Marcin Jó?wiak
Forum Replies Created
I’m not sure but it looks similar.
Do you know when the next version correcting this bug will be released?Best regards
I did this initially before opening this thread.
Today I did it again. I disabled the remaining plugins and enabled the default theme. However, I cannot use the icons in form editing that I showed earlier in the image.
Do you know why this happens and what could be the solution?Link to images (form edit view) Reagards
Plugin list:
| name? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? | status ? | update? ? | version |
| cf7-conditional-fields? ? ? ? ? | active ? | none? ? ? | 2.5.1 ? |
| contact-form-7? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? | active ? | none? ? ? | 6.0 ? ? |
| cookie-notice ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? | inactive | none? ? ? | 2.4.18? |
| date-picker-for-contact-form-7? | inactive | none? ? ? | 1.0 ? ? |
| disable-json-api? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? | active ? | none? ? ? | 1.8 ? ? |
| disable-xml-rpc ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? | active ? | none? ? ? | 1.0.1 ? |
| duplicate-page? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? | active ? | none? ? ? | 4.5.4 ? |
| duracelltomi-google-tag-manager | inactive | none? ? ? | 1.20.2? |
| sierotki? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? | active ? | available | 3.2.8 ? |
| wp-mail-smtp? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? | active ? | none? ? ? | 4.2.0 ? |
| wordpress-seo ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? | active ? | none? ? ? | 23.8? ? |
| yoast-test-helper ? ? ? ? ? ? ? | active ? | none? ? ? | 1.18? ? |
+---------------------------------+----------+-----------+---------+On some form I use Only CF7 and on another with cf7-conditional-fileds.
The error is the same in both cases.
Best regardsHello
I have the same error in every form.
This form tab panel
[select* field-your-addressee include_blank
"Klient indywidualny | [email protected]"
"Firma / Przedsi?biorca | [email protected]"]
[group group-rodzaj-kontenera-klient-indywidualny]
<label>Rodzaj kontenera
(kontenery 5, 7 i 12 m3 podstawiany na czas za?adunku na 3 dni robocze)</label>
[select* field-container-type-ind include_blank
"Worek Big Bag 1m3 (tylko odbiór osobisty)"
"Kontener 5m3"
"Kontener 7m3"][/group]
[group group-rodzaj-kontenera-firma]
<label>Rodzaj kontenera</label>
[select* field-container-type-company include_blank
"Worek Big Bag 1m3 (tylko odbiór osobisty)"
"Kontener 5m3"
"Kontener 7m3"
"Kontener 12m3"][/group]
[group group-bigbag-rodzaj-odp-indywidualny]
<label>Zadeklarowany rodzaj odpadu*</label>
[radio field-rodzaj-odpadu-bigbag-indywidualny class:required "czysty gruz 17 01 01" "odpady poremontowe 17 09 04"][/group]
[group group-bigbag-rodzaj-odp-firma]
<label>Zadeklarowany rodzaj odpadu*</label>
[radio field-rodzaj-odpadu-bigbag-firma class:required "czysty gruz 17 01 01" "odpady poremontowe 17 09 04"]
[group group-kontener-rodzaj-odp-indywidualny]
<label>Zadeklarowany rodzaj odpadu*</label>
[radio field-rodzaj-odpadu-kontener-indywidualny class:required "czysty gruz 17 01 01" "odpady poremontowe 17 09 04" "odpady wielkogabarytowe 20 03 07"][/group]
[group group-kontener-rodzaj-odp-firma]
<label>Zadeklarowany rodzaj odpadu*</label>
[radio field-rodzaj-odpadu-kontener-firma class:required "czysty gruz 17 01 01" "odpady poremontowe 17 09 04" "odpady wielkogabarytowe 20 03 07"]
[number field-ilosc min:1 max:2 class:required placeholder"1"]
Imi? i nazwisko lub nazwa firmy
[text field-name class:required minlength:5 placeholder"Imi? i nazwisko / nazwa firmy"]
[email* field-email placeholder"Adres email do kontaktu"]
Numer telefonu*
[number* field-nr-tel class:phone-form class:required placeholder"Podaj numer kontaktowy"]
[group group-pesel]
<label>PESEL* </label>
[text* field-pesel minlength:11 maxlength:11 class:required placeholder"Osoba prywatna - PESEL - 11 cyfr"][/group]
[group group-bdo]
<label>NIP* </label>
[text* field-nip minlength:5 class:required placeholder"Zamówienie na firm? - NIP"]<label>Numer BDO (Je?li jeste? osob? prywatn?, b?d? jeste? zwolniony z BDO wype?nij formularz (osoba prywatna lub formularz firma zwolniona z BDO) i ode?lij na adres e-mail: [email protected], o?wiadczenie jest konieczne do zrealizowania odbioru odpadów)</label>
[text field-bdo minlength:9 maxlength:9 class:bdo-form class:required placeholder"Podaj twój firmowy, 9 cyfrowy numer BDO"][/group]
Adres zamawiaj?cegoMiasto*
[text* field-adres-miasto-zamawiajacego class:required minlength:3 placeholder"Miasto"]
[text* field-adres-ulica-zamawiajacego class:required minlength:3 placeholder"Ulica"]
[text* field-adres-ulica-nr-zamawiajacego class:required minlength:1 placeholder"Nr"]
[text* field-adres-kod-zamawiajacego class:required placeholder"Kod pocztowy 5 cyfr"]
[checkbox adress-dostarczenia-777 use_label_element exclusive "Adres dostarczenie kontenera inny ni? zamawiaj?cego"]
[group group-adress-kontenera]
<label>Adres dostarczenia kontenera/odbioru kontenera lub odbioru worka BIG BAG</label>
<label>Miasto* </label>
[text* field-adres-miasto-odbioru class:required minlength:3 placeholder"Miasto"]
<label>ulica* </label>
[text* field-adres-ulica-odbioru class:required minlength:3 placeholder"Ulica"]
<label>nr* </label>
[text* field-adres-ulica-nr-odbioru class:required minlength:1 placeholder"Nr"]
<label>kod* </label>
[text* field-adres-kod-odbioru class:required placeholder"Kod pocztowy 5 cyfr"][/group]
[group group-calendar]
Termin dostarczenia (Kontenery podstawiamy i odbieramy w dni pracuj?ce)</label>
[text field-date id:calendar1 class:calendar-class placeholder"Wybierz dat?"][/group]
Dodatkowe informacje
[textarea field-message]
[acceptance acceptance-991 class:required]<span class="cf7-agree-desc">Zgadzam si? na przechowywanie i przetwarzanie moich danych przez REMONDIS MPGO Sosnowiec Sp. z o.o. oraz przez REMONDIS Sp. z o.o. Zamawiaj?cy zapozna? si? i akceptuje informacj? z za??cznika RODO*</span>
[acceptance acceptance-992 class:required] <span class="cf7-agree-desc">
Akceptuj? przedstawiony na stronie cennik i regulamin* </span>
* wymagane
[submit "> Wy?lij"]—
I Create new test one code bellow (same error)
Twoje imi? i nazwisko [text* your-name autocomplete:name]
Twój adres e-mail [email* your-email autocomplete:email]
Moja data
[text* date-586 id:calendar1 class:calendar-class placeholder”Wybierz dat?” ]
Temat [text* your-subject]
Twoja wiadomo?ci (opcjonalne) [textarea your-message]
[submit “Wy?lij”]
I use in wp-confing.php
define( ‘WPCF7_VALIDATE_CONFIGURATION’, false );Best regards
Link to test subpage with form:
Access to site:
login: cf7
pass: testcf7
link to screen admin panel with error regards
I have the same error on client site. I see it only in admin panel.
I can’t add new field to form by clicking button.Best regards
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Date Picker For Contact Form 7] PHP 8.2: Dynamic Properties are deprecatedHello,
The warning is telling you that there is a property you are trying to set which isn’t declared in the class or any of its parents.
You can add in the beginning in classclass GMDPCF_Display { …
public $fields;
public $names;or you can put before class, as a temporary solution until the plugin is updated
Best regards