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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Related Posts Via CategoryYea I’m looking for a solution for related posts based purely on the post’s category. I don’t like the plugins that try to relate posts based on a keyword score because they never seem to get it right for me.
Again the next issue is having it display thumbnails at the bottom instead of text, which most of the plugins only show the title. I found a plugin that displayed thumbnails, but it was restrictive on how the thumbnail is displayed, and it also based related posts via a keyword score.
I really wish there was a way to query posts to pull posts based on what category the post is in. I know that you can view what category a post is filed under, isn’t there a way to use that to also query posts that way? That would be ideal :P.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Anyone Using Related Post with Thumbnail Plugin?Sorry, here is the plugin I was refering to. Clicky.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: espresso onlineI hate it when people don’t credit the original creator. You say you did some modifications to a large degree? All you did was remove the credits from the footer, changed the tertcol, added a rating system, and social plugin, oh and the avatar.
Granted you’re well within bounds of doing that, but at least credit Derek Punsalan who created it from the ground up. Click here for those who want this theme, by the creator.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Registered Members Admin PanelOk I figured it out, I just did an if else statement regarding user level in the edit-form-advance file.
There is however one thing I’m still stumped on, and that is how to edit the Manage tab to only show posts that the author wrote, again Admin should still be able to see all posts. Also one other feature I’d like to do is remove the delete button and restrict that power only to Admin… Any ideas, thanks for all the help so far.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Registered Members Admin PanelYes I’m aware of the Role Manager plugin, I’m definitely going to use it to help achieve some of the things I listed.
The mini-forms-wordpress-plugin is nice, but I’m trying to build a community with faces behind each contributed post, I’m planning on using author pages to emulate a profile page, buts thats for another thread.
I’m a bit confused with some of the references you suggested. I’m not sure what direction you’re going with regarding Plugins.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Registered Members Admin PanelPlayed around with the “custom-admin-menu” plugin and it does some of the things I need such as hiding certain tabs however I’m still unable to remove certain blocks in the “write” tab such has post slug, post timestap, ect…
As close as this is to what I want, it falls short because its a Universal change, I’m unable to have multiple setups for different roles, I.E. whatever Super Admin changes I do, it applies to all roles, so if I limit what my “authors” see, I also limit what I see as a Super Admin.
Possibly there is a more direct solution such as going straight to the source? I mean WordPress already handles roles and limits and hides accordingly what capabilities those roles can do (Contributor role can’t see publish button, as well as upload block), maybe someone can give me some insight on how to implement what I’m trying to accomplish by going into the code and doing some dirty work. Thanks again!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Categories as PagesOk after some research I figured out that you can’t have pages list post, so my next question would be how do I set each category page to only show its child categories?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Show expired posts with “Posts expire” plugins from Michael O’Connell.This is a great plug-in and it’s helping me a great deal with what I’m trying to accomplish. However it lacks some basic reporting. Not complaining because it’s free, but I may have overlooked something.
The “home/?orderby=post_end_date” is nice, but it only shows which post have an expiration on them including ones that aren’t set to expire for another 3 months, so its difficult to know when exactly a post is expiring. I did however add the_end_date() function and it works beautifully showing the expiration date, however I only wanted it to be viewable by me and not the public. The only work around I found was using the static front page plugin using the “home” and “blog” slugs to hide it from the public eye. If anyone wants more info just ask.
So far so good right? Well I foresaw a problem with the post expire plug-in, is that if a post expires it is completely taken off the site, which is fine, but without any kind of report as to which ones have expired is a big deal, because sifting through to find which post has expired is a large task depending on how many post you have, and will become increasingly more difficult the more posts you have.
So what I’m asking and I think cd75 is asking, is there a way to list which post have “expired” not the ones that are about to expire. Sorry of the long winded post.