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Since this appears as one of top results when searching yahoo for this issue – thought I’d add what I did to stop in my case..
On top of creating a new DB user and adding the new credentials to this wp-config as mentioned above –
I went into phpmyadmin – my wp database – the wp users table.. selected the admin user I was logging in with – and change the password field, then selected md5 in the box next to it – and clicked save. At the same time I went into my wp-config and turned off debugging and debug logging – issue was then resolved.
in between that and the other things mentioned in this thread, I had gone in and renamed the plugins folder, and then deleted almost all wordpress files and re-installed basically (after having a complete backup of all files and the database with add drop table selected) just in case.
was re-doing the admin user password md5 the fix? or maybe just debug = false is suppressing me seeing the errors and causing troubles? or maybe it was the debug logging using a deprecated thing – I don’t know at this time.
I had upgraded cpanel and apache recently – so maybe since this was created with older version of apache / cpanel / php – around wp 4.4.. then some updates and later problems – not sure.
details on changing user pass through phpmyadmion and md5 and all that are in the codex (last I checked some years ago I think)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Media Feather | social media sharing] ShareThis and Privacy issuesun-believable. – just earned this plugin a one star review. out so many people – I hope you got more than 100,000 $ for doing this. Anything less than 10K makes you real *edited* – .
anyone know what country plugin author resides?
On my third site.. I deactivated ip geo block.. then inside dashboard selected all the other plugins that needed to be updated.. about 8.. clicked update.. it brings up the screen for my ftp details
(To perform the requested action, WordPress needs to access your web server. Please enter your FTP credentials to proceed. If you do not remember your credentials, you should contact your web host.)then they update.. then I get screen showing “Error: Please change permissions for writing to geoipdb direcotry.”
Wow – this error keeps displaying on when trying to get into wp-admin, and shows on home page now.. even after the ip geo block plugin is deleted via ftp.
I even deactivated the ipgeo block before updating plugins.
So perhaps this has to do with the plugin itself being updated and not getting the permissions it needed to finish updating.
Finding the same issue with my experiments – one method makes it stretch over top of the sidebar – which looks good on a long post / page – however the other method shrinks the slider and it squishes the pictures to they are not proper proportion.
Really trying to make everything on my site as responsive as possible, and this theme I’m using has the bootstrap stuff to make containers stretch / shrink / move..
I think would be a good additional to have this plugin add an option to set max dimensions with percentages of container as another option instead of just the pixels.
I’d love to see it 100% in my particular container.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Onetake] footer widgets no display?Answering my own issue – found that footer widget display must be turned on via theme options – then tab click ‘footer’
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [IP Geo Block] tor and awsI am glad you are considering this. Right now AWS is the most abused network trying to brute force login on several of our sites.
I would like to note that with one of our servers that runs free-bsd – the cidr notation does not seem to work well when blocking via htaccess – allow / deny for some reason – works fine with our other apache servers though it seems.
with our free bsd system (has all kinds of custom settings by our server management company – I have to have them add cidrs to ip tables system, or run the ip blocks in htaccess like:
(to block .1 – .255 )
and in some cases, 123.456.
to get whatever 255 * 255 ips is..side note – I found several errors in our error log with regards to the tor blocker plugin – I reported them there – but not sure that one is as well thought out and coded as your system is – so perhaps you may consider adding an option to download and add tor ips to your cool system here (?)
thanks again – you are solving a very large problem that many are only starting to learn about – this is going to be very useful for many people.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [IP Geo Block] tor and awsThey have a json file posted – Kb ? size?
I was able to (or at least trying to block)
1.5 mill of their ips by adding these two cidr’s to firewall and htaccess:
deny from
deny from think that is 1 million ips – I’m trying to learn / understand how the math works on this stuff – this shows it being 1.5 mill –
Of course they have many more outside these ranges.. and I’m, not an expert on this stuff – so best practices – dunno.
looks like their reverse dns does include : amazonaws . com
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [IP Geo Block] tor and awsThank you for considering this!
I think the wp community would greatly benefit from having a new plugin that is similar to the ip geo block and similar to how the tor block gives option to allow or disallow “viewing your site” “logging in” making “post” (instead of just get) – and all that – with the list of Amazon AWS ips..even if you do not add options for blocking tor – it would be great to see you consider making one to block amazon aws –
I just added ~ 1.5 million ips (using several cdir)s from amazon’s cloud data center to a few sites’ htaccess to block them.. but I know I did not get them all, and I know there will be more hacking attempts from that datacenter within 24 hours – I see them in my logs from sucuri, and other logs.
I am tracking and looking for other large datacenters that are doing / allowing similar amount of abusive hacking / logging in / registering attempts as well.
Thanks again for this much needed system you have put together here!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Wp update 4.3.! Media Library – Files will not uploadHave you two checked to see if the wp-content/uploads folder is writable?
on most of my servers it works fine – but I have one web server (that is really locked down w security stuff) – that I need to maybe the /uploads folder 777 permissions in order for uploaded media to workand with that one I needed to create a new folder like 2015/09
and make that 777of course if that works.. then try to make it less permissions – 755 – see if that works.. 644 – etc..
You might also check that the folder has the right “chowner” – sometimes your web server files will be “owned” by MyUsername
yet a script on the server may create a folder that is chowned by “scriptABC” – that can cause a write issue..Also – have you two tried uploads with a different web browser? Some of my users are unable to upload when using chrome on a mobile device – but using mobile firefox on same device works fine… weird..
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Website does not load CSS@sham.soni – I am not an expert.. but it appears that your site is not loading / displaying the entire <head> section of the pages that wp is supposed to generate.. view- page source and there is a lot of stuff not there that should be..
Could be all kinds of things causing that issue..
It would not hurt to make a backup copy of your files.. then download a fresh wordpress and overwrite the files.. reinstall a fresh wp to see if something got corrupted..
It may be theme related (you could try switching to 2014 theme to see if that brings the <head> section back..
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do we change the hover link color?@ngaisteve1 – there could be several places in your theme files or even plugins that affect this.
Of course it’s best to make a child theme (maybe use a plugin to make one for you) – as editing your files will be fine until a theme update rolls out and erases your work.
You could do this in your appearance -> editor
or download the file in something cool like notepad++I think it’s easiest to just get to your “style.css” file..
hit ctrl+f (find on page)
type: hover
into the search box and click next, next – see all the rules in your style.css that are affecting the color..Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Fourteen] Mobile version@maximgloba – what kind of device are you testing with?
Which browser?I notice that a samsung s4 mini phone with the “stock android browser” (not chrome) will work one way and an asus android tablet using firefox mobile browser may work another.
Of course if you have browser plugins that may make a difference as well.
From what I understand this theme uses javascript to detect and move things – so using a device that does not do javascript is likely to fail – and I’m not sure there is any “noscript” things in the code – as many modern devs simply shrug at supporting older devices.
Without any details on your exact device, and optional setups – it’d be impossible for anyone to tell you about the behavior you are experiencing.
If mobile is an important issue for your setup, I would consider looking into themes that are based on bootstrap and foundation – as those are pretty solid in the mobile area – not that this one is not good.. none are going to be perfect, and none will support every mobile device on the planet (aside from ones that just show text, and no “responsiveness”)
random thoughts from someone who knows a little – but not enough.. I do not cliam to really understand how this theme, or any php / java that is mixed with it actually work.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Photosmash] Is anyone still interested in this plugin?Holy ***k! This plugin can be revived?!
This thing was/is amazing in all the things it could / can do. I used this in different ways on different sites – then I got scared it might have vulnerabilities not looked into – so axed all the old galleries and such to be on the safe side.
The other day someone was asking for something like this for a buddypress / wordpress site – and first thing I thought of was this one – but could not suggest due to no new development.
I may suggest they take a look now.
@bennebw / Byron – you did a lot of amazing work putting all this stuff together. It was much appreciated by a lot of people on one of my sites. (at the time it was the easiest / best front end uploader and auto image resizer for quick pics to be uploaded and then url given to use as avatars in our chat rooms!)
@anyone who is going to update this thing – high fives to you as well. Very cool to see this pop up in my list of updates.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Fail2Ban] add option to export text file?Yes, I’d love to see an option with this plugin to simply export a csv file with data – I found your plugin looking for something to do exactly that, it’s very close.
1 – a LOT of people have WP running in environments where they do not have root access, and even the ones that do normally do not have the chops to play with things like fail2ban.
2 – An exported list will give us the option to manually look at the list for patterns, and use it for other things.
Currently I look at sucuri’s log of failed logins and the log from limit login attempts – then manually look up the worst offenders with myip ms or similar – and then look up the host’s cidr and block a few thousand ips at once via htaccess.
Sometimes I copy / paste limit login attempts details from more than one wp install and compare in an excel(ish) sheet – looking for patterns / worst offenders.
I could see this data pulled into a seperate plugin for other users – would be nice to automate the host lookup, country code, owner’s cidr, etc –
Some ISPs get abuse notices sent with details – some just get plain blocked by htaccess.
I found another plugin that blocks via htaccess – but it only adds one single IP to the list – and I think the best way to handle these attacks are to block the largest blocks at a time.
But we need the data in a better format than limit login attempts provides, and i’ve not found a method to export the data from sucuri (yet, I’m sure a simple mysql cmmd would do it)
So in the short term, this data exported would be nice – perhaps in the long term someone can whip something that extends the data gathered into more info pulled from elsewhere, and then bring up options for more things to do.