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Hi Michael,
Sorry I had initially misunderstood your comments.
I was thinking that you referred to something directly in my host accounts settings, BUT I NOW think that you mean within my wordpress blogs settings on dashboard within each blog.
I THINK that I have now managed to do what you said..
I was able to change the relevant details within my blogs dash board settings general tab and alter the dormain to just read the 2nd domain name only.. so it now only reads and not I ask what was the other code used for that you suggested that I add in to the files code ? I am not clear why I need that ?
/* Short and sweet */
define(‘WP_USE_THEMES’, true);
?>Many thanks for your advice.
cheers Dowsp
Then for each blog I’d login, access Settings->General, and delete the /wordpress off the end of Blog address (URL). Leave the WordPress address (URL) alone. Then log-out!
Then I’d upload the following index.php into public_html and public_html/domain2
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Multiple blogsHi
Can I ask is a different company from
I ask this as I was trying to set up a 2nd blog in my host account that avoids it having the main domains site name at the front part of it.. eg
I just want it to read ….
I have tried various things and I cannot sort this out.
I did set up a new database for the 2nd blog and upload another wordpress blog set of files into folder called blog within my 2nd domain folder within my public_html folder .
Can any one else advise me on this please.
If not what is the main difference between and,
IF I want several blogs each with a different domain ?why would one use over is a lot quicker and easier to set up
with you have to upload the files.
Is the main difference that
with blogs I assume have to have the wordpress name at the end of the domain… eg there any way that one can avoid the name wordpress in the domain
I also noted once one sets up a blog with them , that there is a name in the header ……… ‘weblog’
Is it possible to alter these details like you can with one of blogs that is uploladed to ones website.
I assume that you can change things in the settings.
Also within the dashboard control panel one can alter the theme page of the visual WP page.
any advice appreciated
thk youdowsp
Hi Michael
I have tried quite a few other things that a few other persons had advised me…unfortunately with no luck so far.
I just referred back to your last post.
I am not sure what you mean by the following.
Then for each blog I’d login, access Settings->General
I am not sure where Id access ‘Settings’ and ‘General’ in my host account which is Lunar pages.. I assume your host account is a different one. unless you refer to the cpanel which is where I thought that settings general.. may be. or is this where the folders for www and public_html are listed.or within public_html
OR are these individual files within the wordpress files.
in the wordpress files I can find only find seperate files.. one is wp-settings.php in the files listed within my blog folder..
the other is options-general.php in the wp-admin folder.
one other is in the wp-includes folder ..general-template.php
I cannot find one called ‘settings general’ anywhere.
I wonder if you could try and clarify the details please.
Best regards
Then for each blog I’d login, access Settings->General, and delete the /wordpress off the end of Blog address (URL). Leave the WordPress address (URL) alone. Then log-out!
Then I’d upload the following index.php into public_html and public_html/domain2
/* Short and sweet */
define(‘WP_USE_THEMES’, true);
?>Hi Michael,
I just tried to follow your instructions as well as the following for a 3rd domain. I just wondered if maybe theres a way to try and re install so that I can get another password.. see my description below.
I did not manage to get my 2nd and 3rd blog set up successfully for my domain2 and domain3 .
I tried on the domain3 to upload the blog files using ftp directly into the folder that has my websites index.html file in it..
On this blog I cannot seem to get the password to work when I try to log in on the blog .. ( also I tried to request my password in the forgot password option and it just goes to an irrelevant I am unable to re confirm it)
I am concerned that the index.php file may get confused with the websites index.html file which is the main dormain for that folder / site
I am Very surprised that I shouldnt have put the blog into another folder within the domain3 websites main folder which are BOTH within the main public_html folder. It doesnt make sence to me that for my main websites dormain which is domain1 that for this I placed the blog files for it into a seperate folder called blog..
I just rechecked to see if I had installed it for the domain site that I have just reuploaded again only into this sites index.html folder this time ..
I thought maybe I could see if it was installed and I got a message saying as follows.
You appear to have already installed WordPress. To reinstall please clear your old database tables first.
I had installed it before ONLY within a folder called blog inside the sites index.html folder for domain3.
I was thinking of trying to reinstall it and get a new password… but the message above says I need to clear the old data base tables first.
I wonder if you know how to do this and if I can reinstall it. and start again.
thk you
Hi Michael
Thank you for your reply and advice.
In your comment
Also assuming you have a folder called public_html/domain2 that is the web-root folder for
I am not sure when you suggest that I perhaps should have a folder called public_html/domain2 if this should be a seperate folder offered by my host account or IF I have to create it.
I assume you mean that I should have created a folder within public_html with my addon dormain… if so yes I have done this..
I will try and follow your instructions.As far as I know I did as you suggest, BUT I also created another folder within the addon folder called blog and thats where I placed the wordpress blog files using FTP…
Someone else recently said to me to only place the files in the addon folder and NOT in the blog folder inside addon2 folder.
IF you dont mean this then I wondered if you meant this.
when I log in to my host account and go into C panel in lunar pages, and If I recall (without logging in to recheck) and click on file manager.. it then takes me to a series of folders… one is public_html and there are guessing about 10 other folders… another I think is called addons.
but there is no 2nd folder called public_html..
I can create new folders within public_html and I had done so for my other dormain names so far… These folders contain the contents for my other dormain names.. these other dormains were bought through lunar pages and IF I recall then created in cpanel addon dormains
to ensure that they would work without indicating the main dormain in front of the addon one.I am NOT sure if I can create a seperate public_html2 folder.
Out of curiousity have you used fantastico and had success with it ?
I am curious to know if you can get it to work ok and still show the blog as the name one wants and not have the maindormain in front of it.
thank you
Hi sewmyheadon,
Thks for the links,
I will check them out.
I can see that it refers to cpanel and adding a new dormain to the host account, but I am not sure if it will apply to adding a blog.
I did try and read some of the help files on wordpress but I could find exactly what I wanted to know on my initial look.
I may have to try a few things..
I would like to know though if Fantasico is a better way to add a a blog than just FTP which is slower.
I am not sure which option on Fantasico to use though as ..
there was one option to install on domain and another to install in directory.
the 2nd option (install in directory.) it had text saying leave empty to install in root directory of the domain.
(access example : https://domain/)Enter only the directory name to install in the directory.
(for https://domain/name/enter name only).it says this directory should NOT exist .. it will be automatically created !
I am not fully sure what this means.
I was hoping one option would allow me to put the blog on my site so that my domain will like for eg read and not
IF anyone is certain if this is one of the options Id appreciate confirmation
cheers dowsp