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  • I found this solution to fix this issue:

    MySQL 5 uses a strict mode which needs to be disabled.
    In Windows, Goto Start–>Programs–>MySQL->MySQL Instance Config Wizard. Follow through the Reconfigure Instance option–>Detailed Configuration–>Continue Next a few screens. At the bottom under Enable TCP/IP option there is ‘Enable Strict Mode’. Deslect this option (no tick). Save changes and MySQL will restart.

    Since WordPress had problems generating the database on the previous setup (above) I deleted the blog database in PhPMyAdmin and created a new one. I then re-run the WordPress setup and allowed WordPress to recreate all the tables again from scratch. No problems or errors generated. WordPress seems to post and change the default password etc

    try this:

    You need to disable Strict Mode in MySQL 5. If you have already installed MySQL 5 goto Start–>MySQL–>Server Config Wizard. Follow through the detailed config steps and deselect ‘Enable Strict Mode’.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: MySql 5.0.15

    Yeah works fine with me.

    You need to disable Strict Mode in MySQL 5. If you have already installed MySQL 5 goto Start–>MySQL–>Server Config Wizard. Follow through the detailed config steps and deselect ‘Enable Strict Mode’.

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