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  • I get the same warning using MariadB 10.3.10.

    Forum: Requests and Feedback
    In reply to: User handbook

    I often get the feeling I’m dealing with a bunch of “got your nose” college kids when I post to these forums. If I thought I were qualified to create the documentation there is zero chance I’d be asking about where or when the actual documentation will be available for the current version of WordPress per the above thread. Is there an adult I can speak with?

    Blogged at

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by dpevents.
    Forum: Requests and Feedback
    In reply to: User handbook

    Any update on when this will be a thing?

    Thread Starter dpevents


    Having discovered this unexpected on/off situation I moved groups of plugins from the plugins directory and found that by deleting the Advanced Rich Text Tools for Gutenberg plugin this view option is restored regardless of which menu is selected. This is the first time I’ve run into a plugin problem that required removal vs disabling. So this issue is resolved.

    Thread Starter dpevents


    A follow-up on this problem. Remembering the widget can be seen via a couple different ways, I opened it in the Customize menu option and view button is present there.

    Forum: Requests and Feedback
    In reply to: So not ready
    Thread Starter dpevents


    ‘K – I give. Gutenberg in the current state cannot be urged to work effectively. It isn’t a matter of not understanding the beast – I do, but it is simply not ready and it cannot do essential things, it has rendering problems both in the editor and in the delivered pages and posts. I tried hard but it didn’t and it’s time to accept that and move on. Initially I will revert to the Classic Editor, disable blocks in the Events Calendar, and set up a B2Evolution virtual server. I wish it had been more fun and that I hadn’t wasted so much time trying to get it to do what it obviously cannot.

    My site is behind a brutal firewall to minimize mischief, so you may need to use a North American proxy to see it. I just validated it using the validator so it is up and running. But basically it is my best practices opinion to not use plugins that back-fill missing core functionality, and to avoid what is sure to be a plethora of ad hoc offerings of block suites from eager for now developers. I expect to see a lot of functional redundancy cluttering the block selection window. If Gutenberg is the future then seems obligated to restore all the functionality of version 4.9.9 using their own blocks.

    Forum: Requests and Feedback
    In reply to: So not ready
    Thread Starter dpevents


    I’m not happy with it as is but I’m committed to Gutenberg because it appeals to my sense of order and my publishing history. I grew up with the Chicago Manual of Style and Gutenberg is on a track that, as built, will never converge. Case in point being the necessity for the Advanced Rich Text Tools for Gutenberg plugin. This functionality belongs in core. But plugins like this bring the parallel tracks closer together. Some of the frustration is HTML5 which is the controlling environment that limits what a CMS can provide.

    A great frustration turns out to be Gutenberg’s stammering AI approach to interpreting input. There is such a significant gap between what is typed in and what is pasted in that I fear for those who are composing the user guide. By example, and hardly the only possible example, you do not get the same results from typing in a bulleted list as you do when you paste in a bulleted list and some of that is dependent upon the source you are copying into your paste buffer. And what Gutenberg does with that content is often bewildering.

    Here is a puzzling thing. Say you have just copied text into the clipboard from an application and you want to paste it into the Gutenberg editor. In any other editor you drop it into where ever the cursor is. Oft times (in other editing tools) you hit the enter key to create a new blank line. In Gutenberg that creates a new blank paragraph block. The problem is Gutenberg will accept your pasted text into that block but then it immediately begins to guess what kind of text it is. And it guesses badly.

    I work a lot with preformatted text that uses mono-spaced fonts and in HTML would be considered to exist between preformatted HTML tags. Gutenberg will accept one line of that, convert the current block from paragraph to preformatted text and then from the second line to the end of the past buffer it will create a new paragraph block out of thin air and drop the remainder of the paste buffer into it. This is unexpected and very different from classic WordPress, and out of my experience after many decades of computerized publishing.

    I’m an early adopter of Unix many decades ago and grew up on vi, ed, and LaTeX. I’m used to abstract formatting of text. WYSIWYG was years in the future and we had work to do and documents to write. But it was predictable and Gutenberg is not. That isn’t to say it is not repeatable, but I don’t yet understand the rule set so can’t predict what will happen. That will come. But going into Gutenberg is not the logical and rewarding experience that going from LaTeX to Aldus Pagemaker was. And I miss that near perfect WYSIWYG experience and don’t see how Gutenberg can ever achieve that or if that is even a goal for the developer team. The current “official” blocks are few and too granular hence the need for Advanced Rich Text Tools for Gutenberg plugins and their ilk.

    I’m going to be documenting my Gutenberg growth on my sandbox server because while I’m unhappy at Gutenberg V. 1.0, it seems to be the future of the CMS and I’m in it to win it. The good news is that at age 73 I don’t have many tormented years left to own this thing.

    And because these fora are currently filled with angry birds I’ll forego commenting further and learn passively from the success stories of others.

    Forum: Requests and Feedback
    In reply to: So not ready
    Thread Starter dpevents


    I’ve found a solution to the scrolling problem I have been having and it turns out to be a problem with the Slider by 10Web when scrolling a long document. With the plugin activated I cannot scroll from the top to the bottom of these multi-screen documents unless I also also use the sidebar scroll bar. And when the sidebar is hidden there are two scrollbar thumbs in the scrollbar and they are interactive. Neither will scroll the entire document but by using both thumbs it is possible to get from the top to the bottom. This is the same if I use the scroll wheel on the mouse or drag the thumbs with the mouse. Problem disappears when the plugin is deactivated. If interested I’ll make a video. They don’t accept input here from users of the free version but I thought it interesting enough to share. My first impression was this was normal for the block editor but after watching other people’s videos I realized it was a local problem quickly isolated by disabling/re-enabling plugins.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Read More Tag

    As an experiment try placing a quote block ahead of the Read More block and place your teaser text in that. It is an acceptable artifact in publishing so won’t be out of place in the full article.

    I just looked at the raw html for that link it is pretty weird in a harmless way in this instance to build two anchored links based on the boundary.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by dpevents.
    Thread Starter dpevents


    This happens if any view option is selected and the mouse hovers over any block. Images here:

    Forum: Requests and Feedback
    In reply to: WTF Gutenberg

    Thank you Otto – I frequently separate lines using shift+enter – the point I failed to make is it is possible to paste a page of paragraphed text into the classic block and have it look like the original and without individual blocks for each paragraph. Sometimes it is just not useful to separate text flows into paragraph blocks. This is especially useful when lines have positionally related content (mono-spaced text) as is the case for music tablature, but also works when you wish to preserve multimedia content.

    Forum: Requests and Feedback
    In reply to: WTF Gutenberg

    That is a musical score snippet with chords (G7, Csus4) placed above the verses where the chord changes occur. In Gutenberg each line would be a block, destroying the usefulness of it. In a Gutenberg code block word formatting is not possible. In a classic block the structure is maintained and inline images, text formatting, etc. are allowed. Each line does not become a useless block.

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