Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Skip to Timestamp] Avoid Automatically LinkingThanks for the feedback, and the request. I’ve started working on a new release and will try and include this.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Skip to Timestamp] Can this be used for button links?Hey there!
It probably depends a bit on the type of button you’re using, but for most simple buttons, it should work correctly. The first thing to try would be wrapping the code that displays the button with the Skip to Timestamp shortcode. So something like:
[skipto time=4:30][button shortcode][/skipto]
Hi there,
You can specify whether you want titles to be checked globally or only within a feed source. In your case, you’d go into the General tab on the RSS Aggregator Settings page, and check Unique Titles Only in there. You’d then ignore the similarly-titled checkbox on the Feed Source pages.That will check to make sure that no other item (or post if using Feed to Post) exists on your WP install before adding a new item.
Hi there,
I’ve debugged this and found the issue to be that we check whether the cron is currently executing before saving feed source data. We check that using the WordPress DOING_CRON global. WP-Cron Control sets that global to be permanently true. The reason we don’t save feed source data while the cron is executing is as follows.Consider the situation where a feed source’s import process has started and a user then edits that feed source’s settings. The rest of the import process will be done using the new settings, so the behaviour is fully unpredictable. We check for invalid situations and values at the start of the import process but this allows another vector for introducing invalid values.
I’ll be looking at this to see if we can handle this in another way, but in the meantime, you can remove this check by commenting out line 306 here.
Hope that helps.
Hi there, we currently don’t have this functionality implemented. The only limits we have are those on the total number of imported items for each feed source. That is, you can choose to only keep the latest 10 items for a feed source.
OK, would you mind submitting a support ticket on our website? That’s how we handle issues our users have with the paid add-ons; this forum is just for users of the free plugin.
When opening a support ticket, can you also elaborate further on what you mean by the “php error page,” and perhaps include admin login details so we can debug this directly? Also, it might be useful to talk to your hosting provider to see if they removed mysqli from the modules loaded by PHP.
Hi there,
We actually only use mysqli on one page, and that’s to get the MySQL version info on the Debugging page. This was actually added to our code last August so nothing on that front has changed.If you’re a premium user then we also include the debugging information in our inline support form on the Help page.
When do you see this error?
Hi there, we currently don’t have support for exceptions of this type.
However, if you’re comfortable with PHP, you could use the wprss_item_title and wprss_item_source_link filters to customise the link based on the feed source ID.
Hi there,
The issue is that WordPress’ underlying RSS parsing framework (SimplePie) isn’t separating the name and email address from within the author tag. As a result, the author’s name remains empty and so we don’t print out the author.
I wrote a workaround that you can insert into your theme’s functions.php file. What it does is set the feed item’s author to be pulled from the email field which is where SimplePie is storing the full information. Note that I only execute this for the feed source with ID 10253; you’ll have to change that to the ID of the Fitzmartin feed source you’ve created.
add_action( 'wprss_items_create_post_meta', 'my_change_author', 10, 3); function my_change_author($inserted_ID, $item, $feed_ID) { if ( intval($feed_ID) === 10253 ) { $author = $item->get_author(); if ( $author ) { update_post_meta( $inserted_ID, 'wprss_item_author', $author->get_email() ); } } }
If you want to change how the author is shown on the front-end, you can use the wprss_item_author and wprss_author_prefix_text filters that we define. That’ll let you split up the author name and address or hyperlink it if you want.
MarkYeah, we currently don’t have a way to update the feed items we’ve already imported.
Your approach looks like it’ll work, though you point out the obvious flaws in it. Additionally, you’re deleting /every/ feed item that’s ever been imported when you could just be deleting the feed items for this feed source in particular. You could instead hook into the wprss_fetch_single_feed_hook which is called iteratively in the wprss_fetch_insert_all_feed_items function. That would let your refine your get_posts() query to speed up the entire query/delete/insertion procedure.
If we’re still talking about the same calendar feed for all these questions, then I’d try setting the “limit feed items by age” to 1 day like you said. Definitely not 0 days since that’ll be understood as being no limit. Also, for that feed, feed processing interval will probably end up being irrelevant and you can just refresh how often you like.
Unfortunately this is one of those things that I can’t test precisely, but based on the code it should work.
That’s right, posts with a date in the future aren’t displayed by default since WordPress forces them to a “future” post status rather than “published.” You can get around this by using the following filter:
<?php add_filter( 'wprss_display_feed_items_query', 'my_show_future_posts', 10, 2 ); function my_show_future_posts( $args, $settings ) { // $args['order'] = 'ASC'; // Reverses the sort order $args['post_status'] = array('publish', 'future'); return $args; } ?>
Hi Jonathan,
WP RSS Aggregator currently doesn’t have the ability to “track” an RSS feed so that they contain the same feed items. However, you can try approximating this functionality but using the “Update Interval” and “Delete old feed items” settings on the “Edit Feed Source” page, or by setting the equivalent global settings on the WP RSS Aggregator Settings page.With a faster update interval (perhaps refreshing every hour?) and matching the “Delete old feed items” to how long the RSS feed in question keeps stories in it, you might get close to what you’re looking for.
Regarding support, we do offer premium email support for customers who purchase the add-ons at
Each feed item that WP RSS Aggregator displays is inside what’s called a CSS “class.” You can create a CSS rule that applies only to links inside these classes. For example, the following changes WP RSS Aggregator links to be red and 8px large. You still have to add this into your theme’s CSS file but it won’t affect any other links.
.feed-item a { color: red; font-size: 8px; }
Also, I’d suggest looking into creating a child theme based on your current theme, since anytime you update your theme, any changes you make to it will be overwritten and you’ll have to paste them back in.
The lack of styling for the XML document isn’t usually an issue; is there any specific reason why you want styling for that document? It has nothing to do with how the RSS feed is eventually displayed.
From what I can see, the main issue looks like it’s the duplication of feed items in your sidebar. Could you post the URLs of the RSS feeds that you’re importing to WP RSS Aggregator so we can test them? Could you also permanently delete the feed items that have been fetched and then refetch them? Generally when something like this happens it means the initial import of the feed items went wrong at some point and we weren’t able to set everything up so that we could check for duplicates. Since we only have two stories for each feed item, it looks like the second time the feed was fetched everything processed correctly.
That’s what you mean by “broke sidebar” I assume, right? The post duplication? Since I can’t see anything else wrong with it.