Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Trackbacks aren’t working on my blogYes, it does receive trackbacks from other blogs. I just tried it from my dotText blog, to the entry at
https://theoblogical.org/movtyp/archives/003642.html from
https://blogs.theoblogical.org/blog/archive/2004/11/13/328.aspxForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Trackbacks aren’t working on my blogI used the above 3 fixes, and did incoming and outgoing links (did a link to WordPress post from MT, which WordPress recorded and put under my comments) but the WP post I did referringf to a MT post did NOT show on the MT blog. So, my incoming tb’s work (WordPress received it from my MT blog) but my MT blog did not receive it from WordPress). I put the htaccess file in my WordPress root. Any ideas?
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Where to download latest 1.3?I can’t find which of these is 1.3 ….I downloaded one, and see no indication that it is 1.3
Which one is it? I went under Donwload/NightlyBuilds, and downloaded wordpress-2004-08-30.zipForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Imported LJ posts display HTMLI’d like to see some response….somewhere, sometime
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Bookmarklet reg file errorstill errors
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: FIx trackbacks! Please!Maybe it is time for a bug fix? A patch , or something? I love WP features, but I gotta have Trackbacks……
NOne of the above worked for me
Also, I’d like to be able to properly import my MT blogs, comments, categories, etc. and have the HTML survive. WordPress nicely converts the “Read More” extended entries, but all mynice tables I created for images (usually a table with one row and two columns with image to the left) are now displaying the tags instead of rendering thr tables…….Think it has to do with the format of the export from MT, or some extra step I needed to convert the export before pulling it into WP.
I also would like to use Technorati links (via their API)….any plugins available for WP?
Thanks for any of these, order of importance as listed
DaleForum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: FIx trackbacks! Please!Any hints on why my discussion page is blank when I select Options/Discussion?
https://theoblogical.org/wp/wp-admin/options-discussion.phpForum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: FIx trackbacks! Please!My general Options page has an error at the bottom:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare add_magic_quotes() (previously declared in c:\myhost\myacct\wp\wp-admin\options-general.php:7) in c:\myhost\myacct\wp\wp-admin\options-general.php on line 120
???????Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No email notifications of new postsI get a blank page for Options/Discussion. Why?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Email Notification PluginHOw is that , since I never told it? (At least I don’t rememebr….are the mail settings it is operating with displayed anywhere (like in the admin area?)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: New Post Email NotifyHow is PHP configured to send mail? How do I check?
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: FIx trackbacks! Please!Yeah, it seems that comments moderation also blocks trackbacks……I had to turn them on……which led me then to try to find where I put my email info so that WP can send me notification….anybody know where I do this? I found the section on emailing posts in to get posted, but I want to set the info to sned me notification when comments and/or trackbacks happen, and I want to find out how to separately display trackbacks and comments…….
Thanks everybody for helping……don’t stop now though…….I’m still workin’ at itForum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: FIx trackbacks! Please!I found two apparent trackbacks in my “Comments”……two that I had tried earlier did not work……but I only pinged the post (ie. https://theoblogical.org/wp/index.php?p=1431) from MT…..and MT echoed back to me the trackback URL (https://theoblogical.org/wp/wp-trackback.php/1431)
Movable type , after a post with links in it, indicates that it is “Pinging Sites” and lists the usual weblogs and technorati sites that notify those services that a new post has been added……with the link to https://theoblogical.org/wp/index.php?p=1431 in my post, Movable Type also tells me that
” https://theoblogical.org/wp/wp-trackback.php/1431 ” has also been pinged.
I am finding several trackbacks in my moderated comments…..I have to approve them. anyway to make Trackbacks NOT moderated , but leave regular comments moderated? Also , my mail notification doesn’t seem to be working……I will look for the mail config….any “gotchas” there?Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: FIx trackbacks! Please!Allow link notification is ON. Thanks.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: FIx trackbacks! Please!https://theoblogical.org/wp is the site URL