How many has Sam got now?”

    No bot is going to work that out (I think I might just start on a plugin/hack for this…. hmmm). Hell, it’s probably even script kiddie proof. Success!

    One problem would be restricting the sums acceptable, otherwise the bot could just throw back form-elements with the necessary sums that add up – obviously this only works once someone writes a bot that’s aware (but, hey, how long is that going to take…)

    Otherwise it actually sounds like a pretty neat idea – especially if you put the js code for generating the html/etc. off the actual page (you can call it in the page, and use a lot of html-write to dump it). That way the bot needs to know js to use it (unlikely & difficult).

    How about generating sums in image format/etc. ( harder version of the “type this word in the box”)…

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