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  • Well… I found out that my site got hacked. I contacted my hosting company (justhost) and after ssome detective work it appeared that someone had injected some php scripts into a few of my files and redirected many (if not all) of my links to porn sites.

    I ended up having to wipe out everything and start from scratch. My backups were tainted as well. And since I did not have the time (or patience) to go through every file looking for malicious code I figured a global deletion and reinstalling WP was in order. I hope for everyone elses sake they do not have the same issue as I did. I wish I knew why they chose me cause this is the second time in the year that this has happened.

    Now.. I dont know how to do this effectively, but any links that I have out there (old ones) I believe are still routing to the porn sites. Not sure how to either remove them all (as I dont know where all of them might be) or if I should just put the word out.

    Hi there. I do not have any answers for you, sorry. I am posting because I have the same issue. Everything was fine and then one day the links stopped working. Another issue I have (does this happen to you as well?) is if I type the url into the address bar of Firefox I will get a 404 error. But using the bookmark from FF works fine. Strange.

    Thread Starter diversebydesign


    Actually Matt, I have.

    Turns out the problem on my end was that one of the accounts that I thought was set up was not. On top of that, it was a different account that I had that I was using for various other things that caused some of the confusion.

    PLUS – Klout has documented that they are having trouble making connections with WordPress for whatever reason. So at the moment connecting your WordPress account(s) to Klout is not an option.

    Thread Starter diversebydesign


    No forums but they have a “contact us” link. I was just trying this route first, but now it seems that we have figured out it is most likely their issue. Or at least that is how it seems after everything.

    I REALLY thank you for your assistance in this. Like I said, I truly appreciate your involvement and patience.

    You are an asset to the organization and community!


    Thread Starter diversebydesign


    No.. never did. I deleted that blog before I registered with the Klout website.

    From what I understand, there might be issues with Klout. I have a feeling this may be an issue on THEIR end. With everything that we have tried…. I mean I have almost tried doing this connection in every way possible. I just completed disconnecting Jetpack and re-connecting it. Making sure all account info matched and whatnot. But this did not help either. I think I (and whoever else) may be just waiting a bit.

    Thread Starter diversebydesign


    No. Only one. I have one self-hosted and there USED to be a hosted blog but I deleted that one a week ago or so.

    But to answer your question, only one blog and I am trying to get only the one (of course) linked/connected/whatever.

    Thread Starter diversebydesign


    It is just

    Basically it is a social media service that started a few months back (i think). What they do is they “rank” people based on their influence on social media. It is a philosophy that basically says the more influence a person has on social media, the more they have on the world around them and therefore a higher klout score. I thought it was interesting so I took a stab at it.

    The issue that I have is when I try to connect my blog to the site as one of my influential tools or whatever they wanna call it.

    Check it out. Maybe it will give you some insight as to me issues, your right.

    BTW- the results of my little account review. This might be the issue too, I dunno. Maybe I am just having one big BRAIN FART!

    Accounts on my blog:
    Diversebydesign (admin access)
    Tonydbd (admin access)

    Account(s) on

    Account(s) on (forum only)

    Thread Starter diversebydesign


    No.. no other user names for “Klout”.

    In about 5 minutes I am going to go through a simple log-in test of sorts. Mostly because everytime I discuss this issue I get confused just as to what exactly the problem is. Then after about 5 minutes of thinking about it I go, “Oh yea!”.

    That tells me that it might not be too big a deal if I work around it AND that workaround does not cause any pain.

    I will report back my findings. I do want to say however, that I thank you for your help and interest in helping me. Thanks for sticking it out with me through this.

    Thread Starter diversebydesign


    Diversebydesign is listed as an “admin” as well.

    I am not sure what you mean by “hosted solution” and “self-Hosted”. Yes. they are their own site. They look to connect to your social media much in the same manner that twitter or another social media site would (I imagine).

    Thread Starter diversebydesign


    There I can log in as “tonydbd” or my “admin” username which is just “admin”. My other account username “diversebydesign” will NOT allow me access through that url.

    See, I would be fine with that normally because I can still access the blog through the other usernames. Its not like I cannot get in at all at that point. However, when I try to log in to connect with Klout I cannot.

    When I am on the Klout site, I click the Networking tab in the settings and it brings me to a list of the various accounts that I can connect. When I choose WordPress it brings me to a WordPress page that asks me to “authorize” or “deny” the access. When I click on “authorize” it gives me an error and tells me that I have to “choose a blog first”.

    Of course it never gives me an option. So I sign out and attempt to log back in, which at this point I am on the … url and upon putting in my “tonydbd” credentials it tells me that although I am signed in, I cannot access the dashboard with this account because I do not have admin status. Which I do with this account. Now if I start with a fresh tab and just go to the login url (… and log in with the “tonydbd” account, I can access the dashboard and everything else just fine. –confusion!

    I mean should I take this up with the Klout support dudes? Just seems this is a wordpress account issue though? Whatchya think?

    Thread Starter diversebydesign


    Actually.. I just switched hosting companies. I am with JustHost now. Strange how you would see the Bluehost info.. hmm…

    Anyway… let’s try this.

    -I initially started out with a blog that was hosted by wordpress. I used account 1 with this blog.
    -I purchased a hosting plan for my domain ( and started a wordpress blog to be hosted on that account with a new user account (account 2)
    -of course I was then given the opportunity to make a new account to be used when loging in as admin on “wp-login” as we all are I imagine (account 3 – not really an issue here)
    -I deleted the first blog yesterday as I was not using it and everything was done on my domain hosted blog (diversebydesign)
    -I then gave account 1 access as admin to the blog hoping this would help with any future access issues. Plus I knew that the account could not be deleted so I figured I would just keep it. I could use it as a secondary posting account/identity/whatever.
    -I was attempting to connect my blog with and that is when I discovered all my login and access issues.
    -I can login under account 1 sometimes. Maybe it depends on exactly what the url I am attempting to log into is?
    -I can log in to my blog, but only through the “wp-login” url. If I ever try to login through a radio button on the wordpress site or from viewing my blog i get errors telling me that I am not authorized to access the blog and I should ask the admin to invite me. This of course is pointless considering I already have both accounts set up as admin.

    … does that make any sense?

    Thread Starter diversebydesign


    BTW.. I posted again at the .com site because in my head this seems like it would be an account issue at the main wordpress site. Whoever manages the accounts I guess. I dunno. Im still a bit confused by the whole thing. All I know is I cannot log in as easily as I should be able to.

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