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  • I get the same error if I attempt to do any bulk editing, including changing the status or moving items to the trash.

    I am using the ACF and WooCommerce add-ons. Disabling the add-ons doesn’t fix the issue, so it’s definitely an issue with the CAC core.

    Thanks so much for your indispensable plugin!

    Thread Starter dotkev


    The sort order wasn’t working for me, so I dove into the plugin code.

    Looks like we need sorted instead of sort:

    function dmh_set_default_glances( $glances, $user_id ) {
      unset( $glances['post'] );
      unset( $glances['comment'] );
      $glances['products'] = array( 'icon' => 'f174', 'sorted' => 5 );
      $glances['solutions'] = array( 'icon' => 'f507', 'sorted' => 6 );
      $glances['markets'] = array( 'icon' => 'f238', 'sorted' => 7 );
      $glances['press-releases'] = array( 'icon' => 'f157', 'sorted' => 8 );
      return $glances;

    It possibly needs to be changed as well when setting the standard defaults on glance-that.php, line 1078-1080.

    Do you have a github repo for this? I’d love to contribute.

    I’ll leave a positive review!

    Thread Starter dotkev


    Excellent addition. This is exactly what I needed.

    Thanks so much for this invaluable plugin!

    Thread Starter dotkev


    Thanks for the update.

    Excellent plugin!

    Thread Starter dotkev


    Nice work everyone!

    @marj Wyatt, I made just a few MINOR edits to your code to pull in the cpt singular name and a cpt icon class for styling.

    @ UaMV Member, I’d love to contribute to your plugin. I need an 8th day. ??

    // Add Custom Post Type to WP-ADMIN Right Now Widget
    // Ref Link:
    function vm_right_now_content_table_end() {
        $args = array(
            'public' => true ,
            '_builtin' => false
        $output = 'object';
        $operator = 'and';
        $post_types = get_post_types( $args , $output , $operator );
        foreach( $post_types as $post_type ) {
            $num_posts = wp_count_posts( $post_type->name );
            $num = number_format_i18n( $num_posts->publish );
            $text = _n( $post_type->labels->singular_name, $post_type->labels->name , intval( $num_posts->publish ) );
            if ( current_user_can( 'edit_posts' ) ) {
                $cpt_name = $post_type->name;
            echo '<li class="'.$cpt_name.'-count"><tr><a href="edit.php?post_type='.$cpt_name.'"><td class="first b b-' . $post_type->name . '"></td>' . $num . '?<td class="t ' . $post_type->name . '">' . $text . '</td></a></tr></li>';
        $taxonomies = get_taxonomies( $args , $output , $operator );
        foreach( $taxonomies as $taxonomy ) {
            $num_terms  = wp_count_terms( $taxonomy->name );
            $num = number_format_i18n( $num_terms );
            $text = _n( $taxonomy->labels->name, $taxonomy->labels->name , intval( $num_terms ));
            if ( current_user_can( 'manage_categories' ) ) {
                $cpt_tax = $taxonomy->name;
            echo '<li class="post-count"><tr><a href="edit-tags.php?taxonomy='.$cpt_tax.'"><td class="first b b-' . $taxonomy->name . '"></td>' . $num . '?<td class="t ' . $taxonomy->name . '">' . $text . '</td></a></tr></li>';
    add_action( 'dashboard_glance_items' , 'vm_right_now_content_table_end' );

    Thread Starter dotkev


    Thanks, great solution!

    Instead, I’m overriding the css to not display the font icon at all and instead put the $post_type->menu_icon inline, since all of my cpts already have defined icons.

    I am having the same issue, and it’s not related to the way I retrieve ACF info. That’s not a problem.

    I can even explicitly append my keyword to the wpseo_pre_analysis_post_content output and they seem to be ignored.

    function seo_data($post_content){
      $post_content .= ' my exact focus keyword';
      return $post_content;

    Any advice?

    Thanks for the code ethanpil!

    Also, again, thanks for the awesome work on the plugin. We know you’re not slacking in the least!

    I had to revert to version 1.4.9 to use the customization code above.

    Hopefully, the old filter will work again since it was and still is featured in the documentation. Either way, thank you so much for the quality plugin!

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