Form (Though in French, the form filds are equivalent to their English counterpart.
<p>Votre nom (obligatoire)
[text* your-name] </p>
<p>Votre email (obligatoire)
[email* your-email] </p>
[text your-subject] </p>
<p>Votre message
[textarea your-message] </p>
<p>[submit “Envoyer”]</p>
Email configuration tab
Pour (To) = [email protected]
De (From) = [your-name] <[email protected]>
Sujet (Subject= Magazine LA COULISSE “[your-subject]”
En-têtes additionnelles =
Corps du message (Body of message) =
De : [your-name] <[your-email]>
Sujet : [your-subject]
Corps du message :
De : [your-name] <[your-email]>
Sujet : [your-subject]
Corps du message :
Webhost and email host =