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  • Focus on less updates – I spent more time updating wordpress in 2010 than I did blogging.

    Focus on either fixing bbpress or make an exporter to phpbb / vbulletin / ipboard, etc – and kill it completely.

    focus on fixing buddypress, or make an exporter to phpfox / dolphin – and kill it –

    is videopress going to work (the code to make worpdress handle video upload / convert / embed) or is it going the way of bbpress as well?

    seriously – updates to wordpress kill me. New functions could be plugins, and merge with new core twice a year max. Stop adding new stuff and fix the stuff that is already broken.

    bbpress and buddypress need help or put them out of misery, it makes automatic look bad, and it makes all of the wordpress sites running with buddypress look bad.
    I LOVE wordpress, but got more blogging done with 1.5

    thank you so much for your help and advice Andrea – here and everywhere else around WP.

    I deleted the wp-admin and wp-includes, and overwrote all the files with wp 3.0 – did the network upgrade, and it still came up with an error – although it now says malformed:

    Warning! Problem updating . Your server may not be able to connect to sites running on it. Error message: malformed

    I have tried deleted the line from my wp-config –

    define(‘DB_CHARSET’, ‘utf8’);

    and running it that way – and no luck. It still gets through about 150 of the blogs and then errors. I archive the 3 or 4 blogs around when it errors – it skips those – and then errors on the next ones.

    this is an wpmu that was started in 2006 – and as been through several upgrades, this move from 2.9.2 to 3.0 is a struggle.
    I’ve had my host check error logs and there seems to be no error reporting from wordpress. I’m totally lost now.

    i went ahead and uploaded the files through ftp again – but yeah, this was with a manual upgrade, still having the issues – even followed the advice of:
    wpmu tutorials – since it’s such a change..

    Still getting the error. Renamed mu-plugins and don’t have any other plugins running other than brand my loging – which I do not think will affect it – very strange to get this error with 2.9.2 going to 3.03

    I am getting the same error – ( Warning! Problem updating . Your server may not be able to connect to sites running on it. Error message: A valid URL was not provided. )upgrading from 2.9.2 wpmu to the 3.03 wordpress. I archive a blog the last blog updated and rerun the update blogs – and it goes tot he next one and gets the same error. the blogs are fine (display fine and backend looks normal).

    I wonder if this has anything to do with the:
    define(‘DB_CHARSET’, ‘utf8’);
    added into the wp-config – since this is an old wpmu that has been upgraded multiple versions – several versions ago we had a bunch of funny symbols in the posts after upgrade – and adding the utf8 was the suggested fix – could this be causing the problem?
    I have already run a check and repair on the database itself.

    I would wonder if I did the htaccess fix for the 3.0 upgrade properly – but it seems to run the update for the first 100 or so blogs just fine. All the blogs display properly when visiting, and images are there. Perplexed as to what to do.

    think I found a fix perhaps.. I think during my update I deleted the plugin folder and uploaded the fresh one, activated it, and hoped that all was well. It seemed fine, but I realized I had no signups for three days, which is very unusual.

    After some more poking around, I think that the problem was the lack of a folder being re-created after I deleted the plugin and upadted. Looking at the options I noticed this:

    so I created that, and it still didn’t work – but then I decided to try it in the mu-plugins folder that I had moved the plugin too – creating a a “capthca-temp” folder there and changin permissions seems to make it work now.

    So now I am going to try to make it work again in the regular plugins folder, and deleting the mu-plugins one.
    I think re-adding that captcha-temp folder has fixed the problem. Hope this helps anyone else who has the same issue. I delete and upgrade through ftp, not through the WP backend.

    okay, so using the mu-plugins way of install / run – the captcha appears on the registration page – but it still fails to work. After completing all fields and the captcha – the page just refreshes – no completed sign up page. Same problem as earlier stated.

    Okay, I double checked and it does seem to be enabled now. My ftp hadn’t finished the move part yet.

    Ok I just tried that method, and it does not seem to work for my setup for some reason. wp-hashcash is in mu-plugins and shows fine in superadmin. But after putting the si-captcha there, it does not show in the superadmin section, nor show captchas on the signups pages.
    I just woke up and the espresso has not wiped away the haze from my eyes yet. Maybe I will retry this later – and just disable registering on my site – I woke up to more than 1500 new spam signups from last night – grrr.

    Thanks for the reply – I will give that method a try. i had it running fine with the previous versions by putting it in a regular “plugins” folder, and clicking to activate sitewide / network activate or whatever they are calling it these days… I will give the mu-plugins folder a whirl and see what happens..

    I am getting an error with buddypress too now – not sure what the error is – but when people try to sing up, it just brings back to sign up page. When I deactivate si captcha signups go through no problem.

    buddypres 1.2.6
    si captcha
    wpmu – 3.01

    plugins running:
    BP Blog Author Profile Link
    BP Group Documents
    Forum Attachments for BuddyPress
    oEmbed for BuddyPress

    I was also running BP-Registration-Options plugin at same time – but even disabling it, the signup function still failed. This only occurred after newest update of SI captcha

    I love you plugin, it saves me time and costs spammers time and money, hope we can get a better version soon!

    Thread Starter djsteve


    Thank you for the help!
    I had not considered searching for those terms, and had not thought to search with google. I had also not thought about a plugin for this!
    I’m trying to sift though code and template tags and sheesh, Ijust hit myself on the head – a plugin.

    After looking at the plugin you mentioned above, I clicked on the tag for excerpt to see other plugins that worked with customizing the excerpt. I just tried 6 or 7 different plugins.

    The fancy excerpt plugin was the closest to being exactly what I wanted – with a couple of minor flaws in my opinion – but for many people it may do the trick.

    I found that the post teaser plugin allowed me to tweak the exact text and format that I need.

    thanks for leading me in other directions outside the code box I was stuck in!

    Yes. That’s the short answer.. I did a very similar thing for my breakitdownradio dot com site.. you can do it with WP and add each radio host as another user – give them editor role in user roles as admin (or something like that).
    You can modify your theme of choice to display a list of “posts” for each host – like a category view – you might want to look at creating a custom “page template” that pulls all the posts from jockeyA – and title that page jockeyA – and have it show for navigation somewhere..
    There are many options right now – and more to come.

    Another way to do what you are talking about is to use wordpressMU – but I would hold off on that – as I believe we are a couple months away from having WP merge with MU and then there will be even more options for doing what you are talking about, I assume with different themes for each “other users” blog.

    WP is a good choice for what you want to do, especially with the podpress and other podcasting plugins – I would set it up, add a couple users, get them to add a couple posts each, and then start to look at how you want your theme to look and navigate – some quick theme mods will allow all your jocks to simply log in and post – everything else will be automatic with WP and a well modded theme.

    Ps – please mark this as resolved if this answers your current question.

    I am not sure if I understand you completely,
    but from what I gather, there is probably several ways to do what you want..
    Try searching the plugins section – maybe something there..

    If I was going to make a page that had dyanmic links to sub pages.. hmm..
    I would fist create a custom page template.

    Then find the code for displaying page links and insert it in there somewhere..
    Hope this helps..

    This is normally controlled by which theme you are using.
    You could try to use a different theme. (free, easy)
    You could go into the theme’s code and try to remove the lines that pull that info. (Free, kind of easy – easy to screw up)
    You could write the theme author and offer money to them for customizing it. (easy – not free, may not get a response)
    You could offer money to someone else to customize it. (easy – not free, must trust the code person not to inject evil code into your php)

    You also must consider something else – if you custom mod theme files, and then later there is an update to that theme, you may lose your custom mods – so consider using what’s called child themes if you are doing mods in the future.

    Please mark as resolved if this answers your question.
    In the future asking them questions would help if you said which theme you are using, and you might consider this to be better suited for the theme forums and not the general wp problems – fyi

    You could try to export your posts, then import them. I think if you do it that way, you may need to ftp in and copy your wp-content/uploads folder and upload that to the other server.

    If you just want new post, or perhaps new posts and the latest 25 posts – set your rss feed setting to full text..

    install wp-omatic on the other blog – and set it to suck in the rss feed from your other blog and cache the images to your other server.

    Hope this helps, reply or mark as resolved if so.

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