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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post By Email] Hide attachment thumbsSorted. As I don’t need to use gallery thumbs anywhere, In the gallery prefs I made the thumbs 0 * 0 in size. They’ve gone now. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-PageNavi] Plugin is basically useless to non programmers!Hi sficht, thanks for trying to help. I’ve managed to find the below code tucked away in an ‘includes’ folder. It’s the only php file in the theme that bears any similarities to the mentioned code I need to replace.
I’ve tried replacing all or part with the necessary code needed but with no luck. Very frustrating. If you can spot where it needs to go, I’d be very grateful. Thanks again for your time and help.
Dodgelingfunction wp_pagenavi($before = ”, $after = ”, $prelabel = ”, $nxtlabel = ”, $pages_to_show = 5, $always_show = false) {
global $request, $posts_per_page, $wpdb, $paged;
if(empty($prelabel)) {
$prelabel = ‘«‘;
if(empty($nxtlabel)) {
$nxtlabel = ‘»‘;
$half_pages_to_show = round($pages_to_show/2);
if (!is_single()) {
if(!is_category()) {
preg_match(‘#FROM\s(.*)\sORDER BY#siU’, $request, $matches);
} else {
preg_match(‘#FROM\s(.*)\sGROUP BY#siU’, $request, $matches);
$fromwhere = $matches[1];
$numposts = $wpdb->get_var(“SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ID) FROM $fromwhere”);
$max_page = ceil($numposts /$posts_per_page);
if(empty($paged)) {
$paged = 1;
if($max_page > 1 || $always_show) {
echo “$before <div class=’Nav’>”;
if ($paged >= ($pages_to_show-1)) {
echo ‘« First‘;
for($i = $paged – $half_pages_to_show; $i <= $paged + $half_pages_to_show; $i++) {
if ($i >= 1 && $i <= $max_page) {
if($i == $paged) {
echo “<strong class=’on’>$i”;
} else {
echo ‘ ‘.$i.’ ‘;
next_posts_link($nxtlabel, $max_page);
if (($paged+$half_pages_to_show) < ($max_page)) {
echo ‘Last »‘;
echo “</div> $after”;
}Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-PageNavi] Plugin is basically useless to non programmers!No don’t close it yet. I know exactly what Barry feels like. I’ve just spent an hour going through all my php files trying to find these line
<div class=”nav-previous”><?php next_posts_link( __( ‘<span class=”meta-nav”>←</span> Older posts’, ‘twentyten’ ) ); ?></div>
<div class=”nav-next”><?php previous_posts_link( __( ‘Newer posts <span class=”meta-nav”>→</span>’, ‘twentyten’ ) ); ?></div>and I can not.
I’m not stupid but without some kind of help other than what’s given in locating where to place the required codes, it’s so frustrating.
yes, I found where to replace them in the twenty 12 theme, but that’s not the theme I’m using. Those lines are not in my function.php file of my theme, or any other file.
So a little explanation as where to place the new codes would have been helpful to the likes of Barry, me and many others not as lucky as sfich.
It looks a good plugin, but I’ll hold judgement until I can get it to work.
Ok sficht, here the support question you think we should be asking which I think we shouldn’t have to ask. Maybe you can answer it. Where do you put the codes when they are not in any of your php files?