Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Schedulicity - Easy Online Scheduling] Resize Buttons?Thanks for replying (said sarcastically) but I found it and fixed it myself.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Posts in Page] Removing all meta data except the content?Actually found the answer here:, it really doesn’t tell you the how-to do it.
So here’s my explanation.
1. Go to the plugin editor of WP.
2. Change the drop-down in the upper right to the Posts-in-Page plugin.
3. Click Select to accept the change.
4. On the right side list after the content changes, click on the posts-in-page/posts_loop_template.php to edit it.
5. Once it loads in the editor, look for the section that says:<!-- This is the output of the META information -->
6. Comment out everything from the first div to the first bottom div like this:<!-- <div class="entry-utility"> <?php if ( count( get_the_category() ) ) : ?> <span class="cat-links"> <?php printf( __( '<span class="%1$s">Posted in</span> %2$s', 'twentyten' ), 'entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links', get_the_category_list( ', ' ) ); ?> </span> <span class="meta-sep">|</span> <?php endif; ?> <?php $tags_list = get_the_tag_list( '', ', ' ); if ( $tags_list ): ?> <span class="tag-links"> <?php printf( __( '<span class="%1$s">Tagged</span> %2$s', 'twentyten' ), 'entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links', $tags_list ); ?> </span> <span class="meta-sep">|</span> <?php endif; ?> <span class="comments-link"><?php comments_popup_link( __( 'Leave a comment', 'twentyten' ), __( '1 Comment', 'twentyten' ), __( '% Comments', 'twentyten' ) ); ?></span> <?php edit_post_link( __( 'Edit', 'twentyten' ), '<span class="meta-sep">|</span> <span class="edit-link">', '</span>' ); ?> </div> -->
That totally removes the all meta data and puts only the posts visible.
Hope this helps.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Posts in Page] Removing all meta data except the content?I would like to know the same thing. I only want the content. No meta.
I tried adding metabox=”false” to the shortcode but it didn’t work. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PHPEnkoder] Excluding it from WooCommerce pages?Cancel that request. Got it to work!
Thank you!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PHPEnkoder] Excluding it from WooCommerce pages?Thanks Michael. Where do I put that? Do I add it to the individual page itself as in:
<? enkoder_unregister_filters() ?>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Fast Secure Contact Form] Hidden ValuesCancel that request! I just found that I don’t need that with your form. Enabling the Honey Pot Spam Trap did that and more!
LewisR, the Advanced Automatic Updates works?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Background Update Tester] False positive when core updates are disabledGood to know John! Thank you. Didn’t want them updating and wreaking havoc on my clients!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Javascript & Amazon Carousel ProblemsForgot to mark this closed.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Javascript & Amazon Carousel ProblemsWell there you go! I missed the obvious! You are absolutely correct. It obviously is a template issue. I apologize for bothering you.
Thank you. Sometime we get so caught up in the problem we miss the obvious. Many thanks!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Javascript & Amazon Carousel ProblemsI’m assuming so because it’s only happening on that page.
What do you suggest? And please don’t tell me to switch themes and see if it goes away because that’s not going to happen. This template has been a huge pain and I’m way over budget and losing money at this very minute on this project.
I need to know how to fix it short of replacing the template. Since the carousel is at the bottom of the page, I don’t understand why it would be affecting the header.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Random Text] Rich Text in Random TextYou rock! Thanks so much!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Second Menu ProblemAnyone?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Need how-to assistance for displaying specific postsOMG Evan! You are a lifesaver! Is there some where I can make a donation to you for your expert help?
You have no idea how much this helped me!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Need how-to assistance for displaying specific postsThank you so much!
2 Quick final questions Evan.What if I only want 1 post from each category?
And where do I put this? On the home page .php? Or can I put that in the text editor?
Thank you again!