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  • Thread Starter Tom Belknap


    Thanks esmi. Problem is, this function inexplicably seems to “return” the HTML list rather than an array as one might expect:

    $archives = wp_get_archives('type=monthly&echo=0');
    ?><!-- <?php print_r($archives); ?> -->


    <!-- 	<li><a href='' title='August 2009'>August 2009</a></li>
    	<li><a href='' title='July 2009'>July 2009</a></li>
    	<li><a href='' title='June 2009'>June 2009</a></li>
    	<li><a href='' title='May 2009'>May 2009</a></li>
    	<li><a href='' title='April 2009'>April 2009</a></li>
    	<li><a href='' title='March 2009'>March 2009</a></li>
    	<li><a href='' title='February 2009'>February 2009</a></li>
    	<li><a href='' title='January 2009'>January 2009</a></li>
    	<li><a href='' title='September 2008'>September 2008</a></li>
    	<li><a href='' title='July 2008'>July 2008</a></li>
    	<li><a href='' title='June 2008'>June 2008</a></li>
    	<li><a href='' title='April 2008'>April 2008</a></li>
    	<li><a href='' title='January 2008'>January 2008</a></li>
    	<li><a href='' title='December 2007'>December 2007</a></li>
    	<li><a href='' title='November 2007'>November 2007</a></li>
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    	<li><a href='' title='August 2007'>August 2007</a></li>
    	<li><a href='' title='July 2007'>July 2007</a></li>
    	<li><a href='' title='April 2007'>April 2007</a></li>
    	<li><a href='' title='March 2007'>March 2007</a></li>
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    	<li><a href='' title='January 2007'>January 2007</a></li>
    	<li><a href='' title='August 2006'>August 2006</a></li>
    	<li><a href='' title='July 2006'>July 2006</a></li>

    I’m pretty sure “loop_end” is going to be at the end of the loop, meaning that it’s going to happen after the entire loop – with all the posts – ends.

    You’re better off using “the_content” instead. It passes the body of the post along as an argument, so you can append like this:

    $mycontent .= dd_tiny_tweet_init()

    One additional note, using an “init” function doesn’t sound quite right. Maybe it’s just not the right thing to call it, but it’s all just personal preference.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Filtering Titles?
    Thread Starter Tom Belknap


    w00t! Worse than I thought: the filters I’m using are converting all page and post titles on the page, when they’re only supposed to change the current one. Anybody have any ideas?

    Thread Starter Tom Belknap


    No, I just missed the post! Doh!

    Thanks for the link,problem solved.

    Thread Starter Tom Belknap


    A li’l bump.

    Can anyone help me out, here?

    Another modestly helpful hint, as long as we’re pointing out how to make the best of a not-always-great situation. Try putting the following into a Google search:


    That will allow you to restrict your search to, which while not always the best solution (third party pages often have more and better detail), will at least allow you to browse the codex a bit more efficiently.

    Having said that, the customer service on the forums could stand to be improved somewhat. Yes, the moderators probably are volunteers, but justify a company’s lack of professional technical support by simply saying, “well, they don’t even pay for it!” isn’t exactly effective. Better documentation in the Codex – and that primarily means <b>complete</b> documentation, even if it’s not in-depth – in the first place would avoid a lot (though of course not all) “silly” questions in the forums. And besides that, beginners questions are always “silly.” Some people just need a human touch and some reassurance in order to dig into the harder stuff. A good company appreciates the interest.

    And as long as I’m pitching a b*ch, I’m tired already of the ridiculous development schedule. It’s bad enough keeping up with stuff on a straight WP site, but running WPMU and having to constantly upgrade is a harrowing experience with little benefit. The trouble is: enhancing functionality and security should be separate endevours, but with WP, it isn’t any more. Now, if I want the latest in security, I have to deal with all the latest in functionality, which might likely break a plugin or three that I’ll need to upgrade/fix. It’s very “Microsoft-ian.”

    OK, I feel better now.

    This seems to be a very major problem with cookies, why is it marked resolved? I am experiencing a similar problem in the MU2.6 beta as well.

    Thread Starter Tom Belknap


    w00t! Never mind. Long day.

    “hide_empty” was the parameter I was looking for.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: WP Plugin SVN Name Problem
    Thread Starter Tom Belknap


    Ah! Must be doing the commits wrong, because the files in the tag folders aren’t going up. Never noticed that. Thanks for the quick reply, Otto!


    Wouldn’t it be way easier to just change the CSS so that the links in your sidebar aren’t red? After all, you’re going to find red links on a red background more of a problem than just with this one widget.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: YouTube-plugin??

    Whoa! That’s a really nice plugin for embedding. Thanks for the link!

    I’ve also been using TubePress to create a video library on a separate page of my blog. It’s nice for providing a page to see all the video you’ve embedded, rather than just onesie-twosie stuff.

    Thread Starter Tom Belknap


    Hey, could someone give me a hand, here?

    Thread Starter Tom Belknap



    Hey, could someone help a brother out, here?

    Funny you should be discussing this. For myself, I’m looking for a similar solution. The purpose is to be able to restrict the front page to a specific category of posts, rather than all of them.

    In my head, at least, this would suggest the need to create a page for a specific category and then change the Front Page option under Options to that page. Is there some other way to restrict output by category that might work better?

    OK, I’m getting a weird one, and perhaps I need to start an entirely new thread to get this solved.

    Widgets installs fine on the new version of WordPress, but then when I go to the Widgets configuration page, the AJAX appears to be all screwed up. The Configure button appears in the upper right-hand corner of the screen and I’m unble to move any of the widgets at all. I presume that this is because the entire screen is being recognized as a widget.

    I’m going to redownload the Widgets plugin as has been suggested and see if that works or not.

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