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  • Thread Starter drobbins


    I checked the source code, and the attributes box is there in the code, with a “hidden” display attribute … I just can’t figure out why it would suddenly stop working – nothing was different … frak me!

    Did you ever figure out if this was possible? I would love to be able to do this also …

    Add this code to your sidebar – then, of course, customize as needed:

    <a href="feed:<?php bloginfo('rss2_url'); ?>" title="<?php _e('Syndicate this site using RSS'); ?>"><?php _e('<abbr title="Really Simple Syndication">RSS</abbr>'); ?></a>

    See this page as well:

    Try a few things; first, even though it is redundant, try making the CSS for the link like this – li a:link { border-bottom:solid 1px #fff; }

    I’m assuming you had the brackets and semi-colon in your code, just didn’t put it in your post; if not, well, try those first, if that doesn’t work, add the :link after the a, and see what happens.

    Now, something else that might be happening is that somewhere else in your CSS you have the link (a) not using borders, and it is overriding the code you have above; try putting your sidebar in a div with a specific id, or the li a in a specific class – like so: #sidebar li a {border-bottom:solid 1px #fff; } that’s naming the code for a specific id of sidebar … see what happens … if you have a link it would help …

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: xmlrpc troubles

    Try the suggestion someone gave me there; just a few lines inserted into the htaccess file fixed everything for me.

    Thread Starter drobbins


    Absolutely! – Sorry, I didn’t realize I could do that now with stuff in the forums … anyway, doing it now. Thanks again!

    Thread Starter drobbins


    WOW! You have no idea how long I have been dealing with workarounds for this – thank you so much! It worked like a charm!

    Thread Starter drobbins


    Sorry – no longer up!

    Thread Starter drobbins


    Oh, I’ve tried them all; and since you mention it, actually everything works fine – Flock included – if I am trying to post to my blog; like I said, I am pretty sure it is some weird Apache setting, or mod_security rule, that my host provider hasn’t been able to fix, or even nail down. I used to get errors about the POST method, and sometimes local failure of xmlrpc.php; anyway, and the rules they are using for mod_security are set to block xmlrpc.php – and so I renamed it, and for a few weeks everything started working again, magically, but then it crapped out again and I can’t use external clients. So, anyway, after months of this, I’m thinking of just switching to Blue Host or one of the other hosts listed on the hosting page, and see if that fixes everything.

    Thread Starter drobbins


    Yes, all the time. And I’ve tried everything. About a month ago we got them working again for about 2 weeks, but now they have stopped again – I just don’t have the time or energy left to try and figure out why these clients, which are normally very easy to use and configure, suddenly stopped working.

    Also, let me clarify – the host I have had problems with is NOT one of the hosts on the page at I am thinking about switching to one of them, to avoid these problems, and I just wanted to make sure this was as much as a non-issue with those hosts as it should be. Does that make sense?

    I’m posting this just because I still get a ton of hits from this topic – sorry, I have since vastly changed the site, and the wimpy installation is not up anymore – in fact, the whole blog is kind of “under construction” until I finish my graduate thesis …. so, sorry, no music or player to see at the link….

    hrm – well, I tried going to your link again, it didn’t work at first, but then I navigated to, because the image wasn’t showing up; I saw the image finally, went back to the original address you posted, and suddenly I see the image and it is working (showing/hiding)? Weird.

    Forum: Installing WordPress
    In reply to: Install error

    Hi – first, please try not to post the same problem if no one has responded in the last 30 minutes … just so you know.

    As far as the error – what version of WP are you using, and have you altered the file any? Also, a web address will help diagnose the problem. Let me know – it looks like it’s simply an extra slash somewhere or something, but I can’t know for sure yet …

    Try this – look at the beginning of the script – change tab.src==”hide.gif” to tab.src=”hide.gif”

    Having played around with some similar things, I found that integrating Flickr is by far one of the easiest and customizable ways to use images; you can create RSS feeds of Flickr tags, which you can use to categorize out your images – then use one of the many RSS aggregators that will turn feeds into posts. The down side is that I suppose ultimately the image will always link back to flickr, but if you set it up where the WP post itself looks like you want it, it shouldn’t be too much of a bother – in fact, it would be a good way to keep the scope of your image content/usage visible to the end-user.

    Also, try searching Sourceforge – I remember seeing several files/projects that involved managing and displaying Web comics, and I’m almost positive one or two of them even specifically wanted to integrate with WP.

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