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  • dongho


    Hi, I had a look also here, to reset the discs, you probably need to keep reset-list-style, that is you should probably not change the original Rowling header.php, line 170

    <ul class="mobile-menu reset-list-style" style="display: block;">

    The override you want comes from the original lines of CSS, see lines 144 – 153

    .reset-list-style ul,
    .reset-list-style ol {

    It’s great you’re having fun with CSS with this great theme, which allows a nice customization, and it’s the case here regarding the ::marker, but it doesn’t work everywhere see browser compatibility for ex.

    You can’t use every CSS property on a ::marker, and it is generated by Firefox, that’s why you don’t see it first in Page View.

    The site is really nice.



    Hello, I’ve just had a quick look at your site and it seems like your theme has been modified, there is a comment line saying

    <-- 10/9/19 Melinda removed related post php coding -->

    You should probably start with a new or fresh theme first.



    Hello, maybe late but still useful yet. Two solutions

    A. A quick and (very) dirty is to open function.php
    Go to wp-content/themes/rowling/functions.php.
    Find RELATED POSTS FUNCTION (line 204) and you will see next

    if ( ! function_exists( 'rowling_related_posts' ) ) :
    	function rowling_related_posts( $number_of_posts = 3 ) { 

    Change $number_of_posts = 3 to 5. Note that it will be overwritten when the theme will be updated and you will lose the changes you made.

    B. Create a child theme, create a function.php and copy and paste the part dedicated to the related posts function, with the changed $number_of_posts = 5.

    Hope that helps

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