/public_html/wp-content/uploads/forminator here i have found another .htaaccess file:
BEGIN Forminator Dyrektywy zawarte mi?dzy “BEGIN Forminator” oraz “END Forminator” s? generowane dynamicznie i powinny by? modyfikowane tylko za pomoc? filtrów WordPressa. Zmiany dokonane bezpo?rednio tutaj b?d? nadpisywane. Disable parsing of PHP for some server configurations.
SetHandler none SetHandler default-handler Options -ExecCGI Options -Indexes RemoveHandler .cgi .php .php3 .php4 .php5 .phtml .pl .py .pyc .pyo
php_flag engine off
Header set X-Robots-Tag “noindex” END Forminator
and when i delete this file images are displayed but im not shure if i need to delate this file or jus change it ?