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  • dotnature


    This just gave me a heart attack.

    dennis_f THANKS!

    Just a note your above code for the DB does not work if there is more than one registered post type since it’s a conditional, I had to go into the DB and change it manually.

    Also custom permalinks are now broken, only the default works, anyone know a possible solution?

    There are several reason.
    A. The name. Most WordPress plugins are installed by name search such as “security”, no one is searching for mute screamer.
    B. The technique. I only found it because I was looking for a PHPIDS solution, which is very specific, I have been using wordpress for years and also do security and had no idea this existed.

    Thread Starter dotnature


    You can ignore this I just realized the wordpress by default looks for a custom page name -single.php before single.php.

    Good to know!

    one way to do this is to use a child theme, it works fine with this plug-in, just look at the docs for child themes, iot takes about 5 minutes to set up.

    basically make a folder in your themes /whatever

    add a style.css to it with the following tag at in the style header

    Template: twentyten ( this is tthe name of your parent theme)

    enable child theme in your “themes”

    add any .php files to your new folder and the child wordpress looks in there before it looks into the parent theme folder.

    my child theme folder for this plug-in simply has:



    As someone who has worked in security I can say your post did absolutely nothing.

    Untraceable…totally wrong, how can you possibly think that? Being lazy more like it.

    File permissions on a grid or shared server (most likely involving fantastico)..yes the host is to blame.

    Of course it is possible to brute force attack, but are you actually suggesting that in the past 90 days on the MT grid 7844 wordpress sites were brute forced? Have you ever tried to brute force wordpress…really have you?

    Anyways, what I’m trying to say is that what Media Temple is saying is probably 100% correct, and they know exactly what they’re doing

    You mean you believe their PR man ( who was already called out in this thread for being dead wrong) and blindly trust a host that blames it user base, when the attack vector has clearly not been found yet but so far REALLY points to a hosting issue.

    No one is going to really spent the massive amount of time figuring out the cause, that is MT’ job and they have just applied a band-aid, without being honest about WHY, people are simply moving to more secure hosts.

    I would just like to add that the PR by NMMT above from MT is utter BS.

    Blaming users for file permissions?

    How about a log file to pinpoint exactly what happened instead of spinning this into a circle.

    How about this little gem:

    Diagnostic page for AS31815 (MEDIATEMPLE)

    Of the 56359 site(s) we tested on this network over the past 90 days, 7844 site(s) served content that resulted in malicious software being downloaded and installed without user consent.

    gee that looks like 7844 wordpress sites…

    this network has hosted sites that have distributed malicious software in the past 90 days. We found 31 site(s) that infected 571 other site(s).

    Not only end users but cross site yayyyy..

    Keep beating the drum that it was the user file permission fault, it is working wonders for your clients.

    Brute force a wordpress login???, your are a JOKE for saying that.

    MT needs to at least hire a competent computer user or god forbid someone with actual security knowledge to spin at least more competent drivel.

    One thing is for sure, people are simply just leaving your service and your competition sure is capitalizing on this continual failure.

    Thread Starter dotnature


    Ya I can fairly easily hack my own input fields, but I hate doing that because it often messes with any upgrades or other useful plug-ins.

    The county was just an example, I am looking for a way to really alter comments by adding several custom fields and drop-downs, select buttons, etc. It can give a more personal look to the comments and provide some really nice info besides the usual plain comment field. Drupal does this rather well and Im currently using it for this setup, was surprised WP didnt have any flexability since its heavily into comments.

    Thread Starter dotnature


    Actually I think I found out why, it is

    <guid isPermaLink="false">
    <?php the_guid(); ?></guid>

    Not sure how or what yet though will fix it besides taking it right out.

    Thread Starter dotnature


    bump, anyone seen these problems before with simple thoughts?

    I was able to fix it, it was fairly complicated but in end I had to customize the module’s php files to include a class when calling an element, actually ended up customizing 3 areas, the css, the modules php, and a joomla xml file to get what I wanted, the developer will prob include some those changes in his next release, thanks for help bunny.

    Ya I did add the ul tag and it worked ?? for list-style: none; as well as font-size but thats about it , for some reason I cannot format the alignment ( like margin or padding or align) as well as some of the colors wierdness.

    you need to add a conditional statement , something like

    global $user_login, $user_nickname ;
    if ($user_login){
    echo '<a href="wp-login.php?action=logout">logout ' . $user_nickname . '</a>,

    <a href="wp-admin/profile.php">Profile</a>'

    else {
    echo '<a href="wp-register.php">login/register</a>';

    this basically says if user is logged in do something or if he not do something else. This example shows logout/login link but you can just change that part

    thanks bunny I tried several spots to enter a class= but I always get errors that basically what im trying to figure out, where to define a new class for the catagory title and list.

    thanks bunny I found this right before you posted , removing the li on 369 and 374 did the trick, unfortunatly Ive realized this isnt really a good solution, as it hasnt help me define a class I can style and changing the hardcode for is prob not a good idea, any idea how I can define a class for these elements so I can just change the stylesheet?

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