I have a wordpress blog as a part of a company website and it is all hosted in-house in the UK.
Is there a plugin that allows wordpress to remain legal after May 26th 2011? Or is there some other way to make my wordpress installation comply with the law after that date? If not I shall have to remove my company blog!
It does track more than mere session variables too:
Name wordpress_logged_in_7f0cf5cdeaaf17c3c7b53a1af69464e4
Value {*** my username ***}
Host ***.*******.com
Path /pages/live/blog/
Secure No
Expires At End Of Session
Name wordpress_test_cookie
Value WP+Cookie+check
Host ***.*******.com
Path /pages/live/blog/
Secure No
Expires At End Of Session
Name wp-settings-1
Value align%3Dcenter%26m6%3Dc%26editor%3Dhtml%26m5%3Do%26m9%3Dc%26m10%3Do
Host ***.*******.com
Path /pages/live/blog/
Secure No
Expires Tue, 15 May 2012 10:12:59 GMT
Name wp-settings-time-1
Value 1305540309
Host ***.*******.com
Path /pages/live/blog/
Secure No
Expires Tue, 15 May 2012 10:12:59 GMT
I would rather be safe than sorry, so how do I get wordpress to ask a user’s permission before setting any cookies?