Forum Replies Created
Well, although I cannot understand why, it seems the problem was inside the html of the post, since, if I created a new post and cut & paste the html, it would render incorrectly.
But, I have rewritten the post copying the text from the web page, formatting it and correcting it and now it is workink correctly.
Domingo.Thanks a lot, Alan, but I have already closed/reopened all browsers I’m using. I have done it anyway and there is no change.
Domingo.Thanks a lot for your answer.
Currently I am not using any cache, but I have purged the CDN just in case and have seen no change.
Domingo.Sorry, I forgot to say that this post was rendering correctly in the web before adding the MaxButton
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [UpdraftPlus: WP Backup & Migration Plugin] Intermitent performance problemsOK, done.
Thanks a lot!
DomingoForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Forget About Shortcode Buttons] FASC breaks JS in several other pluginsYes, I’ve had to deactivate FASC too because I could not use the Updraft plugin admin. It showed an error message that leads to this page where they explain the problem:
I followed the process and error disappeared when I deactivated FASC. I have tried a couple times to activate/deactivate and the problem appears/disappears.
Any help?
DomingoForum: Plugins
In reply to: [UpdraftPlus: WP Backup & Migration Plugin] Intermitent performance problemsBy the way, I forgot to say that I have found the message “If you can read this after the page finishes loading, then there is a JavaScript or jQuery problem in your web browser.”. I have isolated the error to the “Forget About Shortcode Buttons” plugin, but I guess this has nothing to do with the performance problem.
DomingoForum: Plugins
In reply to: [UpdraftPlus: WP Backup & Migration Plugin] Intermitent performance problemsThanks a lot for your quick answer.
I have created a Dropbox folder:
There you can find last log, a couple graphics, with the cpu time and executions yesterday, and an snapshot of the backup folder contents yesterday.
You can see in the graphics, there is a very small peak at 6 am, and a much larger peak at 18:00. Those times corresponds with both backups.
DomingoForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Akismet Anti-spam: Spam Protection] Cannot edit since upgraded to ver. 3.3.3Thanks a lot, Christopher.
You are right, this is resolved from the Akismet point of view. I am not sure if it is even a Yoast error. It looks like the problem is the last plugin I activate.
So, it looks like I have some resorces problem.
DomingoForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Akismet Anti-spam: Spam Protection] Cannot edit since upgraded to ver. 3.3.3Hi Christopher,
Yes, I have deactivated every plugin but Akismet and was able to edit posts, so, I have been activating one by one, till having problems and it was the last one, Yoast SEO, that once activated I could not edit a post.
The behaviour is, with Akismet off and Yoast on, I get to the edit page, but the post area is blank. With Akismet on and Yoast off, I can edit posts. If both are on, I get the original problem, the complete edit page is blank.
I have checked and I did update both plugins the same day, so, it looks like the problem may be in the Yoast SEO plugin.
Thanks for your time,
DomingoForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Akismet Anti-spam: Spam Protection] Cannot edit since upgraded to ver. 3.3.3Hi Christopher,
Yes, I am running WP 4.8 and here is the list of plugins installed (sorry but explanations are written in spanish), some of them are not active and I have marked them:
Ad Inserter, NOT ACTIVE
Ad management plugin with powerful advertising options to automatically insert ad codes into your website.
Versión 2.1.10 | Por Igor Funa | Ver detallesAdvanced Ads, NOT ACTIVE
Gestiona y optimiza tus anuncios en WordPress
Versión 1.8.1 | Por Thomas Maier | Ver detallesAkismet Anti-Spam, NOT ACTIVE NOW
Utilizado por millones, Akismet es, posiblemente, la mejor manera del mundo de proteger tu blog del spam. Mantiene tu blog protegido incluso cuando duermes. Para comenzar: activa el plugin Akismet y ve a la página de ajustes de Akismet para establecer tu clave de API.
Versión 3.3.3 | Por Automattic | Ver detallesAviso de Cookie
Cookie Notice te permite informar elegantemente a los usuarios que tu sitio utiliza cookies y ayuda a cumplir con el Reglamento de la ley de cookies de EU.
Versión 1.2.38 | Por dFactory | Ver detalles | SoporteBestAzon – Localize Amazon Links
The only free plugin to automatically localize/globalize and affiliate-ize Amazon links. Add automatic amazon affiliate IDs to monetize your site, and localize your affiliate links to earn commissions from all Amazon stores globally.
Versión 4.2 | Por AwesomeAffiliatePlugins | Ver detallesContact Form 7
Simplemente otro plugin de formularios de contacto. Sencillo pero flexible.
Versión 4.8 | Por Takayuki Miyoshi | Ver detallesDuplicator
Migrate and backup a copy of your WordPress files and database. Duplicate and move a site from one location to another quickly.
Versión 1.2.10 | Por Snap Creek | Ver detalles | Ayuda | Acerca deEWWW Image Optimizer
Reducie el tama?o de los archivos de imágenes dentro de WordPress, incluidas las de NextGen Gallery y GRAND FlAGallery. Utiliza jpegtran, optiPNG/pngout y gifsicle.
Versión 3.5.0 | Por Shane Bishop | Ver detallesForget About Shortcode Buttons
A visual way to add CSS buttons in the rich text editor and to your themes.
Versión 2.1.0 | Por Designs & Code | Ver detallesGoogle Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights
The best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. See how visitors find and use your website, so you can keep them coming back.
Versión 6.2.0 | Por MonsterInsights | Ver detallesImportador de WordPress. NOT ACTIVE
Importa mensajes, páginas, comentarios, campos personalizados, categorías, etiquetas y más desde un archivo de exportación de WordPress.
Versión 0.6.3 | Por wordpresspuntoorg | Ver detallesJetpack by
Lleva el poder de a tu propia copia de Jetpack te permite conectar su blog a una cuenta de para utilizar las poderosas características que normalmente sólo están disponibles para los usuarios de
Versión 5.1 | Por Automattic | Ver detallesPage Builder by SiteOrigin
Un creador de páginas de dise?o adaptable, con funciones de arrastrar y soltar, que simplifica la construcción de tu web.
Versión 2.5.8 | Por SiteOrigin | Ver detallesQuick Adsense
Quick Adsense offers a quicker & flexible way to insert Google Adsense or any Ads code into a blog post.
Versión 1.9.2 | Por Quicksense | Ver detallesSG Optimizer
Este plugin vinculará tu aplicación WordPress con todas las optimizaciones de rendimiento ofrecidas por SiteGround
Versión 3.3.1 | Por SiteGround | Ver detallesSiteOrigin Block Animations
Adds row and widget animation options.
Versión 1.0.1 | Por SiteOriginSiteOrigin Widgets Bundle
Una colección de todos los widgets, creados en un solo plugin. Es también un marco para codificar sus propios widgets en la parte superior.
Versión 1.9.3 | Por SiteOrigin | Ver detallesTinyMCE Advanced
Habilita características avanzadas y plugins en TinyMCE, el editor visual en WordPress.
Versión 4.6.3 | Por Andrew Ozz | Ver detallesUpdraftPlus – Backup/Restore
Copia de seguridad y restauración: haz copias de seguridad en local, o en Amazon S3, Dropbox, Google Drive, Rackspace, (S)FTP, WebDAV y por correo electrónico, de forma automática y programada.
Versión 1.13.4 | Por UpdraftPlus.Com, DavidAnderson | Ver detallesWordfence Security
Wordfence Security – Anti-virus, Firewall and Malware Scan
Versión 6.3.12 | Por Wordfence | Ver detallesYoast SEO
La primera verdadera solución SEO todo en uno para WordPress, incluyendo análisis de contenido de páginas, mapas del sitio en XML y mucho más.
Versión 5.0.2 | Por Equipo Yoast | Ver detallesRegards,
Domingo@dnutbourne: Great! I didn’t realize either. I did not get any mail message after correcting it. Thanks a lot for your help!
@davidanderson: Thanks a lot, but I feel better if I know what’s going on.
Best regards,
DomingoYes, it is above the stop editing line.
I have copied to this pastebin the wp-config.php in /home/endepend/public_html (db data masked with ****):
Best regards,
DomingoYou can find them at:,
DomingoThanks a lot for your quick answer, but, I regret to say that it has not worked. I have just received another email with the same message.
Best regards,