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  • I just deactivated all of the plugins, updated them, and reactivated them one by one, also deleted some unnecessary ones. That seems to have gotten rid of the issue for me for now at least. Hoping it holds up.

    If you’re using a cpanel it looks like you can just update php:

    Kept getting this error msg:

    Fatal error: Cannot call overloaded function for non-object in /home/content/p3pnexwpnas07_data02/14/2811714/html/wp-includes/capabilities.php on line 1441

    I have managed wordpress with godaddy, so no cpanel. But I just deactivated all of the plugins, updated them, and reactivated them, also deleted some unnecessary ones. That seems to have gotten rid of the issue for me for now at least. Hoping it holds up.

    I’ve been getting a very similar message:

    Fatal error: Cannot call overloaded function for non-object in /home/content/p3pnexwpnas07_data02/14/2811714/html/wp-includes/capabilities.php on line 1441

    Do you use woo commerce plugins by any chance?

    Thread Starter dreadedyogi87


    So I did find that, what should I be looking for? It’s:

    # BEGIN WordPress
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    Thanks for helping out.

    Thread Starter dreadedyogi87


    where would i find that? i’m looking, dost don’t see it. i have a .htaccess file in my desktop finder. It’s blank, I can’t open it, and it just says:


    Thread Starter dreadedyogi87


    Thread Starter dreadedyogi87


    Yes, I did install a custom login plug-in, thinking that it was a way to secure a specific page (I’m not a professional- just figuring out a lot of this as I go). After that, I reset safari in an attempt to refresh some form writing software, and that’s when it logged out.

    Is there any way to access the custom plugin login without already being in the admin panel? Could I use my database # to get back in somehow?

    Thread Starter dreadedyogi87


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