Forum Replies Created
I wanted to defend the plugin a little because I think your review is too harsh.
But I also think that you’re making a good suggestion for improvement.
You’re right when you say that the design of the widgets and the layout are not modern and that the developer should definitely improve that. The widgets should be responsive and automatically adapt to devices. There can also be more designs.Basically, I think the plugin and the range of functions are much larger and above all the focus is perhaps not on the images and the design, but on the convenient function (GDPR-compliant) of tracking the views, so the plugin is also good.
A lot has also happened in the backend, so you can say that the developer is making an effort.So, I think the plugin is good and I’m glad that this plugin exists.
I understand that the widgets could be more modern (for example with responsive CSS or optimized Ajax features), but I don’t think 2 stars are justified.Best wishes
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Classic Editor] Basic question for the developers [EN/DE]Thank you for your interest.
And yes. I think it may be a preference for a clearer layout. The other is perhaps too open.I don’t know if there are any particular reasons why it works the other way around. I could only imagine it and can only say what I think myself and what I hear from others.
Most people use the Classic Editor plugin because the old editor was always very clear. (Sure, it could have been made a bit more modern. But changing it so much was perhaps too much.) And many people actually want to write more text with WordPress and click and configure less. Gutenberg is getting or seems to be getting bigger and bigger and you can configure and click so much. Maybe that’s not necessary. Maybe that’s already too much.
And I also wonder why they don’t do a big, multilingual survey. Regularly. With honest and sober questions. 10 million people use the Classic Editor plugin. Does that really matter? Does nobody want to know why?
I think that’s a shame. But that’s another topic.WordPress is great. The Gutenberg editor is perhaps nice, even if I think the options are far too many. But the blocks are a nice idea. But the layout, the structure or the division are just too open. It also looks like an editor. But the editing page shouldn’t look like just an editor, because you also have settings on the page. That’s why it might be confusing.
I therefore think that if you offer a layout that allows many external settings to go back to their usual places and the layout is more oriented towards the Classic Editor, then I think you’re reaching out to those who currently tend to reject Gutenberg.
(What I also find a shame, by the way, is that Gutenberg allows embeds, which is good. But all embeds cannot be used without other plugins, because none of them are GDPR compliant.)Best wishes
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Classic Editor] Basic question for the developers [EN/DE]Hi janmtm,
I understand what you mean, but that’s not what I mean.
I’m saying that I would like it if Gutenberg got a Classic function. So, everything around the page is laid out according to the layout of the Classic Editor, only the text area consists of the normal Gutenberg.
So, in principle I mean it the other way round, as you described and showed. The Classic Editor should not be a block in Gutenberg, but the Gutenberg Editor should be in the Classic Editor. However, by Classic Editor I mean the entire editing page, including the layout and structure.
Do you understand what I mean?I personally think that the millions of people who use the Classic Editor use it because the page and layout are clearer. Because it is also more closely aligned with the rest of WordPress.
So, I think it’s good that Gutenberg is more modern. But the design, structure and presentation of the entire page is no longer as attractive. And I think that many people feel the same way who currently prefer to use the Classic Editor plugin.In principle, it would be good if you could get the old design, with the tiled look, and simply integrate the Gutenberg editor when you write a comment, like here.
I’m not a graphics expert, but I tried to show it graphically. ( )
Best wishes
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Avatar Privacy] ReferenceErrorYes. I use Version 7.6.14
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Broken Link Checker] Broken Link Checker 2.0.0. – Update? Yes? No?Hello Nithin,
yes, do that. I wanted an answer, but then I went on vacation and just didn’t think about it anymore. sorry
I found Adam’s answer very helpful and honest. Thanks a lot for this.
I have now updated the plugin to 2.2.1 on several pages. I’m currently using the OLD version because I don’t see why an account might be necessary.
But I only use this plugin to help me with the links and just have a look at which ones might be faulty or no longer work. But I don’t have many links either. Nevertheless, I find the plugin very useful.But if I understand correctly, the account or the cloud is there to not check the links from my hoster, which might also put a strain on the system. If your cloud is specially designed to check links for changes, it’s certainly easier on the server.
I still have time to think things through carefully.But yes. This post is closed for now and I would like to thank you again for the detailed and good answer.
Greeting.Ah ok. Thanks very much.
I just thought that this was just a temporary solution and that it would have to be reversed after the next update.
Since the problem will affect many, I thought that an update will be available soon. But if you say it is worth installing this short-term solution first, because no update is to be expected at first.
GreetingsWpHttpClient.php: Dropbox-API: cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 5001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received
I have the same mistake. When will there be an update? Currently you cannot use the plugin, or?
A few days ago friends said that you can no longer make backups because an error always occurs. Maybe I was hoping for a more temporary bug. But the bug is from the plugin, right?
A friend had already asked the server host and they didn’t change anything on the server.Hi, I’m currently dealing with the topic in more detail. I was hoping that the developer would build something into his plugin.
Is there also the possibility to deactivate wpdiscuz on the respective article page?
I have created my own variable with which I want to display the content of the review plugin. Could you also install your filter there or does it have to be in the functions.php?
It would be easier to deactivate the wpdiscuz plugin in single-php if the review field and reader ratings are to be activated.
I hope you understand what I mean.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Nav Menu Roles] Also for pages and posts?I’m honest. I would even be happy to donate something financially. But probably we have very different ideas about what you want and what I could donate (20-40 €). ??
I think the idea is great and I have not yet found a plugin that offers this simple function.
Either they are large membership plugins with functions that I do not need or the implementation is rather complex and not so or the plugin has too few downloads or bad reviews. I also find your layout and simplicity much better. I could imagine your structure much more like the way you set it up. I just like it too. ??I have of course already looked at the membership. And not only that. I’ve been searching and google for a solution for a long time. But I have not found an easy solution.
I actually just want a very simple plugin that works as in the photo. Simply that you can either display everything as normal or choose whether it is displayed to users who are not logged in or logged in. Even the roles wouldn’t be that important at first. But I think it’s great that your plugin can do that too. That’s why I thought I’d just ask you.I myself would first have to learn how to create a plugin. Otherwise I might even try it myself. But I have too little experience and am afraid that the plugin will be unsafe. And a security hole or a hack on my website would be too sad.
That’s why I hoped that I might be able to motivate you with my idea and that you might expand the plugin.
It’s a shame that you can’t ask your users if this extension would make sense. I think so.
And as I said. There is hardly a plugin that offers this simple function.
There are hardly any plugins that can simply display a page or posts for registered or unregistered or normal users.
But I haven’t given up the search yet.
Most of them are now much too large and offer functions that I do not need.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Nav Menu Roles] Also for pages and posts?Oh. No no.
I think you misunderstood me.I asked if you can imagine not only restricting your plugin to the menu, but also expanding it to pages and posts. It would be great if you could not only hide menu items, but also posts and pages. Or?
Your plugin is extremely good because it is not a “membership plugin”. I think your plugin is really good because it is not a membership plugin. So I don’t want your plugin to become a membership plugin. I want it to stay the way it is. ??
It is simple and small and does what it should.
That’s why I wanted to ask you. I don’t want to install another plugin, which also has so many functions that I don’t need all of them. Precisely because your structure is so simple, I could very well imagine that it also fits if you can also see it in the posts and pages.
Do you understand what I mean?I would be very happy if you could also integrate your plugin, ie the “Display Mode” function in the “Post” Publish “box”.
So it would be possible to set the display and access for pages and posts and that would improve the possibilities.
I did some research and there is already a snippet of code.
Have a look: if you click the link you will understand what I mean.
Their function oder Your Plugin built into pages and posts.
That would be great.I also took the trouble to create a picture.
It could look like this. would be nice, or?
It would be of great help and enrichment.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [IdeaPush] Moderate Board & Feedback ProThank you for your response.
Of course I understand that you also want to get something back for your development and time. I would also like to do that.
I just wanted to give a feedback and the suggestion if it would be interesting if you want to offer a slimmed down pro version again. More than one board (2-3), user idea editing and deleting, and maybe challenges, leaderboard, and maybe widgets for $ 19 a year.
So, I like to support a good, secure plugin, but $ 49 a year is actually too much for me. I can’t do that yet. Therefore it should only be a suggestion or idea.But then I have to have a look.
Thank you for your nice and good support.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ACF OpenStreetMap Field] All post markers on one map?Good question.
I would like to show users in a map. For this I would then show in each user profile a card in which the members (authors) can then enter. In the frontend all members (authors) should be displayed.
Is that possible without further ado?
- This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by DjPD.
I have deinstatliert and installed the plugin several times. After the third time it went.
?? Funny, but fitsForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Shariff Wrapper] Steady Button?Hi Jan-Peter,
gerne gebe ich Dir weitere Infos und Links zu den Diensten.
Also, Feedly ist eigentlich nur ein RSS-Reader bzw. eine News-Aggregator-Anwendung für verschiedene Webbrowser und mobile Ger?te mit iOS und Android, also eine Seite mit der man seine Feeds sehr einfach verwalten kann. Der Dienst ist bei Bloggern eigentlich Recht beliebt/bekannt. Wenn es ein Button g?be, mit dem man die Seite einfach zu Feedly hinzufügen k?nnte, dann w?re das sicher ein Mehrwert.
Ein Button kann man sich hier erstellen lassen:
Dort siehst Du dann auch die Linkstruktur. Au?erdem kann man sich da auch ein Grafik-Kit downloaden. Lokale Bilder sind ja immer besser.Steady
Steady ist eine Art Unterstützer-Seite. Also, Unterstützer k?nnen einem mit einer monatlichen/j?hrlichen Spende unterstützen. Wenn man Steady nutzt, bindet man in der Regel bereits ein JavaScript in die Seite ein. Damit bekommt man einige Funktionen, die hier beschrieben sind:
Auf der Seite kann man übrigens auch Grafiken downloaden.
Es gibt bereits eine “Steady Button” bzw. “Steady Overlay”-Funktion, mit der ein schwebender Button (Overlay) am unteren Rand der Website angezeigt werden k?nnte. Eine Integration in Dein Shariff w?re aber sicher auch nicht unattraktiv. Dann ist die Seite (z.b. bei Smartphones) nicht so voll mit anderen Overlays und Buttons. Gerade wenn man noch z.B. Google Captcha oder eigene Back-To-Tops-Overlayse besitzt.
Jedenfalls wird bei Klick auf den Button ein Overlay angezeigt, der erkl?rt warum man einen unterstützen soll. Diese Funktion k?nnte man ja vielleicht übernehmen, so dass dieses Overlay auch bei Klick auf dem Shariff-Button angezeigt wird.
Ich wei?, dass die Entwickler sehr nett sind, vielleicht k?nnen die Dir ja auch noch weitere Funktionen und M?glichkeiten einr?umen. Zum Beispiel k?nnte man auch einbauen, dass der Button bei angemeldeten Steady-Mitgliedern nicht mehr angezeigt wird.
Hier w?re auch noch ein Link mit den einzelnen Codes, aber ich wei? nicht, ob Nicht-Mitglieder das sehen k?nnen:
Aber wie gesagt, Steady ist da ziemlich nett. Eine Mail ist da bestimmt gerne gesehen.Ich hoffe, dass es soweit erst einmal reicht.
Wenn noch etwas ist, einfach melden.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Requirements Checklist] Is the plugin still up to date (safe)?Oh, thanks for your answer.
That’s what I wanted to hear. I use the Classic editor, so there are no problems. But nice to hear that it is safe.Do you still plan to further develop the plugin or will it probably not be a new version?