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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-No-Tag-Base] [Plugin: WP-No-Tag-Base] possible malfunction?I have used this file to debug the issue. https://gist.github.com/2321074
permalink structure '/%year%/%monthnum%/%postname%/' page permastruct '%pagename%' matched rule and query '(.+)$' matched query 'tag_redirect=2012%2F07%2Fmy-post' request '2012/07/my-post'
From the printout of the rules it seems that ‘(.+)$’ => ‘index.php?tag_redirect=$matches[1]’ comes before the category rewrites. It’s induced in the middle of the rewriterules, so it matches before anything else can match.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: too many redirectsI have the same issue. The problem is that it keeps coming back!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-No-Tag-Base] [Plugin: WP-No-Tag-Base] possible malfunction?It could be related with an ( even deactivated ) simple tags plugin. I have now deleted it, and am looking for the bug to reappear again.
It’s very interesting how persistent tag plugins are, even if they are deactivated.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-No-Tag-Base] [Plugin: WP-No-Tag-Base] possible malfunction?Interesting part is that although I have disabled the plugin, the tags are still working without the base. Although the tag base is set to ‘tag’ and the links also show /tag/X. They end up on a 404 page, and if you manually remove /tag/ from the URL, the tag page is being displayed.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-No-Tag-Base] [Plugin: WP-No-Tag-Base] possible malfunction?Hm, I can’t pinpoint it yet to this plugin or any other. It simply appeared just recently and it appears so far very sporadically.
$wp_rewrite->flush_rules(); seems to solve it temporarily, until it starts again. Basically no canonical URLs seem to work until the rules have been flushed; and every link just shows the front page. ?p=XXX links try to forward to the canonical URLs, which then again show the frontpage.
I wonder what is destroying them.
The 301 behaviour could be a side-effect due to tag_redirect being set.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-No-Tag-Base] [Plugin: WP-No-Tag-Base] possible malfunction?I traced it down to at least the no_tag_base_request function. When I commented out status_header(301); I suddenly got 302 redirects and vice versa.
function no_tag_base_request($query_vars) { //var_dump($query_vars); // For Debugging //backwards compatibility for older WP versions if(isset($query_vars['tag_redirect'])) { $tag = user_trailingslashit($query_vars['tag_redirect'], 'post_tag'); $taglink = trailingslashit(get_option( 'home' )) . $tag; status_header(301); header("Location: $taglink"); exit(); } return $query_vars; }
first of all: thank you for making this plugin free and thank you for your ongoing support.
As to your points :
– the majority of sites who are installing plugins from the wordpress repository are on production environments
– adjusting plugins by wp developers breaks the update cycle and is usually not recommended. Also it defies the purpose of this plugin database if every plugin should be adjusted by wp developers before usage on a live site
– with the massive amount of development websites only surviving for a limited amount before going offline, adding functionality which applies to a certain URL working is deeply discouraged for developers. Imagine you switch jobs in 1 years time and won’t have time and/or money to further support AWD. That would jeopardize your users. Also costs of traffic and backwards compatibility are higher on your side.
– as I see it right now, the RSS functionality of your plugin is not really crucial to its operations, and I would ask you to please disable it per default OR to make it an option with a clear warning of the consequencesAs as side-note, or more of a personal request; I am actually a little bit worried over the intrusiveness of your plugin into all areas of wordpress, such as own administration item, own administration tab entry, etc.
I’m sure one of the motivation points for you is to have a prominent plugin, but the FB functionality being just a side-functionality of a WP site I would ask you kindly to take that into regard.
Looking forward to the new version.
DI have investigated this. Why is the documentation read into through RSS from your website? Why is it not offline / local / or simply linked to outwards?
Currently your plugin jeopardizes the users wordpress installations based on the uptime of your website. That is a huge risk factor and totally unacceptable for any wordpress site operated in any kind of production environment.
Check the other forum thread in here and see if that helps. Since you’re adding your iframe code directly in there, your embed code should be working.
I’m not sure if it’s the right way, since it doesn’t automatically implement into my post. I have a hunch that the plugin might not be finished yet.
So I had to fix the single.php template with the following :
if(get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), "_related-video", true) != ''){ echo get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), "_related-video", true); }else{ the_post_thumbnail( 'main' ); }
Replace that with your the_post_thumbnail(‘main’) in single.php. ‘main’ could be also something else, depending on your thumbnail definitions in functions.php.
What I did to fix this issue was editing the replace-featured-image-with-video/pt-page-featured-video.php file
function add_fv_box_fields() { add_meta_box( 'docs_list', __( 'Featured Video', 'related-video' ), 'admin_fv_box_html', 'page', 'side' ); }
function add_fv_box_fields() { add_meta_box( 'docs_list', __( 'Featured Video', 'related-video' ), 'admin_fv_box_html', 'page', 'side' ); add_meta_box( 'docs_list', __( 'Featured Video', 'related-video' ), 'admin_fv_box_html', 'post', 'side' ); }
Thank you, will give it a try
Just to give you more info : Chrome was reporting on both ‘No data received’. My apache log was not reporting any errors, however it reported that ‘/wp-admin/admin.php?page=awd_fcbk HTTP/1.1″ 200 0’ needed between 40-120 seconds to return 0 bytes. The amount of time was increasing with time.
// Load the tag groups if ( function_exists("tag_groups_cloud") ) $tag_groups = tag_groups_cloud( array( 'orderby' => 'count', 'order' => 'DESC' ), true ); // Go through each tag group while ( $current_tag_group = array_shift($tag_groups) ){ echo "<h1>".$current_tag_group["name"]."</h1>"; $tags_shown_per_tag_group = 5; // Limiting to top 5 tags displayed $current_tags = array(); // Get the tags for the tag group into array foreach($current_tag_group["tags"] as $value){ while($tags_shown_per_tag_group>0){ // Show the top tags from the tag group with count echo "<a href='".$value["link"]."'>".$value["name"]."</a><sup>".$value["count"]."</sup> "; } $current_tags[] = $value["slug"]; $tags_shown_per_tag_group--; } // Get 5 articles based on the tags we extracted for the tag group $args = array('posts_per_page' => 5, 'tag' => implode(",",$current_tags)); $three_recent = new WP_Query($args); if ( $three_recent->have_posts() ) : while ( $three_recent->have_posts() ) : $three_recent->the_post(); // the_post loop, show content here endwhile; endif; }
The reason I’m doing the loop twice currently is because I want to add a limit to the first loop ( only show the top 5 tags for a tag group ), whereas in the second loop I want to have all the possible tags in there for the query.
Easily fixed with one loop though.