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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Imsanity] Bulk option dead when WP debug mode enabledToday it is working just fine, debug enabled and disabled. I don’t have an answer other than perhaps the allocated memory for WP was too low at the time I had debug mode enabled, exceeding the available resources for the admin panel. If it happens again, I’ll investigate further. Thanks for looking into it though, and my apologies for troubling you!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Shortcodes Plugin — Shortcodes Ultimate] stopped working all tabsSame problem. New version of WordPress 3.9.2 released now wrapping all lines added with shortcodes with paragraph tags. Eg:
<p>[tabs class=”about-us-tab]</p>
<p>[tab title=”Our Mission”]</p>
<p>[column size=”1/3″]</p>
…[posts] shortcode, not [post].
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Activity Log] MySQL 200% CPU time "copying to tmp table"Hi dnshost,
Yes we have seen the problem with Friedi, there is no need for you to point it out to us. I must say I am really disappointed with your attitude.
You complain about a problem with the plugin, we have asked for feedback and yet you never gave us any feedback to help us solve the issue. If you have a technical background I am sure that you understand that a simple “My plugin is not working” will not help us solve the issue.
If you want us to help you solve the issue please give us more details about your scenario, for example what version of the plugin are you using? Is it an upgrade or a new install etc? As explained in my first message it would be easier if you contact us via email since it is better not to disclose such details in public forums.
Hence if you want us to help you, please get in touch with us, else we cannot do much.Excuse me Robert, but I most certainly did provide you with an email full of information that might help you discover where the problem is, including server stats, time of occurrences, and plugins installed on 2 installations that ran your plugin and experienced a problem. Furthermore, my initial post provided the stuck MySQL queries that were bogging down my server, causing other websites housed on the same server to come to a grinding halt. I merely pointed out Friedi’s review as an example that it was not an isolated incident.
And you have the audacity to berate me for my “attitude” after you insinuating that this was by my own fault…
We have thousands of installs, some of which run on WordPress multisite with hundreds of websites yet the plugin works fine.
Nice of you to quickly backtrack and delete your message after realizing that I did indeed send you technical information per request.
Thank you for your email.
We are looking into the issue right now and will keep you posted. WE will get in touch if we need more details.
That’s fine, no apology needed. I think we’re done here. For the sake of others reporting bugs, I certainly hope how you and WP White Security have handled this matter is not standard practice.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Activity Log] MySQL 200% CPU time "copying to tmp table"Looks like another user (Friedi) had the exact same issue.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [WP Activity Log] Now it is great againI had the exact same issue and reported it in this bug report:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Activity Log] MySQL 200% CPU time "copying to tmp table"This just happened on yet a second, long-running and high-traffic website. Exactly the same issue as yesterday’s. I’ve removed your problematic plugin permanently from all installations. This is not the first time I’ve had issues with this plugin bleeding the server of its resources. The last was when you changed the DB tables.
If anyone else has this problem, delete your plugins/wp-security-audit-log folder (as you probably will be unable to access WordPress’ admin interface to remove the plugin). Then either restart your MySQL server, entire web server, or manually log into MySQL from the command line (mysql -u [user] -p) and issue the command “show processlist;”. Find all of the hung processes that are yours that resemble the screenshot at — find the process ID (first column) and issue the command “kill [id]” for each one that is stuck.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Google Forms] Error: Unable to retrieve Google FormThanks Mike, I’ll give that a try.
I also changed the secure https transport to http for the form URL, and that seems to actually have resolved the issue.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Activity Log] Plugin stopped responding after new version 1.0.02 sets of tables??
Found some help in another users post about one set of tables, wp_wordpress_auditlog, and then discovered another set of tables, starting with wp_wsal_*
Deleted those and reinstalled plugin, it works fast again.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Share Buttons Adder] Home page detection not workingHere is the fix:
if ( (!is_home() && !is_front_page() && is_page() && $arrSettings[‘ssba_pages’] == ‘Y’) || (is_single() && $arrSettings[‘ssba_posts’] == ‘Y’) || (is_category() && $arrSettings[‘ssba_cats_archs’] == ‘Y’) || (is_archive() && $arrSettings[‘ssba_cats_archs’] == ‘Y’) || ( (is_home() || is_front_page() ) && $arrSettings[‘ssba_homepage’] == ‘Y’) || $booShortCode == TRUE) {
The problem is that the index or homepage, is still a page, thus is_page() will return true, even if is_home() or is_front_page returns true (and ssba is unchecked). Furthermore, both is_home() and is_front_page() are required.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Share Buttons Adder] Share text being looped on pagesAre we talking about the same thing?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Share Buttons Adder] Backlink hidden in HTML commentCompletely understandable. Undoubtedly you’ve poured a lot of time and effort into this, but I feel the way it is currently implemented, gives both the plugin, and the website it is used on, a less polished look. This could potentially be a deal-breaker for some.
Might I suggest dropping the catchy text and emoticon for something more professional looking, like this:
<!– WordPress Facebook Open Graph protocol plugin (WPFBOGP v2.0.8) –>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Share Buttons Adder] Share text being looped on pagesIf I disable “Pages”, it removes it from the page, and from the entries being parsed on each page.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Share Buttons Adder] Share text being looped on pagesThis certainly should not be standard behavior. Having every entry on the above mentioned page listings, starting with the same text, would muddle search indexing, in addition to aesthetics.
Pages and Posts are enabled.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Share Buttons Adder] Home page detection not workingIn order to not have the plugin appear on the home page (as defined within WordPress as the static home page), I added the [ssba_hide] shortcode at the top of the page.
This is the paid “Neo” theme from Pixelentity, not sure if that would be much help.
Theme aside, I am unsure why other plugins detect the home page flag, but ssba does not, but will gladly look further into this.