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@simonpedge php V 7.4 here – has been for a while..
I am having same in my php error log..
Warning: DOMDocument::loadHTML(): htmlParseEntityRef: expecting ‘;’ in Entity, line: 2 in /home/mySitePath/wp-content/plugins/slide-anything/php/slide-anything-frontend.php on line 1256I have checked “enable lazy load images’ in the other settings.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: media library security users see others mediaIt is my hope that the wordpress gurus will find time to add this as a security / settings options for WP when multiple authors are using the same site – and consider the ramifications for buddypress installs with this as well.
Luckily the plugin author for role scoper has updated his code in the development version of his plugin that has now blocked the access of users seeing other user’s unattached media files. As of this writing a regular author is still able to see the unattached media files that the admin of the site has uploaded and that are unattached (images uploaded for them headers are all accessible to regular users) – but my fingers are crossed that the role scoper author will get that part figures out as well. I donated to the plugin creator there for taking on such an important task – I hope that code finds it’s way into core in future updates.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do I auto Schedule my blog postsThere may be a plugin or other automated way to do this, I a not sure of that. But thought I would chime in and let you know that you can go to each draft and edit – on the right is “Publish immediately” – you can click Edit next to that and select a future date – then it should become scheduled.
You may also consider click posts – All post – then click drafts near top middle of page to show only drafts… then you MAY be able to change the date there on the left and then status on the bottom right to published – that may work or may not, have not yet tested.
If you know all this already I apologize for trying to help.
I know some of the auto-blog plugins have ways of scheduling posts in the future when they are fed into the system, but not sure if there is any plugin that takes posts that are already saved as drafts and auto-schedules from there.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Keeping a Post on the First page as an Intro .Lots of ways to do this. some themes have “sticky post” options, or “featured post” options and sliders..
There are plugins that do this as well I am sure too.What I do for most of my wordpress installs is this:
Create a “PAGE” – “welcome to my awesome site.. here is my intro”
Create another “page” – call is “blog” (or posts, or something else”Go to settings on the left / reading.
at top = Front page displays – select “A Static page” radio button. Then select the page for welcome to my awesome site for front page, and then your “posts” or whatever page to display your blog posts.IF you want your site like that.. if you just want a sticky intro post at the top with your posts below that on your front page, then you need to look at your theme options (sometimes ‘make this a sticky post’ or something like that will appear on your post editor window somewhere..
Or look into plugins..
If you choose to do the static page thing I outlined above, then I would also look into your custom menus, and your pages listed on sidebar in widgets (if you have these) and exclude the page there.. info about that (and really all of this I think) is in the codex and other forum responses.
Hope this is helpful – welcome to wordpress! it’s powerful and awesome, but takes some digging around at first to make it dance exactly the way you envision.
Please mark this as resolved if it solves your problem. I am not a wordpress moderator or anything, just a user that tried to give back to the community when I ask questions myself. My instructions may not be perfect, so use at your own risk – lol
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Uploading Photos into WP PostHave you tried using different browsers like fireox, IE, and chrome?
Tried using a different computer? Could be a browser plugin issue, or some kind of firewall / antivirues security block from your computer.
Just a guess not knowing your setup – could be a pop up blocker – but I would try the different browsers / computers first to hopefully narrow it down.Yeah, I was hoping that maybe I could find someone that would be able to take in this sql4 database onto their box and get it to work or hash out the problem, but it seems it may just be easier to go through and rebuild from scratch – I just rebuilt one of the two sites, manually copying posts from the phpmyadmin and pasting into pages on the rebuilt small site – not it appears that I will have to do it the same way with this one – sighs, loves wordpress updates, really trying to anyway – lol
Thanks so much for the help here btw – just having some reply makes a huge difference in stress levels!
Looking at the phpmyadmin search results, it appears to be about 2459 users/blogs.. most of these are not active and marked as spam / archived – I am guessing there are only about 30-50 blogs / users that were active, but the sql dump uncompressed is about 160mb – I should go through and delete all those archived ones I guess!
okay, tried that – still not working.. I think that signup was someone trying to exploit something from a registration in 2004 – they had signed up with (4 W’s) as username and site name –
I wonder if my database had some corrupt tables while in php / mysql V4 – and then when it got upgraded / imported to V5 is truncated some stuff that was needed or something..
okay, I see two instances of the https://www.mysite in the database, on is in wp_signups and the other is in wp_users – should I edit those two blocks and take out the www? Would that be causing the redirect on home page issuse?
in the wp_site section, I just see three fields – “Id” is 1, “domain” is, “path” is /
I do not see a field for prefix in wp_site
Could that be the problem?!
Did the search, and in wp-site meta it shows the same type of setup;
This is so weird. Would it be possible for someone to import my database into a fresh install on a different server and see if it’s working right there, and then re-export the database from sql v5 or would that not work either?
Thank you so much for helping with this!
I am assuming that in wp-config I look to this line for this info:
define(‘DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘’ );But where would I look in the database for this info?
Also, what are the best ways to look into the database? Should I use phpmyadmin or try to open it in a text editor like from open office or editplus or is there something better?Yes, I made a new wp 3.2 multisite and it seems to work fine.
Same server, nothing else has changed, just the upgrade to sql 5.
I paid extra to get supreme support from my host and asked them to double check everything, including all the php / sql modules being upgraded and installed properly. We went through the process of importing the sql 4 database into a new blank database (which is not running v5) – and still have the same redirecting loop issue.
I tried check / repair of this database and still fails.
This site was a wpmu v 1.5 (I think) that has been upgraded several times over the years.
I tried renaming the plugins folder to make sure it was not a plugins issue (although I really think this install was not running any plugins)
I just had the same issue occur on a different server, with a different host and the mu sites on that server did the same thing. They were able to re-import the backup dumps into php/sql5 and everything runs fines on that server, taking away this redirecting issue – but that does not seem to work properly on this one server with my other host.
the dot com redirect loops, the dotcom/wp-admin redirect loops.. going to wp-admin/upgrade.php shows a page, click the buttin, it changes the page and says done – and does not seem to change anything – very strange.
Well, I am having this same issue on two different web sites on two different servers. I upgraded the sql / php and it failed with the multisite sites – the one with the first fail:
I took the backup I had made (while the database was on php / sql 4 version) – and then imported the sql file and imported it to a new database with the phpmyadmin 5 and that did not work, changed the credentials in wp-congif and it still did the infinite redirect fail – then I took the php 4 version and imported straight into the database that had been converted to php/ sql 5 overwriting the main one, and it still has the redirect fail.It fails / redirect loops on the home page, as well as – strange thing is that going to wp-admin/upgrade.php brings up a page, but clicking upgrade basically refreshes the screen and it dies.