I also have a problem adding content under the product page.
I tried using this code in the function.php:
function woa_content_after_shop() {
echo “<p>Insert your Content here…</p>”;
add_action( ‘woocommerce_after_shop_loop’, ‘woa_content_after_shop’);
and it works, but when trying to add Images (<img src=”…) or links (<a hrefs=”…) it cause an error and I would have to go through FTP to remove the codes to get it working again.
I tried asking WooCommerce for support, they told me to create a new page and use Shortcodes, which I tried but the simple [products per_page=”12″ column=”4″] will not work, it displays the entire product inventory still with no options.
Is there another code to add to the functions.php?