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  • Thread Starter diriras


    Thanks for the support!

    Thread Starter diriras


    Thanks for your feedback.

    I have located the plugin and now as you see I don’t have cookies anymore

    I still have the same error message when testing the cache thought!

    View post on


    Thread Starter diriras



    Thanks for you quick reply!
    Do you think that enabling Strip response cookies on pages that should be cached option should help instead of searching all the plugins of the website to find the correct one? I don’t have a clue which one is causing the problem!

    Update: I have find out that when I am enabling Strip response cookies on pages that should be cached</strong then the cart is not showing any products I have added before even if bypass caching is auto enabled for WooCommerce links and plugin!


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by diriras.
    Thread Starter diriras



    Thanks for the info you provided.

    No I don’t have any workers running, so to test it, I upgraded to the Cloudflare Pro plan, and now the plugin is working as it should for now, it keeps the pages cached without failsafe on.

    I will keep it pro for a month and I will return for a feedback when this ends!



    Thread Starter diriras


    I don’t have a high traffic website, only 2500K users per day, and tired cache does not have any different impact on the website.

    When I disable the cache purging using queue in the plugin, the issue was resolved in a way that, caching purge is working when new or update post is happening BUT the homepage still words as was coming from the origin server with delays etc..

    Also after a whole day with fallback cache activated, my WP backend was starting to LAG very much is a way that a simple post edit took almost 4-5 minutes to complete!
    When I purge the fallback cache, the backend started to work as expected once more. This tells us that ONLY fallback cache is working and its also buggy.

    So I put the following rule only to failsafe and pray to work.
    prevent the following URIs to be cached: /wp-admin*

    To sum it up back then when Cloudflare caching was working, all were fine I only had trouble to cache my mobile template so now that I cancel the mobile theme I don’t even have the default Cloudflare caching option, I only have the failsafe one and I also have some troubles with it now.

    I also have a Pre-prod website, a cloned one to Production and surely actions and tests needs to be performed from the developer of this plugin because it is far from working as expected!!

    Thread Starter diriras


    Hello Saumya,

    Yes the page rules are set correcty in the panel:*
    Cache Level: Cache Everything
    Also the Browser Cache TTL is set to respect existing headers as well in the Cloudflare Panel!

    I know that the first time a webpage is supposed to load from the origin server, that is understood, and if I press refresh then I have an instant response and I can see the cf-cache-status: HIT status. This is working for a while but then, after a few minutes or new posts, I always have the same page loaded again from the origin server, I can understand this because of the delay and the miss status in the cf-cache-status:

    The cache level in the plugin panel is set to Purge cache for related pages only – (recommended) and it is working fine, when I have a new post it is getting refreshed from the plugin when I had fallback page cache disabled!

    Now the odd thing is that today after a long time I enabled fallback page cache so theoretically I have enabled disk cache. And now as I can see the cache is working and not lost after a few minutes. It keeps sending me HIT results from cf-cache-status and the page is opened instantly also after several minutes or new posts!
    The downside I noticed in the fallback page cache option is that the cached posts and Homepage are not synced exactly with the non cached version the of the website!

    I can see different version of the homepage in the
    and a few posts back in the cached one from ex. incognito window.
    This means that the option Automatically purge the fallback cache when Cloudflare cache is purged is somewhat delayed or misfired with the result to not have the Homepage updated with the latest posts each time! So I performed Purge fallback cache manually to see if the homepage will get updated with negative results!

    So now I tried to Use cURL and Purge fallback cache manually also to test for an updated version of the Homepage but also with no result. The posts are not updating instant in the cached version, it just need more time for some reason…

    So my final thoughts are the below:

    When fallback cache off and Purge cache for related pages only – (recommended) on, the plugin is working like its purging ALL the cache and I can see the updated posts and homepage in the cached version but after a while or new post, it keeps requesting the pages from the origin server so the caching is not working like it should, with delays and with the cf-cache-status MISS !

    When I Enable fallback page cache option, I have all my pages cached and INSTALY loading from web browsers with the HIT from cf-cache-status BUT, I don’t have the latest updated posts and homepage version in the cached version! It looks like the plugin needs more time to cache the latest posts and I don’t know the pattern, the trick to make it cache the latest posts.

    For the reference I surely DONT use any other performance/caching plugins and I use the WordPress Newspaper Theme , the No1 top selling theme in WordPress.

    Thread Starter diriras


    Hello Mat thanks for the reply,

    The trouble is that in the first hit I always have delays and misses!
    I thought that the purpose of this plugin was to cache the links permanently in cloudflare servers as I can see in the plugin settings for at least a year!

    Recommended 31536000 (1 year)

    What’s the point of caching for a few minutes and then miss and then re-caching again?
    My website is not served from Cloudflare datacenter at the first visit! But the viewer needs the first hit, he will not refresh the page to get it from cloudflare the second time it has no point!

    Thread Starter diriras


    Hello again,

    Thanks for the info it was very clear. Sorry I did not realize that it was the moderators who close this topic!

    I enabled APO with your plugin not the official one, somehow cloudflare recognizes your plugin! so I can use APO with your caching and its working.

    I understand what you say about the responsiveness of the modern webpages today but now mobile traffic is almost 80% of the web and the best caching companies (wp-rocket, WP Fastest cache) has the option to separate mobile caching from desktop with custom crawlers so it seems that clients asked from them to implement it because it is needed!

    I am not a developer, just system engineer, but I think with your FALLBACK PAGE CACHING its not impossible to add the option to separate mobile caching.

    I tried to use Wp-rocket with your plugin as you mention in the Faq page, in order to use wp-rocket for the mobile caching , but every time a new post is uploaded, Wp-rocket clears all the cache again, so I cannot use it.

    Only WP fastest cache has a working separate mobile caching and it is cleaning only the related pages in case of a new post! but this plugin you inform us that we cannot use it with your plugin!

    Best Regards,


    Thread Starter diriras


    Hello Tom,

    yes I am good now, thank you for your quick support and the fantastic plugin.



    Thread Starter diriras


    Hello Tom,

    Yes it is working now! My header is magnifying instead of shrinking during the scrolling down but it is working…

    Any idea about the disappearing menu in Portrait mode when I am using my Tablet?

    Best Regards,


    Thread Starter diriras


    Hello Tom,

    i will check the article you have send me. I even open a site to better understand the problem.
    I ‘ve made further investigation disabling the mega menu and the problem still persists so it is not the plugins fault, which makes it very difficult for me to understand the root cause.
    I even disabled caching plugins and approximately every third party plugin i have in my site. I came to a conclusion that theme newspaper Tagdiv is messing with my database and corrupts the main menu i cannot think of anything else..

    If you have any idea after this information please share.

    Best Regards


    Thread Starter diriras


    Hello Tom,

    Unfortunately , the issue of menu resetting is continuous.
    After a hole day of all working fine, suddenly approximately the same night hour after 23.00 every day, I’ve got my main menu in a mess. When I go into word press menu I see my menu items some not even there some in the wrong order ant is is totally frustrating.

    Because my menu is complicated I have to do the same time every evening to restore the DB to a previous working day. I do not know what else do to as i cannot export the whole menu setting from wordpress and mega menu it is not easy needs customizing again, I want to ask if anyone came in a situation like this?



    Thread Starter diriras


    Hi Tom,

    Yeap, it is working perfect now thank you for your precious help,

    Best Regards


    Thread Starter diriras


    Of course I have read your Theme Integration Guides and since my theme in newspaper Tagdiv I put the below custom CSS and I have disabled the Mobile Toggle Bar in Mobile Settings.

    @media (max-width: 768px) {
    #mega-menu-wrap-header-menu {
    display: none;
    #td-mobile-nav #mega-menu-wrap-header-menu {
    display: block;

    Any further help i much appreciated.

    Thread Starter diriras



    No I am not trying to do that.

    If you visit my website now that I have remove all custom CSS, you will see that after I installed Mega Menu and applied to my theme, it sat above my theme Logo, that is why I am trying to overcome this with custom CSS.

    This is the custom CSS code I came up with after many tries.

    @include desktop {
    #{$wrap} {
    max-width: 55%; /** width in pixels or percent **/
    margin: 0 auto; /** center align menu **/
    transform: translate(0%, 50%);
    display: inherit;
    padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;

    @media only screen and (max-width: 1142px) {
    #mega-menu-wrap-header-menu .mega-menu-toggle + #mega-menu-header-menu {
    background: #182f4c;
    padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
    transform: translate(0%, 50%);
    display: inline-flex;

    But it is not working well in responsiveness, you can see it when you try to reduce the webpage width with chrome.

    If you now how to overcome this problem either with setting changes in MEga Menu or Custom CSS code I am happy to read you.

    Best Regards,

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