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I must not be doing it right. I entered the whole list of Custom User-Agents that are to the left of the Advanced Options > User – Agents area in the “custom user-agents” line so that pages would never be served as cached and that didn’t work …
So .. I went to my caching plugin which is W3 Total Cache and in the Page Cache section I entered the whole list of user-agents in the rejected-user agents area and I can still see three ads when I view certain pages on my blogs using my iPod Touch. My cell is a Nokia and I can’t see any ads at all using the Nokia but I never could …
I can also list rejected user-agents in the minify and database section. Actually I just tried that and it didn’t work either … Am I doing it wrong??? Yes i did clear my plugin, browser and mobile device caches.
Thanks for the help!
BTW I use a plugin to serve my adsense ads .. maybe that’s causing the problem .. I use quick Adsense to serve my ads on most of my blogs – perhaps that’s why WpTouch or Adsense is having trouble seeing that there’s more than one ad per page?
Yes I do use a caching plugin. I guess it is my ads from my desktop page that are showing .. but I suppose there is no way to prevent this?
Hmmm … this means that if my desktop ads show and if I have one in a post and one below (even if I don’t add code to wptouch) I’ll still be in violation! This isn’t good!
Any ideas?
I copied the code you listed. I didn’t change anything. I’m not a code person though so I can’t tell if i put it in the right place or not.
Thanks for the reply.
I tried adding the code –
new SEOFacebookComments;
}Correct? I got a parsing error. Did I add it wrong or is there something missing?
I’m having a similar problem. I can’t toggle the sections below my post open or closed ie Send trackbacks, Custom Fields, Discussion Etc while the plugin is active. I’m using WordPress 3.3.1.
Update – I went into PHPmyadmin and repaired the wp-posts database and it seems to have fixed the problem.