Forum Replies Created
Okay, then I’ll make albums on the Google Photos side.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Media metadata dump onto single photo page?I hit the Lightbox effect switch, and the descriptions/captions all look just right.
Thank you! I appreciate your excellent support.
- This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by doclalor.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [UpdraftPlus: WP Backup & Migration Plugin] Plugin sync across sitesThank you, that helps!
I’ll use a multisite setup solution . . .
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Media metadata dump onto single photo page?Thank you – that’s great!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Media metadata dump onto single photo page?Thanks again, Rocco.
I deactivated ALL the plugins, and that content still appears beneath the images.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Media metadata dump onto single photo page?Thanks for your response, Rocco!
If you check the page for which I gave the link, there IS a description shown under the image. It reads:
Socrates Socrates (469 – 399 BCE) was one of the great shapers of philosophy. (Image: “Socrates,” by Mitch Francis.)
But if you look beneath that, there is a giant mass of mostly-unrelated and definitely unwanted “content” that reads:
dumbledad / Love Photos / CC BY” dumbledad / Love Photos / CC BY>hundrednorth / / CC BY-NC-ND” hundrednorth / / CC BY-NC-ND>printed in Life, inspired international support for the demonstrators. (Caption text from Wikipedia)” High school students are hit by a high-pressure water jet from a firehose during a protest in Birmingham, Alabama, in 1963, as photographed by Charles Moore. Images like this one, printed in Life, inspired international support for the demonstrators. (Caption text from Wikipedia)>National Civil Rights Museum. The activist “office”!” Recreation of Martin Luther King’s Cell in Birmingham Jail at the National Civil Rights Museum. The activist “office”!>Freedom Riders.)”” “Eugene ‘Bull’ Connor” was Birmingham’s Commissioner of Public Safety in 1961 when the Freedom Riders came to town. He was known as an ultra-segregationist with close ties to the KKK. Connor encouraged the violence that met the CORE Freedom Riders at the Birmingham Trailways Bus station by promising local Klansmen that, ‘He would see to it that 15 or 20 minutes would elapse before the police arrived.'” Connor authorized use of “high-pressure fire hoses and police dogs” “to control thousands of nonviolent protesters, including children.” (From PBS’ Freedom Riders.)”>Phil Douglis” Grave of Karl Marx, Highgate Cemetery, London, England, 1985. Credit: Phil Douglis>the Louvre website).” Drouais’ masterpiece, painted in Rome, “glorifies the exemplary bravery of the imprisoned Roman general Marius who, by his authority alone, disarms the soldier sent to kill him” (text from the Louvre website).>paragraphos (para, “beside” and graphein, “to write”). (See more at Smithsonian Mag.)” The word ‘pilcrow’ – for “the paragraph symbol” – comes through Old French, then Middle English, from the Greek paragraphos (para, “beside” and graphein, “to write”). (See more at Smithsonian Mag.)>Out of Body Experience” Out of Body Experience>Mitch Francis” “Epicurus’ Garden,” by Mitch Francis>Ananke’s palm print with a share and share alike symbol credited to Angel 007 within it. 2010.” Ananke’s palm print with a share and share alike symbol credited to Angel 007 within it. 2010.>Bilby)” The Original Imitation Game Test, in which player A is replaced with a computer. The computer is tasked with the role of pretending to be a woman, while player B must to attempt to assist the interrogator, who must determine which is male and which is female. (Image: Bilby)>Mitch Francis” “The School of Athens,” by Mitch Francis>Plato Plato (427 – 347 BCE) was a disciple of Socrates, and great contributor to philosophy in his own right. (Image: “Plato,” by Mitch Francis.)” Plato Plato (427 – 347 BCE) was a disciple of Socrates, and great contributor to philosophy in his own right. (Image: “Plato,” by Mitch Francis.)>Mitch Francis. Vinny’s working on Plato’s “Big Four”!” “Virtue Vinny,” by Mitch Francis. Vinny’s working on Plato’s “Big Four”!>Aristotle Aristotle (384 – 322 BCE) in turn studied at Plato’s “Academy” in Athens; and his work rounds out a Golden Age of Philosophy in Ancient Greece. (Image: “Aristotle,” by Mitch Francis.)” Aristotle Aristotle (384 – 322 BCE) in turn studied at Plato’s “Academy” in Athens; and his work rounds out a Golden Age of Philosophy in Ancient Greece. (Image: “Aristotle,” by Mitch Francis.)>Epicurus Epicurus (341 – 270 BCE) welcomed all to the Garden in which he taught an enlightened “hedonist” philosophy. (Image: “Epicurus,” by Mitch Francis.)” Epicurus Epicurus (341 – 270 BCE) welcomed all to the Garden in which he taught an enlightened “hedonist” philosophy. (Image: “Epicurus,” by Mitch Francis.)>Mitch Francis” “Plato’s 3-Part Soul,” by Mitch Francis>Mitch Francis” “The Cave,” by Mitch Francis>Mitch Francis” “The Man Cave,” by Mitch Francis>Mitch Francis” “Lame Epictetus,” by Mitch Francis>Mitch Francis” “Pleasure-based Friendship,” by Mitch Francis>Hume David Hume (1711 – 1776) shook the foundations of human knowledge – and they remain shaken. (Image: “David Hume,” by Mitch Francis.)” Hume David Hume (1711 – 1776) shook the foundations of human knowledge – and they remain shaken. (Image: “David Hume,” by Mitch Francis.)>Schopenhauer Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 – 1860) was a German philosopher and pessimist who elevated music as a vehicle of transcendence.” Schopenhauer Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 – 1860) was a German philosopher and pessimist who elevated music as a vehicle of transcendence.>Kierkegaard Danish philosopher S?ren Kierkegaard (1813 – 1855) sought authentic individual existence in the face of modern conformism. (Image: “Kierkegaard,” by Mitch Francis.)” Kierkegaard Danish philosopher S?ren Kierkegaard (1813 – 1855) sought authentic individual existence in the face of modern conformism. (Image: “Kierkegaard,” by Mitch Francis.)>Mitch Francis” “Marx, Family Man,” by Mitch Francis>Wittgenstein The philosopher of language Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889 – 1951) argued that there is no set of concepts that capture reality thanks to their unambiguous “meanings”; deep down, meaning rides on game-like social practices. (Image: “Wittgenstein,” by Mitch Francis.)” Wittgenstein The philosopher of language Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889 – 1951) argued that there is no set of concepts that capture reality thanks to their unambiguous “meanings”; deep down, meaning rides on game-like social practices. (Image: “Wittgenstein,” by Mitch Francis.)>King Martin Luther King, Jr.’s (1929 – 1968) understanding of his activism was subtly philosophical – and more than a little indebted to Socrates. (Image: “MLK,” by Mitch Francis.)” King Martin Luther King, Jr.’s (1929 – 1968) understanding of his activism was subtly philosophical – and more than a little indebted to Socrates. (Image: “MLK,” by Mitch Francis.)>Turing Artificial intelligence pioneer Alan Turing (1912 – 1954) argued that machines could in fact be people. (Image: “Alan Turing,” by Mitch Francis.)” Turing Artificial intelligence pioneer Alan Turing (1912 – 1954) argued that machines could in fact be people. (Image: “Alan Turing,” by Mitch Francis.)>Sartre French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre (1905 – 1980) defended a form of radical personal freedom which is especially associated with his “existentialism.” (Image: “Sartre,” by Mitch Francis.)” Sartre French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre (1905 – 1980) defended a form of radical personal freedom which is especially associated with his “existentialism.” (Image: “Sartre,” by Mitch Francis.)>Mitch Francis” “Capitalist Vampire,” by Mitch Francis>
I like the description associated with the image showing. But I don’t want the giant mass of unrelated content showing.
By the way, Yes, I did try with Twenty Nineteen. It displays the content associated with the image, as expected, but not the mass of unrelated content.
- This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by doclalor.
Wow, thank you for the quick, thorough, nicely articulated explanation of what’s possible and not possible – and why!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Widgets on Pages] Widgets missing after upgradeThank you, @toddhalfpenny:
Installing version 0.0.12 reinstated the old widget content.
My theme is a child of Responsive ( I’m running WP 4.8.
I’ll check back at some point in case anyone discovers how to upgrade successfully…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Widgets on Pages] Widgets missing after upgradeMe, too: I lost all relevant widget content.
If any of you have NOT updated to the latest version of Widgets on Pages, DO NOT DO IT!
Finding a backup by fishing through previous database backups is going to be extremely tedious.
I plan to DUMP this plugin, and rectify my layout to the best of my ability. No offense; but I cannot afford the kind of giant time-suck surprise created by WoP’s premature release.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Hide Post] Are the problems fixed?Nope. I finally tracked the problem down to this plugin in my own case as well. In my case, a chore.
Version 2.0.3 of this plugin will break your category pages and maybe search results, too.
It doesn’t seem stable enough for a production site.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress 4.6 Installation ErrorI have the plague described in the original post, too, as do several other sites.
It looks like a goof – a coding error – that will hopefully be cleaned up within a few days. Until then, I’ve just suppressed the NOTICE by affixing ‘@’ to the front of line 752 of wp-db.php.
That does the trick. Thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Responsive Recent Post Slider/Carousel] Not showing imagesMy featured images are not showing up either. The category image is (e.g., (I use FPW Category Thumbnails.)
I am hoping to get the featured image to show up.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Jetpack, infinite scroll, and subdomain problemI’m using a child theme of Fashionistas. So I am writing the templates using the code snippets from the JetPack site.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Jetpack, infinite scroll, and subdomain problemThanks, James.
Here is the message I received from a “Happiness Engineer” @ JetPack when I submitted there:
Hi Brendan!
Since this isn’t related to the Jetpack plugin, the best place for you to find help is on the forums at
Note that you will need a separate username and password to post there.
You may also be successful finding help on the WordPress Stack Exchange:
Best of luck,
So I was hoping someone over here might have a lead.