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  • Thread Starter dmayur


    We wont be able to opt for PRO version right now…is their any other option which will help us in creating our vendor store header section more attractive??

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by dmayur.
    Thread Starter dmayur


    Thank you so much…

    Thread Starter dmayur


    Waiting for the Solution….

    Thread Starter dmayur


    Did you find something??

    Thread Starter dmayur


    ### wp-core ###
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    Thread Starter dmayur


    Yes…Thank you so much…

    Really Appreciate your response…Never seen such a good response from anyone…

    Thanks again…

    Thread Starter dmayur


    Hi…I have found one link on one of your forum…

    they said use “” first_as_label “”

    <label> Choose City : (required)
    [select* city “- Select City -” “London” “Delhi” “Mumbai” “New York” “Calcutta”]</label>

    [group london]

    [select* garden first_as_label “- Select Garden -” “A” “B” “C” “D”]


    [group delhi]

    [select* garden1 first_as_label “- Select Garden -” “E” “F” “G” “H”]


    [group mumbai]

    [select* garden2 first_as_label “- Select Garden -” “1” “2” “3” “4”]


    [group newyork]

    [select* garden3 first_as_label “- Select Garden -” “5” “6” “7” “8”]


    [group calcutta]

    [select* garden4 first_as_label “- Select Garden -” “l” “m” “n” “o”]


    Is this correct??

    Thread Starter dmayur


    Hi…any help??

    I have marked the field required * while inserting drop down…so is there anything I have to do more??

    Thread Starter dmayur


    Hi Jules…

    Thank you for your help few days back…I have come up with one more issue…

    This is the mail section of my form…if you remember…

    From: [your-name]

    Address : [your-address]

    Mobile Number : [your-number]

    Email : [your-email]

    City : [city]

    Garden : [london][garden1][/london][delhi][garden2][/delhi][mumbai][garden3][/mumbai][newyork][garden4][/newyork][calcutta][garden5][/calcutta]

    Reference Person : [your-reference]

    Co-Reference Person : [your-co-reference]

    HOW TO MAKE GARDEN a required field??

    When I was testing, few people are not selecting anything from the field and still the form is getting submitted. I want to make that field compulsory…

    Thread Starter dmayur


    Hi…Thank you so so much…

    I was not writing [/london] [/delhi] [/mumbai] [/newyork] [/calcutta] these in my mail option…


    Thank you again…


    Thread Starter dmayur


    These are fields in MAIL section of contact form

    From: [your-name]

    Address : [your-address]

    Mobile Number : [your-number]

    Email : [your-email]

    City : [city]

    Garden : [assembly]

    Reference Person : [your-reference]

    Co-Reference Person : [your-co-reference]

    Thread Starter dmayur


    Hello Sir,

    I changed the as per your reply…please check below..

    <label> Choose City : (required)
    [select* city “- Select City -” “London” “Delhi” “Mumbai” “New York” “Calcutta”]</label>

    [group london]

    [select* garden “- Select Garden -” “A” “B” “C” “D”]


    [group delhi]

    [select* garden1 “- Select Garden -” “E” “F” “G” “H”]


    [group mumbai]

    [select* garden2 “- Select Garden -” “1” “2” “3” “4”]


    [group newyork]

    [select* garden3 “- Select Garden -” “5” “6” “7” “8”]


    [group calcutta]

    [select* garden4 “- Select Garden -” “l” “m” “n” “o”]


    After I changed everything…I got proper answer in mail…

    City : newyork

    Garden : 7

    So i thought to try again with different options…

    But i again got – Select Garden – in mail for 5 times…

    It worked only for 1 time…rest it again showed me the old answer

    Thread Starter dmayur


    Hi…Thank you again…I changed the multiple fields garden to garden1, garden2, etc…..

    When i checked, it showed me proper answer in the mail…when i checked again, it is again showing me ‘select garden’. I checked almost 5 times…What would be the problem sir??

    Thread Starter dmayur


    Thank you for your reply…

    Have you found solution?? I know it must be a silly mistake…but can you please let me the error…I am really stuck…

    Thread Starter dmayur


    Hi…I am using Contact form 7 conditional field…


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