Forum Replies Created
Tnx. This helps!
Now it’s possible to choose another agent.But when i go to the frontend it is still so that the user Trendesign gives the answers instead of Expert (the user i signed it to). IS there another setting?!
Tnx. It seems to be a problem with my theme. The Avada theme.
I have the latest version of Avada (5.4) and the latest version of WP (4.9.1).
Do you know there is a problem?gr,
As an addon. When i make a new ticket in the backend than at my right hand side i can choose an agent but i only can choose Trendesign (administrator) and not Expert (Support Agent).
In the settings i it’s possbile to choose Expert and also in the searchengine of the listing it’s possible to choose Expert.What i want is when i have a new ticket i want to assign this one two an agent. I don’t know if this is the right way?!
Tnx for your answer. But i doesn’t work. I made a new agent via de WordPress usersmodule. At the end of the page there are the settings of your plugin. But the strange thing is that when i check the first checkbox (assign to) and i save the user, the option will not stay checked!
Can that be the problem?gr,
Yes it’s set to agent. I’ve checked it double!
When i go to a ticket and i would like to assign this one to a specific agent i think to find this agent in the dropdown at my righthand? I see a dropdown with only 1 agent. And this is the superuser.
Do i miss a setting?