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Δεν ξ?ρω γενικ? τι συμβα?νει τον τελευτα?ο καιρ?, αλλ? οι δημιουργο? του plugin δεν απαντο?ν σε πολλ? ερωτ?ματα και μου κ?νει εντ?πωση.
Αυτ? που θ?γετε ε?ναι πολ? σημαντικ? απ? τη στιγμ? που οι οδηγ?ε? τη? τρ?πεζα? σε ?λα τα ηλεκτρονικ? καταστ?ματα ε?ναι συγκεκριμ?νε? εδ? και πολ? καιρ?.Δυστυχ?? και μετ? τι? παρεμβ?σει? που προτε?νετε ?χουμε π?λι αποτυχημ?νε? συναλλαγ?? και με διαφορετικ?? κ?ρτε?.
Εμφαν?ζεται και π?λι το μ?νυμα:
Δυστυχ??, δεν ε?ναι δυνατ? η διεκπερα?ωση τη? παραγγελ?α? σα? καθ?? η τρ?πεζα/?μπορο? απ? του? οπο?ου? ξεκ?νησε ?χει αρνηθε? τη συναλλαγ? σα?. Παρακαλο?με, επαναλ?βετε την αγορ? σα?.
Δεν ξ?ρω, ?χω σηκ?σει τα χ?ρια ψηλ?….
Ευχαριστ? για τι? απαντ?σει?, θα το δοκιμ?σω και θα ενημερ?σω….
?ταν λ?τε ?τι τα “ακυρ?σατε” απ? που το κ?νατε αυτ?; Μ?πω? ε?ναι ε?κολο να με κατευθ?νετε;
Ευχαριστ?Ευχαριστ? για την απ?ντηση.
Απευθ?νθηκα στην τεχνικ? υποστ?ριξη τη? Πειραι?? και σα? παραθ?τω τι ακριβ?? μου απ?ντησαν.“Στι? συναλλαγ?? αυτ?? ?πω? θα δε?τε και στην περιγραφ? λ?θου?, η διαδικασ?α δεν ?χει ολοκληρωθε? καθ?? απ?τυχε η πιστοπο?ηση του 3DSecure απ? το χρ?στη.
Σε αν?λογε? περιπτ?σει? θα πρ?πει ο κ?τοχο? τη? κ?ρτα? να επικοινωνε? με την Τρ?πεζ? του ?στε να τον ενημερ?νει πιο συγκεκριμ?να για τη διαδικασ?α που απαιτε?ται.”
Υπ?ρχει περ?πτωση να βγ?λουμε κ?ποια ?κρη απ? αυτ?;
Επ?ση? απ? το site τη? Πειραι??:
https://www.piraeusbank.gr/el/epiheiriseis-epaggelmaties/anakalypse-ta-xrimatodotika-ergaleia-sou/lyseis-emporon/sxetikes-ipiresies/asfaleia-synallagon/3d-secure- This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by drteddy.
Επειδ? ?χουμε το ?διο ακριβ?? πρ?βλημα….
Που ακριβ?? βλ?πετε του? κωδικο?? σφ?λματο? που αναφ?ρετε;Ευχαριστ?
That worked! Thank you…. But I have another question.
I want a condition in the calculation like this.
If the number=1 then display something
If the number=2 then display something else
If the number=3 then display something else again
Is that possible? Thanks again….
Thanks for the immediate response, but I have some further questions.
When using an image module in Divi, inside image’s options there is a field called “Link”. In there you can add only a link not a shortcode.
When I “translate” the image (using the same one actually) the link points to the original target one the translated one.
Apparently, you’re talking about something else. For example, if I’m not wrong, you suggest to use code module and there use the conditional shortcode.
- This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by drteddy.
Problem solved!
Kadence theme has an option in customizer for header transparency. There was a color there by default. By setting this to transparent everything is fine now.
Apparently a “conflict” between theme’s header options with this plugin.
I have the same problem, but the solution you propose doesn’t work.
Any further ideas?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Translate Multilingual sites - TranslatePress] Translate Divi’s code moduleYes!!
You’re a life savior! I’ve busted my head these days.
Thank you very much!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Translate Multilingual sites - TranslatePress] Translate Divi’s code moduleI think that’s the solution but I’m really having a hard time to implement it.
Check out the code below:
<div class="custom_overlay"> <img src="https://bulevart.gr/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/fessas_crp.jpg" alt="Image" class="image"> <a href="https://bulevart.gr/erga/?swoof=1&pa_dimiourgos=giorgos-fessas"> <div class="overlay"> <div class="text">Γι?ργο? Φ?σσα?</div> </div> </a> </div>
I want the link (in the a tag) be different depending on active language. On the code above is for greek language. For English I want to add the “&lang-en” in the end.
Any ideas appreciated.
Thanks again,
Best regards
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Translate Multilingual sites - TranslatePress] Translate Divi’s code moduleI’ll try to be as clear as possible. If you visit the page mentioned in my previous post (bulevart.gr) and scroll down you’ll see (among others) these images:
https://paste.pics/80UM8If you hover to them you’ll understand that there links. Each one of them is Divi’s Code Module. The link is defined through html in Code Module. I want that link changed according the selected language.
Let me know if I’ve clarified the matter now…
Thanks again.
Best Regards
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Themify - WooCommerce Product Filter] Divi Shop Module IssuesI have the Divi Shop module in a page which shows a particular category of products.
I created a filter with one field displaying the subcategories of the category mentioned before.
I created another filter with the named “brands” (product attribute).
I use the shortcode to place the filter in a sidebar.
So, I want in the frontend to have the products of the particular category (through Divi shop module) and the filter in the sidebar should display the attributes of the products that shop module shows. Am I right? On the contrary, the filter displays ALL the attributes of the shop not those that apply to the selected product category (DIVI module).
Am I missing something?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Themify - WooCommerce Product Filter] Divi Shop Module IssuesWe are anticipating!!! This is the only products filter plugin that works with Divi.