We believe we have a fix for this. We tested this on our end and the problem seems to go away. I would like everyone reporting this problem to test the private bits. Here is the link to private bits:
If you are using PHP5.2 use the link – https://sourceforge.net/projects/wincache/files/development/wincache-1.1.1-dev-5.2-nts-vc6-x86.exe/download
If you are using PHP5.3 use the link – https://sourceforge.net/projects/wincache/files/development/wincache-1.1.1-dev-5.3-nts-vc9-x86.exe/download
MD5 hash for the both the downloads are available at – https://sourceforge.net/projects/wincache/files/development/wincache-1.1-dev-md5.txt/download
SHA1 hash for both the downloads are available at – https://sourceforge.net/projects/wincache/files/development/wincache-1.1-dev-sha1.txt/download
I would strongly encourage all of you to try this out and leave the feedback here or email me at [ email redacted ].
Thanks for helping us in making WINCACHE a better caching solution on Windows.